In the fifty-fifth round, Wang Chang'an of Sanqi asked for help from the four general soldiers to suppress Hanyang, and in the fifty-fifth round, Wang Chang'an of Sanqi asked for help from the four general soldiers to suppress Hanyang, and then said that Li Chengye, the king of Sanqi, was defeated to Linjiang on the same day, and wrote a book to Chang'an, please transfer Wan Feilong, the chief soldier of Yumen Pass, Huang Jingchong, the chief soldier of Datong Mansion, Deng Shibao, the chief soldier of Anhaiguan, and Jin Tianhai, the chief soldier of Jiujiang Pass, to go down to Linjiang and suppress Hanyang.Wu Zetian read this chapter, that is, he ordered the people of the four towns to go down to Linjiang.The general soldiers of these four roads received the order, that is, they led the men and horses to come to Linjiang, and joined forces with Li Chengye, with a total of more than 300,000 troops, and came to Hanyang.As far as Hanyang, camp three miles away from the city.The next day, Wan Feilong asked to go out first, and promised to do it.This Wan Feilong was born with a red face and a red beard, and was nicknamed Sailing Officer, and he brought troops to Hanyang City to fight.The soldiers defending the city reported to the palace, and the king of Tang was about to meet the enemy, only to see the veteran king waving and saying: "This thief will be captured by the last general to sacrifice the lord." ”Tang Wang Yunjuan.The king swung his horse and led the army, rushed to the front of the battle, and shouted: "Red-faced thief, leave your name!"
”Feilong said: "I am the chief soldier of Yumen Pass, Wan Feilong."
Do you dare to be an anti-thief Ma Zhou?
”Wang waved and said: "I am the general Wang Hui is also." ”Feilong said: "You old thief, you are not my opponent, spare you, and let Ma Zhou come to death!"
”The king was furious, and slashed with his sword, and the dragon raised his sword to meet the enemy.After fighting six or seven times, Wan Feilong flashed a knife, returned to the horse and left, the king waved the horse to come, the flying dragon pressed the knife in his hand, took out a treasure in his arms, called the black stone, threw it up, the existing grinding plate is large, and hit the king on the head.When Wang saw this, he said, "Not good!
”I couldn't resist it, so I knocked the horse from behind.The flying dragon stepped forward with a knife, cut it into two sections, beat the victory drum, and collected the troops back to the camp.Then the defeated army reported to the king of Tang, saying: "The thief will return to his horse, and send out a treasure, which rises in the air, and is the size of a grinding plate, and swings the king off his horse, and cuts it into two pieces." ”King Tang was shocked when he heard this.Cao Biao flashed and said: "Wait for the ministers to go out and kill the thief to take revenge on Wang Hui." ”Tang Wang Yunjuan.Cao Biao picked up his gun and mounted his horse, led his troops out of the city, and went straight to the Zhou camp to fight.Zhou Bingfei reported to enter the camp, and Li Chengye said: "That general is out of the horse?
”Deng Shibao said: "The last general is willing to go." ”Then he carried the gold shovel and got on the horse and left the camp.Cao Biao shouted: "Is it Wan Feilong?"
”Shibao said: "No, Deng Shibao, the chief soldier of Wu Nai'an Customs, is also." ”Cao Biao said: "Go back and call the ten thousand flying dragons, grandpa will take revenge on him!"
”Deng Shibao was furious, and he hit with a shovel, and Cao Biao greeted him with a gun.Not three-in-one, ten leopards pressed the golden shovel, untied the leopard skin pocket and opened the mouth of the bag, looked at the ground and shook out, shook out a thing, its shape resembled a squirrel, and rolled three times on the spot, and immediately became a buffalo, the name of the god was screaming, and he opened his mouth to bite Cao Biao.Cao Biao saw it.Say, "Not good!
”Unable to parry, he took a big bite on his left shoulder, screamed, almost fell off the horse, and returned to the horse and left.Deng Shibao made a move, and rolled on the spot, still like a squirrel, got into the leopard skin bag, beat the victory drum, and returned to the camp.Cao Biao was defeated in the city, fell to the ground, and was unconscious.Tang Wang and Ma Zhouzhong were shocked, and when they asked the army, they replied: "Deng Shibao released a thing, shaped like a squirrel, rolled on the spot a few times, and became a buffalo, and General Cao was bitten by him on the shoulder for a day, so it is so." ”Tang Wang said: "This is another person from the side, how can he save Cao Biao?"
”Yuan Chengdao: "This god is also screaming.The minister traveled in the Western Regions, smelled this thing and bit someone, stopped living for ten days, and died after ten days. ”When King Tang heard this, he was hesitating in the cupboard, and suddenly reported that the thief would come to fight again, and Ma Zhou said: "Wait for the minister to go out and kill him for a while." ”Wang Qin said: "The marshal stays, and the young general works on behalf of the marshal." ”Wang Qin took his sword and mounted his horse, led the troops out of the city, and came to the front of the battle, and saw a Zhou general, who was two feet high, with a large waist and ten girths, a golden face and a golden beard, and a dignified appearance, so he asked: "What is the name of the coming general?"
”Jin Tianhai said: "I am Jiujiang Pass, Jin Tianhai is also."
Who are you?
”Wang Qin said: "I am the Tang Flying Tiger General Wang Qin. ”Jin Tianhai said: "You are not my opponent, go back quickly and call Ma Zhou out!"
”Wang Qin was furious, took a knife and killed, and Jin Tianhai raised a lance to greet him.Before the battle was three, Jin Tianhai returned to the horse and left, Wang Qin patted the horse and rushed over, Jin Tianhai pressed the golden lance, sent a mixed yuan god whip on his shoulder into the air, and knocked down Wang Qin's top door.When Wang Qin saw it, he shouted: "It's not good!
”Hurriedly dodged, hit his back early, and returned to the horse and left.Jin Tianhai took back the whip and rushed over.Wang Qin had entered the city, and when he arrived at the palace, he turned over and fell, unconscious.King Tang was shocked: "Was it also bitten by the gods?"
”The sergeant said: "It was Jin Tianhai who whipped him with a god." ”Tang Wang and Ma Zhouju were all panicked, and reported to Jin Tianhai to fight, and Ma Zhou paid and hung out the war-free card.When Jin Tianhai saw it, he laughed and collected his troops, returned to the camp to see the king of Sanqi, and said: "The thief Wang Qin was whipped by me, and he was defeated and walked into the city. ”Li Chengye was overjoyed and said: "The three generals won three battles in a row, and they will mourn the courage of Li Dan and Ma Zhou."
The commander should drive the army to attack it, and his city can be destroyed. ”Huang Jingliang said: "The marshal doesn't need to attack the city, wait for the young general to use a little trick tonight, discipline the city of Hanyang, from Li Dan, down to the soldiers and the people, in less than three days, and become blind."
At that time, the whole army entered the city, and the thieves could be put to rest. ”When Chengye heard this, he asked, "What kind of divine wood does the general have, can it be so wonderful?"
”Jing Liang said: "The young general has met an outsider since he was a child, and gave two treasure flags, two flags of the famous day and the sun and moon mourning gate, which are three inches long, pass on my secret spell, just go to the side of Hanyang City tonight to practice, and insert this flag according to the direction, and the people in the city will have a headache, stop for three days, and the two eyes will be prominent. ”Chengye is happy.At dusk, Jing Liang bathed and changed clothes, used his sword, stepped out of the camp gate, drove a soldier to Hanyang City, recited a spell, detained the land of the city, and paid the two flags of Yin and Yang, so that it could be inserted according to the square, and it must not be violated.The land is placed in accordance with the law.Jing Liang returned to the camp and waited for three days to enter the city.It was night, when it came to the third watch, the Tang King and Concubine Hu Houshen and the female envoys of the palace, as well as the generals of Ma Zhou outside, and the three armies, the people of the city, all suffered from headaches.On the first day, I could barely walk, but on the second day, my eyes were protruding in pain, and I collapsed in pain.The city is full of fireworks, and the flags on the city are not neatly robbed, but the sound of crying is heard.If you want to know how to rescue later, and see the next breakdown.The fifty-sixth Yuding Immortal sent his disciples down the mountain, Xu Xiaode received four generals, and the fifty-sixth Yuding Immortal sent his disciples down the mountain, Xu Xiaodefa received four generals, and said that Yuding Zhenren, the master of Jinxia Cave in Yuquan Mountain, was meditating, and suddenly had a whim, and felt that he was feeling, and called: "Tong'er, go to the Danfang to call your senior brother." ”Tong'er received the order, came to the Danfang, and called: "Senior brother, the master calls you." ”Xu Xiaode came to the abbot and said, "Master, what is the payment for calling disciples?"
”True humanity: "Virtuous apprentice, do you know who your parents are?"
”Xiaode said: "The disciple was brought up the mountain by Master Meng at the age of five, and he faintly remembered his father's surname Li. ”Truly humane."
Definitely.Your ancestral surname is Xu Ming (responsibility), the word Mao Gong, Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty, is in charge of the country's military division, sweeping the world with merit, giving the surname Li, Jue Jin Yingwang.Your uncle's name is dedicated, and your father's name is honorable.It's been 12 years since you went up the mountain to study the Fa, and I've taught you the Fa, but are you proficient in it?
”Xiaode said: "The disciple was taught by the master, calculating yin and yang, observing the heaven and earth, and the five thunder and Tiangang methods, and moving mountains and seas, and everything was proficient. ”"That's enough for you."
I call you here today, because when your uncle raised volunteers in the palace of Baogaozong in Yangzhou, Li Dan, the prince of the main palace, and your father was killed in Jinling, and the army was scattered.Now Ma Zhoubao Prince started Hanyang, Wu Zetian sent Li Chengye to fight Hanyang, and he transferred the four general troops, all of which were side doors, and there was Huang Jingliang of Datong Town, which was placed according to the square with the two flags of Yin and Yang, so that the Tang King and the people of Mancheng suffered from headaches, and the fireworks were all extinct.Send you down the mountain today to save the Tang King and the people, and protect the Tang King from prospering the world.After Wu Zetian's twenty-one years are over, the king of Luling will ascend the throne, and after three years, the king of Tang will be on the throne, and the emperor and Tang will be revived, and I will accept you in vain. ”Xiaode said: "Follow the teacher's orders." ”The real person paid a Taiyi sword to Xiaode and said: "This sword has been exercised by the Dan furnace, with the five elements of yin and yang, it can punish demons and slash monsters, take people's heads, and thousands of miles in an instant." ”Filial piety and virtue were accepted, and the real person sent him out of the cave, and instructed: "When you go to Hanyang, you will enter when you see the time, and there will be a period in the future, so go quickly." ”Xiaode climbed on both feet, jumped on the clouds, and came to Hanyang.After walking halfway, I thought, "I'm hungry in my stomach, so I'll break my fast and eat again." ”Pressed the light of the clouds and landed on a high mountain.Suddenly, I heard the gongs and drums under the mountain, looked at the bottom of the mountain, and saw that there were more than 3,000 stunned formations, led by four people, one with a face like red gold, one with a triangular head, one with a blue face and a red beard, and one with five colors, where they were supervising the formation.But he was seen by the pawn and shouted: "King, there is a young Taoist on the top of the mountain, peeking at the top of the mountain." ”The four leaders looked up and saw that someone was on top.The triangular voice on the other head shouted: "Big brother, this thief is peeking at us from above, wait for me to go up and get him, dig out my heart and drink." ”After that, he lifted the horse, ran up the mountain, and shouted: "Good thief, dare to watch the gentlemen perform here!"
”Xu Xiaode said: "Look at what's wrong, what do you want to do with such a shape?"
”The man was furious when he heard this, raised his mace, and hit the door as expected, Xu Xiaode pulled out the Taiyi sword and hurriedly greeted him.After fighting three or five times, Xiaode said secretly: "A good brave general, I can also use it when I go to Hanyang." ”Then he flashed his sword, turned around and left, and the man came with a horse.Xiaode read the words, drew the sword on the mountain soil, drew a big circle, turned around and pointed at the sword, and shouted: "Go!"
”The man entered the circle as soon as he rode in, and he spun and turned, as if he were grinding.The man did his best to collect the horse, but the horse only walked, and was about to dismount, and its body was like a nail to the horse.The man shouted, "You Daoist, what kind of method do you make to turn me around?"
”Xiaode smiled: "Because your fiery nature is too great, I told you to turn around for a few days to go to your fiery nature." ”Saying that, the building who came with him was stunned and reported down the mountain, saying: "Oh no, the two kings are turning miles like grinding there!"
”The blue-faced man was furious, and he flew up the mountain with a knife, and when he saw that the two kings were still there, he shouted: "Thief!
What is the way to make people like this?
Stop, if you say half a 'no', this knife is your opponent!
”Xiaode smiled: "Forgive your sins!"
”I don't know how Xiaode agreed, and then let's see the next decomposition.The fifty-seventh Hanyang City disaster eliminated the elixir to save Wang Cao The fifty-seventh Hanyang City disaster eliminated the elixir to save Wang Cao At the moment, Xu Xiaode saw that the four people were convinced, so he asked who the surname was, and the golden-faced said: "The villain's surname is Zhang, the name of the triangle head is Chang Jian, the name of the blue face is Gao Ying, and the name of the five-faced face is Ma Chang."
The four villains fell to grass in this safflower mountain, and there were 3,000 people and horses.Dare to ask the immortal master's number, why is it so?
”Filial piety: "Poor Dao surname Xu, name Xiaode, is the grandson of Emperor Tang Ying Wang Mao Gong, the son of Jianghuai Marquis Jingyou, since childhood in the mountains to learn the Tao, now to Hanyang Bao Tang King Zhongxing, passing by.I see that the four of you are excellent in martial arts, why not return to the king of Baotang, and in the future, you will have your own python robe and jade belt. ”The four humanitarians: "If the teacher is willing to accept it, the villain is willing to be driven." ”Filial piety is rejoicing.The four of them were invited into the village to prepare for fasting and hospitality.After fasting, Xiaode said again: "Now that the Tang King is in trouble, I will go to Hanyang to rescue him first."
The four of you are here, wait until July 17, lead the people to Linjiang Jiufang Mountain, and so on, take Li Chengye and send him to Hanyang to see the Tang King, which is not a small achievement. ”The four of them promised to send each other off.Xiaode cottage, driving the clouds, came to Hanyang, looked down, only to see no pedestrians on the road in the city, and the fireworks were cut off.Xiaode recited the incantation, detained the land of the city, and shouted: "What a bold hairy god!
How dare you follow Huang Jingliang's law, plant the demon flag, and quickly pull it out with me!
”The land promised, that is, the second flag was pulled out.In the city, from the king of Tang, down and the soldiers and people, the headache is ready to stop, the king of Tang sits in the palace, the civil and military gathered, the king of Tang said: "The widow thought that the sky had been destroyed, but the headache stopped up and down, and the great luck of the real country also."
But only Wang Qin and Cao Biao will be in danger, so what's the matter?
”Suddenly, it was reported: "There is a young Taoist who claims to be Xu Xiaode and wants to see Chitose." ”Tang Wang paid: "Please come in." ”In front of the golden steps, the king of Tang personally came down to help him up: "Wang Kun, the Marquis of Jianghuai died alone, and he still holds a grudge and has not yet taken revenge."
Where did this brother come from?
”Xiaode said: "Since the minister was five years old, Meng Wang Ding Zhenren went to the mountain to study the law, and it has been twelve years now.Today, I heard that the lord raised troops in Hanyang, and was pressed by Huang Jingliang's demon flag, and there was a headache and sudden disaster, and the minister came to the rescue.Moreover, the god bit Cao Biao, and the god whipped Wang Qin, and the minister could save him. ”Tang Wang Dayue, pay off: "Quickly carry Cao and Wang Er to the palace!"
”But seeing that the lives of the two were in danger, Xiaode took out the pill and poured water into the mouths of the two.The two of them shouted: "Kill me!"
”Turned over and jumped up, restored to the old as before, saw the king of Tang, asked the reason, the two worshiped Xie Xiaode, and the king of Tang immediately named Xu Xiaode as the military division of the protector, and pressed the table.Besides, Huang Jingliang was discussing with Li Chengye, and suddenly reported that the soldiers and generals in Hanyang City were better than before, Li Chengye was surprised: "How is the general's law not working?"
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”Jing Liang counted his fingers and shouted: "Yes!"
”He got on his horse with his sword, and went out of the camp in a rage, and came to the city, crying out for battle.I don't know what the future holds, and listen to the next breakdown.In the fifty-eighth round, Xu Xiaode beheaded the four generals, Li Chengye was captured, and in the fifty-eighth round, Xu Xiaode beheaded the four generals, Li Chengye was captured, and Huang Jingliang came to the city on the same day and shouted: "Let Xu Xiaode, who broke my law, come out and die!"
”The sergeant flew to the palace, and King Tang said: "The thief will be named to fight you, can Brother Wang go out?"
”Xiaode said: "This guy's life should be extinguished, and the ministers should go out." ”Tang Wang said: "How about Wang Qin and Cao Biao going together?"
”Xiaode said: "It's even better. ”Immediately on the horse, the two generals followed, and Kaecheng rushed out.Huang Jingliang saw that Tang Bing was in the middle of the horse, with a yellow scarf uniform, Wang Tie on the left, and Cao Biao on the right, Jing Liang shouted: "Is the person who came Xu Xiaode who broke my law?"
”Hyode replied, "Yes." ”Huang Jingliang slashed with a knife, Xiaode raised his sword to greet him, and Wang Qin and Cao Biao went on both horses.Jing Liang took a few steps back.He drew his sword and sent it into the air to injure Xiaode, who pointed with his hand, and his sword fell to the ground.Jing Liang was shocked, abandoned the horse, and the group was about to leave in the air, Xiaode recited the mantra, raised his fist and put it up, a thunderbolt in the air, knocked Huang Jingliang to the ground, Wang Qin stepped forward and slashed it into two sections.The Zhou soldiers were defeated and walked back to the camp, and Xiaode led the crowd to the Zhou camp to fight.Li Chengye was shocked when he heard the report.Wan Feilong was furious, picked up a knife and got on his horse to leave the camp, saw Xiaode, and yelled: "Thief, eat knife!"
”The knife is cut off, and filial piety waves the sword to meet it.Not three, the flying dragon returned to the horse and left, filial piety patted the horse and rushed to come, the flying dragon saw that filial piety came to catch up, took out the black stone, and launched a call to the top door of filial piety.Xiaode recited the mantra, pointed with his hand, and a big thunderbolt smashed the black evil stone.The flying dragon shouted, "How dare you spoil my baby!"
”Back to the horse and fighting.Xiaode stretched out his hand and pointed at his back, and the Taiyi sword flew in the air, only to fall in a whirlwind, and slashed Wan Feilong under the horse.Wang Qin stepped forward and took the head.Filial piety made a move, and the Taiyi sword entered the sheath.Zhou Bingfei reported to enter the camp, and Li Chengye was surprised.Jin Tianhaiqi's violent jump was like thunder, he lifted the lance on the horse, led the troops out of the camp, met Xu Xiaode, and did not answer, he raised the lance to fight, and Xiaode put the sword to meet him.Wang Qin saw that Jin Tianhai was the enemy, so he slapped the horse and raised the knife and cut it, Jin Tianhai returned to the horse and left, and Xiaode then came.Jin Tianhai took the mixed yuan whip and threw it up, with a loud sound, and it was about to come down.Xiaode stretched out his hand and pointed at his back, and the Taiyi sword came out of the sheath, went up to meet it, hit it twice, and cut the mixed yuan whip into two sections and fell to the ground.Jin Tianhai was shocked and left, Xiaode pointed with his hand, and the sword split Jin Tianhai in half.Zhou Bing was defeated and entered the camp, and Li Chengye heard the report and was so bluffed that his soul was not possessed.Deng Shibao gritted his teeth, got on his horse and went out of the camp, saw filial piety, and beat him with a golden shovel.Cao Biao rushed up with a horse, came with a gun, and the ten leopards did not fight, and left when they returned to the horse, and Cao Biao rushed to catch up.Ten leopards untie the leopard skin pouch.Turning around, the god became a buffalo, jumping around, filial piety recited words, and shouted: "Disease!
”As soon as he put his fist down, the thunderbolt struck the god into a pulp.The ten leopards were furious, and they returned to the horse to kill, Cao Biao held a gun to meet them, and after a few battles, Cao Biao stabbed Deng Shibao under the horse with a shot.The Zhou soldiers were defeated and returned to the camp, and Li Chengye saw that the four generals were all dead, and he couldn't hold on.Filial piety and victory drums returned to the camp, and the king of Tang went down to greet him in person, and paid for the banquet to celebrate.Between the banquets, Tang Wang said: "Brother Wang, although the four generals are excepted, there is still Li Chengye who has not retired."
Brother Wang has no way to take him and avenge the four hundred relatives, which is very lucky. ”Xiaode said: "The minister has arranged for the person to take him, and he will not bother the lord." ”’The king of Tang left the table to thank him, and the monarchs and ministers drank freely and dispersed happily.The next day, filial piety was distributed to the generals, and three days later they gathered in the palace to listen to the soldiers.On the third day, Ma Zhou led the three armies to gather in the palace to serve.Three cannons rang out, the king of Tang ascended to the palace, filial piety was given to sit on the side, Concubine Shen also stood behind the king of Tang, Ma Zhou led the generals and his wife Li Xiangjun to see, standing on both sides.Xu Xiaode ordered Wang Qin to lead 10,000 troops.Killed from the east into the Zhou camp, Cao Biao led 10,000 troops, from the west, Li Qi led 10,000 troops, from the south, Li Xiangjun led 10,000 troops, from the north, Ma Zhou led 10,000 troops, killed into the middle camp, Shen Concubine led 10,000 troops, came and went, Xiaode led 10,000 troops, and then responded, Yuan Cheng and Li Guibao guarded the city.The cannon opened the city, and rushed out, and all the generals followed the military order and kicked to the Zhou camp.Besides, Li Chengye was discussing military affairs with Li Xin and Li Kelong, Li Kebao, Li Keqi, Li Kebiao, and Li Kexiong in the Chinese army.Tang will fight bravely and fight head-to-head twice.Ma Zhou kicked into the middle camp, was meeting with Li Chengye, each raised weapons to fight, five sons together, Ma Zhouzhan lived Chengye father and son six, shouting loudly.Concubine Shen led the troops to kill, stabbed Li Kelong to death with one shot, Ma Zhou speared Li Keqi and Li Kexiong to dismount, Li Kebiao and Li Kebao Baochengye walked through the camp, and Ma Zhou then chased.Xiaode read the mantra, borrowed a burst of flying sand and stones, and threw away the armor of the Zhou soldiers and fled.Li Kebiao and Li Kebao both died in the chaos, Li Chengye broke out of the encirclement and walked away, and Ma Zhou chased after him.The generals chased and killed, and the grain, grass and horses were countless, and the troops were reduced to 180,000, and Li Xin fled back to Chang'an.Filial piety and gold collected troops, entered the city, entered the palace to congratulate, and all the generals paid the order, but Ma Zhou was not seen.Tang Wang said: "Ma Zhou doesn't return, is there any mistake?"
”Xiaode said: "As soon as the marshal returns, he will take Li Chengye to the line." ”Besides, Li Chengye, who was closely pursued by Ma Zhou, looked at Linjiang Mansion and fled down, day and night, non-stop, looking back on Ma Zhou's chase, he was a little relieved.When he lived in the horse to look, he saw that there was a group of men and horses in the deep forest, under the banner of the Linjiang General Army, Chengye was overjoyed, and stepped forward and asked: "Wait a minute; Master Linjiang's people?
”The sergeant said, "Exactly."
Hearing that the king of Sanqi was defeated, he greeted him here. ”Chengye said: "I am the king of Sanqi. ”The sergeant listened and went into the camp to report it.Zhang Ji, Gao Ying, Ma Chang, and Chang Jian applauded: "Teacher Xu is really a fairy." ”They all mounted their horses together, led the crowd out of the camp, and shouted, "Go away from the traitors!"
”Chengye was shocked: "Oh no, I've fallen for his trick again!"
”The four of them stepped forward to arrest them and got into the prisoner car.If you want to know what happened later, let's see the next breakdown.The fifty-ninth Tang King smashed Li Chengye Chen Jin donated money to ransom Jinxing The fifty-ninth Tang King broke Li Chengye Chen Jin donated money to ransom Jin Xing said that Zhang Ji and the four people took Li Chengye and got into the prisoner car, and Ma Zhou arrived behind, seeing that Li Chengye was taken, he hurriedly asked who the four were for, Zhang Ji said: "We are the people and horses collected by Mr.
Xiaode Xu in Honghua Mountain, and we were ordered to arrest Li Chengye here today."
Who is the general?
”Ma Zhou said: "I am the generalissimo of Hanyang, Ma Zhou is also, and Mr.
Xu is now a military advisor in Hanyang." ”When the four of them heard this, they dismounted, and Ma Zhou also dismounted to receive the salute and invited the four of them to go to Hanyang together.The four of them promised, escorted the prisoner cart, and traveled with the horses.When he arrived in Hanyang, Ma Zhou first entered the Tang Dynasty, that is, the four Zhang people were taken Li Chengye, the filial piety was calculated, and the ambush was laid in advance.Tang Wang looked back on filial piety and said: "Brother Wang, why is it so good!"
”Xiaode said: "When the minister went down the mountain, he received these four generals in Honghua Mountain, calculated the yin and yang, and knew that he was defeated by Jiufang Mountain, so he ordered the four of them to ambush him in order to succeed with Li Chengye." ”The king of Tang was overjoyed and issued an order to announce the entry of the four people.The four people came to His Royal Highness, prostrated down the mountain and shouted, and the Tang King was named the head of the four camps, and the four people were grateful.The king of Tang issued an order to tie Li Chengye to the stake, invite Emperor Gaozu, Emperor Taizong, and Emperor Gaozong to offer the gods, and set up four hundred princes on the left and right.The king of Tang bowed down, and after the discussion, the king of Tang said: "The emperor will pay for it, and Li Chengye will be cut off for a long time!"
”The king of Tang avenged the great revenge, and his heart was less chang, and he discussed with filial piety and killed Chang'an.Xiaode played: "The large number of the Wu clan has not yet been decided, and the lord has not yet ascended to the great treasure.Take Linjiang first, take the regiment as the root, wait for the Wu clan to seek peace, and allow him to ask.It should also be the king of Luling to the throne for three years, and after Wei was in chaos, the lord should ascend to the dragon at that time. ”Tang Wang Yunjuan, ordered Ma Zhou to go to the Linjiang area, point 280,000 soldiers, drive the expedition in person, take Concubine Shen and Li Xiangjun as the governors of the capital, and leave Yuan Cheng and Li Gui to guard Hanyang.The soldiers set out and rushed to the river.Zhu Rihu, the chief soldier of Linjiang, went out of the city to meet the surrender, and the soldiers were bloodless and won Linjiang.marched all the way, but in January, more than 30 cities were connected to the city, and the soldiers arrived in Huaizhou.It was the beginning of May, and he ordered to garrison the Huaizhou border, rewarded Duanyang, and then discussed marching into the army.Tang Wang secretly thought: "It's not far from Tongzhou, why don't you go to visit Chen Jin privately, and Xun Yi will introduce her mother-in-law and invite you to come, what's wrong!"
”He concealed the generals of the army, changed his clothes, pretended to be a scholar, and called Wang Wenlong, the son of Wang Qin, and Cao Wenhu, the son of Cao Biao, to pretend to be a writer.When I arrived in Tongzhou and entered the city, I met Ma Di head-on.When Ma Di saw it, he shouted: "Jinxing, you go!"
”Then he shouted: "Family, take him back to the house!"
”As soon as Wen Long and Wen Hu saw it, they were about to make a move, Tang Wang was busy shaking his head, and the two had to endure it, and everyone grabbed the three of his monarchs and ministers, dragged and dragged them, and arrived in the mansion.Ma Di divided: "Tie the three of them to a pillar, and each of them will be given a hundred lashes first, so as to show the spirit of my competition in the eastern suburbs that day!"
”Wen Long and Wen Hu wanted to do it again, Tang Wang was embarrassed again, just shook his head, and the two had to endure it, and he tied it to the pillar and whipped it, and did not make a sound.beat the three of them once, and then divided: "Lock the three of them in the Baihua Pavilion in the back garden, and I will send him to the state tomorrow to execute him." ”Besides, the embroidery girl Yang, who was in Mafu at this time, heard that he was holding Jinxing, hung and beat him once, locked in the back garden pavilion, and sent the official to kill him tomorrow, which was a big surprise.In the evening, when the Madi couple went to sleep, they took some wine and food, lit the lamp, and quietly came to the pavilion in the back garden.Seeing that Jinxing was locked in the middle, the two people in the towns on both sides didn't recognize him.Yang said: "How did you get caught by him and be beaten like this?
”Tang Wang didn't make a sound, just sneered.Yang asked several times, and when he saw that he was silent, he was shocked: "Heh, official, aren't you crazy?"
Here I have obtained wine and bread, and you three will be satisfied. ”Tang Wang had a meal with Wen Long and Wen Hu, and Yang asked again, but he was still silent and still sneered.Yang said: "Official, you have a hard life, if you send the official tomorrow and put you to death, what can you do?"
As the saying goes, saving a life is better than creating a seventh-level floating slaughter.Wait for me to go to Chen Jieyuan's house and ask him to save you. ”So he put the bowl aside, took the lantern, came to the gate, and said to the doorman that he had something to go back, and opened the door.Yang walked closely to Chen's house, just when Chen Jin and his wife had not yet gone to bed, Yang took that Jinxing by Ma Di, how to beat him coldly, how to send him to the official to kill him, and saw how the three of them were doing, said again, and said: "The old body came secretly to ask how to save Yuan and Miss Xie to save him." ”Chen Jin and his wife were shocked when they heard this, and said: "Ma Di is very greedy for money.To save him, you must have fifty denarii, and then you can call him back. ”Luan Jiao hurriedly took out fifty taels of silver.The sky was slightly bright, Chen Jin brought silver, came to Mafu, saw Ma Di, and said: "Yesterday, I heard that my brother took Jinxing and three people back to the house, and the younger brother came to redeem him with fifty taels of silver. ”Ma Di said: "Since the brother comes, he dares to disobey his fate."
But are three lives worth fifty taels?
Let's look for fifty taels in the next day. ”Chen Jin said: "Admit it." ”Madi took the money and released the three of them in a split payment.When the three of them went out of the hall, they didn't greet Chen Jin, they didn't speak, and they walked out.Chen Jin said goodbye, hurried to catch up, didn't call, didn't look back, and came to Chen's family hall all the way.Tang Wang shouted: "Brother Ren, if it weren't for the generosity to save you, you would almost die at the hands of Ma Di!"
”Chen Jin saw that he was not crazy, so he hurriedly greeted him.Yang said: "Official, why did I tell you not last night?"
”Tang Wang said: "The embroidery lady doesn't know anything, and as soon as she shows her mouth, it will be difficult to get out, so she pretends to be a person with dementia." ”Luan Jiao turned around and came out behind the screen, and King Tang stepped forward to salute.I don't know what Luan Jiao said, I want to know the bottom of it, and then look at the next decomposition.In the sixtieth episode, Wen's saw her son-in-law and became more sad, Concubine Shen took over and revealed her true feelings, and in the sixtieth episode, Wen's saw her son-in-law and became more sad, and Concubine Shen took over and revealed her true feelings, and Luan Jiao shouted at the moment: "Brother-in-law, you are so negative!"
At the beginning, he said that when he came to the side court, he would come to pick up his mother and daughter, but when you went to the side court, you forgot to marry his wife, which made his mother and daughter so bitter!
Hearing the rumor that you died in prison, his mother and daughter went to Guanyin Nunnery to ask for a signature, fell into Madi's plan, and forced them to marry, but fortunately Hu Wan rescued him and sent him to live in Cui's house in Lingzhou.Later, I heard that my cousin was celebrating the festival for you, and she threw herself into the river and died.Here you are today!
”As he was talking, he suddenly saw Wang Wenlong and Cao Wenhu standing outside the hall, and hurriedly asked, "Who are these two?"
”Tang Wang said: "These two people are my benevolent nephews. ”Chen Jin hurriedly invited the two to see the ceremony, so he paid for the wine, and asked Tang Wang where he was in the border court, who was Uncle Ling, and Tang Wang said: "My uncle's name is Ma Zhou, and he is now the generalissimo of the army.The younger brother hid from his uncle and came to visit each other privately, but he met Ma Di, but fortunately my brother rescued him, and he felt a lot of virtue. ”Chen Jin said: "In this way, my brother has won the office.But Ling Zheng is not blessed to be a wife. ”Tang Wang said: "Although my wife is dead, my mother-in-law is still alive, and I am willing to see my mother-in-law." ”Chen Jin said: "Ling's mother-in-law is now in Lingzhou, my brother wants to go, and my younger brother will prepare a boat tomorrow." ”Tang Wang said: "The younger brother came privately, he can't stay for a long time, and he begs the brother to carve the same thing." ”Chen Jin asked someone to hire a boat, and on the other hand, he prepared wine to entertain the three people, and after the wine, the four of them immediately boarded the boat together.The next day, I arrived in Lingzhou, came to Cui's house, and went to know Wen's and Cui Wende.Wende hurriedly went out to greet him and entered the hall together.Chen Jin stepped forward to meet his aunt, and King Tang visited his mother-in-law.When Wen saw King Tang, he said with tears: "Virtuous son-in-law, now you are late!"
It's a pity that my daughter kept a festival for you and died in the river. ”Tang Wang said: "The son-in-law saw his uncle that day, and he wanted to send someone to pick him up, but because there were many things in the army, it was late to this day. ”After that, Fang turned around and saluted Wende.Wende paid for the wine.Wen said: "You are in the side court, what has you always been?"
”Chen Jin continued: "Brother Ling Uncle is the marshal of the Tang Dynasty, and the official position of Brother Ling is not small. ”Wen said: "Virtuous son-in-law, you became an official, but my daughter was not blessed and died early." ”After that, tears rained down.Wende put out wine and dinner to entertain, and Tang Wang and everyone rested in Cui's house at night.Let's say that Huaizhou Tang Ying, when he arrived in Duanyang, asked the Tang King to enjoy the festival, searched all over the palace, did not see the Tang King, checked the generals, disappeared Wenlong, Wenhu, Ma Zhou and the generals were shocked.Xiaode counted his fingers and said, "You might as well, the lord will visit relatives in Lingzhou privately, don't be afraid." ”Ma Zhou paid Cao Biao: "You will go to Lingzhou to welcome the holy driver." ”Concubine Shen said: "Since the lord is there, wait for me to pick up the driver." ”So he took 3,000 men and horses and rushed to Lingzhou.Let's say that Cui Wende of Lingzhou, who was drinking in the front hall with Tang Wang and Chen Jin on this day, suddenly heard the sound of cannons, the sound of the army was shocked, and Tang Wang was shocked, and he was busy with Wenlong and Wenhu to investigate.The two of them came out to take a look, and said inside: "Outside, Shen Niangniang led the troops to pick up the car. ”Tang Wang was overjoyed.When Chen Jin and Wende heard this, they were completely puzzled, and pulled Wenlong over and asked, "Why is Shen Niangniang here?"
”Wen Long said: "It's not a secret, it's not Jinxing Ma Yin, it's the prince of Gaozong's main palace, Tang Wang." ”Chen Jin was shocked, hurriedly bowed to the ground, and said: "The minister deserves to die!"
”King Tang lifted it up with his own hands.Besides, Cui Wende rushed in and shouted: "Oh no!
”Cui's mother and Wen were shocked, and hurriedly asked why, Wende said: "Auntie, cousin Tou Jiang, I didn't force him."
That brother-in-law is none other than the King of Tang, and now that the soldiers and horses have arrived, the family eats knives one by one, and they can't survive!
I just ask my aunt to be the master and spare my mother, I am willing to die. ”Wen said: "You don't have to be afraid, with me here, I will never harm you." ”With that, he immediately walked to the outer hall.To find out how Wen's is, please look at the next breakdown.The sixty-first Tang Wang's class teacher returned to Hanyang Hu to persuade his uncle and sister-in-law to forgive his uncle and sister-in-law After returning to Hanyang Hu, he persuaded his uncle and sister-in-law to kneel down when the Wen family came to the front hall and shouted: "Chitose, I'd rather kill the old body and beg for mercy from the Cui family!"
”Concubine Shen said: "Who is this?"
”Tang Wang said: "It's the lonely mother-in-law." ”Concubine Shen was busy, put her hands up and said: "Guotai, please tell me if you have something to say, Chitose has nothing to rely on, why do you need to be like this!"
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”Wen said: "Chitose, my daughter died by herself, and it has nothing to do with Wende, I just ask for mercy and forgiveness for the Cui family." ”Tang Wang said: "Why did my mother-in-law say this, Lone has no such heart. ”Divide the payment, please ask the royal uncle to come and see you.I saw Wende tied himself naked, kneeling in front of the hall, and shouted: "Chitose, Cui Wende is willing to suffer the sin of ten thousand knives!"
”Tang Wang said: "What does this mean?
”He hurriedly came down in person, untied it, and called, "Please come to me with a cloth." ”Wende hurriedly put on his clothes and towel, and the mountain called to see him.After the ceremony, Tang Wang paid for the car and asked Guotai to accompany him.Wen said with tears: "My daughter is dead, and it is useless for the old man to go." ”Concubine Shen smiled: "Guotai, Niangniang is now in Hanyang, Guotai is here, you can see Niangniang." ”Wen said: "My son is dead in the river, how can he still be there?"
”The king of Tang rescued the river, because he took the treasure mirror and pretended to be the east bed, and the Tao Mansion had to meet the affairs of the queen of Hu, - a word of knowledge, Xi killed Wen, and Le killed Chen Jin and Wende.The king of Tang paid Wende to pack up the family and go to the Huaizhou camp to meet, and now Wenlong and Wenhu led a thousand soldiers.With Chen Jin to Tongzhou to take Madi, Hu Fa two old and young people, as well as Guanyin Nunnery Zhang, Li Erni, and pick up the embroidery girl Yang, Chen Jin's family and Hu Wan, all went to Huaizhou to meet, and ordered to drive back to Huaizhou immediately.Soon arrived in Huaizhou, Xu Xiaode and Ma Zhou led the crowd to welcome the camp.Two days later, Cui Wende and his family arrived, Wen Long and Wen Hu took Hu Fa, Ma Di and two Manjiakou and Zhang and Li Erni, all of whom were released in a prisoner car, and Chen Jin's family members and Hu Wan received them one by one.The king of Tang ordered Li Xiangjun to lead 3,000 troops, escort the families of Guotai and Cui Chen to Hanyang, and escorted Ma Di and a group of prisoners to Hanyang Prison, and then went to the branch on the day of the return, and Li Xiangjun received the order.Besides, the Tang Dynasty King Jinxiaode marched into the army, and within a few days, he went down to Tongzhou and Lingzhou, and the soldiers arrived at the Hanjiang River and did not show it.Let's say that Wu Zetian in Chang'an, one day when he heard that Li Chengye was captured and killed, he was shocked and asked the ministers: "Li Dan is so rampant, how can he be controlled?"
”Prime Minister Zhang Khan Zhi said: "Li Dan raised troops in Hanyang, and China and foreign countries know that he is the prince of the first emperor's palace, supplemented by Xu Xiaode, who knows yin and yang; Ma Zhou is handsome, and there are no enemies, if he refuses to do so now, he may not be able to win.According to the minister's humble opinion, if it is better to make peace with Lian, with the Han River as the boundary, the two families will never be allowed to offend each other, and it is a perfect strategy. ”Then Tianyun played, that is, a grass edict, respected Li Dan as the emperor of the Tang Dynasty, took 10,000 taels of gold, 1,000 colored satin, royal wine pigs and sheep, and sent Dali Temple Zhengqing to Qin to go to Lianhe.Come to Qin Fengzhao, come to the Han River, and report to the Tang Dynasty.Tang Wang said: "Wu Cao saw that the lone soldier was powerful, and it was difficult to defeat the enemy, so he sent someone to make peace."
Brother Wang, what should I do?
”Xiaode said: "The minister has spoken in advance, and the mandate of heaven is difficult to violate, so if you allow him to ask, return to Hanyang, and move when the time comes." ”The king of Tang issued an order to make an envoy to see him.Come to Chin and enter the camp to see, and present the book.King Tang saw it and said with a smile: "Emperor Tang Dynasty, do it alone, use him for respect!"
Lonely Jinquan and the class teacher gradually returned, so that Wu Wang should quickly avoid the position, and he was still lonely in the world, otherwise, one day he would kill Chang'an, and it would be too late to regret it!
”Come to Chinnono and retreat.The king of Tang divided his troops to guard various places, and chose to return to Hanyang on a certain day, without saying a word all the way.When they arrived in Hanyang, Yuan Cheng and Li Gui led civil officials into the city.The king of Tang ascended to the palace, received the congratulations of the civil and military dynasties, and retired to the palace.Empress Hu took over, and King Tang saw that there was a sad face behind Hu, and asked, "Royal wife, why is there a sad face?"
”Hu Hou said: "Chitose, because of Uncle Hu Fa and his wife and Yingjiao, this is a villain, how can he care about it."
As for Ma Di, Li and Zhang Erni, there should be none.I also hope that Chitose will be merciful and pardon the three Hu people, and I am very grateful. ”Tang Wang Yunjuan, Hu Hou was overjoyed.At that time, Guotai and the embroidered girl Yang stayed in the palace.The next day, in the early Tang Dynasty, Cui Wende was named the waiter of the Ministry of Rites, and his wife was Mrs.
Han Erpin; Chen Jin is a bachelor's student, and his wife is Mrs.
Yipin; Cui's mother was named a virtuous lady; The embroidered lady Yang was named the prince of Xiaoyao County, and Yizi Yang Wenguang was named the commander of the capital; Hu Wan did not want to be an official, so he gave Hu Wan more than 200,000 yuan of confiscated Ma Di's furniture; Ma Di and Yi's parents, Zhang and Li Erni were executed.Since then, the king of Tang has lived in Hanyang, waiting for the day, pressing the title, and then looking at the next time.The sixty-second Xue Gang three sacrifices to the Iron Hill Tomb Yuanpei privately released the Tongcheng Tiger The sixty-second Xue Gang three sacrifices to the Tieqiu Tomb Yuanpei privately released the Tongcheng Tiger and then said to Xue Gang of Jiuyan Mountain, one day to Xu Meizu said: "Now is the New Year Lantern Festival again, forgive Chang'an lanterns will inevitably be more prosperous, I will take advantage of this lively, and then go to the Tieqiu Tomb to sacrifice and sweep, and you can go to the uncle of Suoyang City to borrow some people and horses, pull up the banner, and then go to invite the King of Luling."
Strategist, how are you?
”Xu Meizu said: "There is also a great joy when you go, every evil turns into good fortune, and the younger brother will guard the village here." ”Wu Qi, Ma Zan, Nan Jian, and Bei Qi said: "The four younger brothers will accompany the third brother." ”Meizu said: "Wonderful!
Wu and Ma, after the sacrifice, returned to Jiuyan Mountain; The two of them from the south and the north went to Suoyang City together. ”Xue Gang was overjoyed.The next day, the five dressed up as merchants, said goodbye and went down the mountain to Chang'an.One day when I arrived in Chang'an, I hid and waited outside the Shili Pavilion with the horse and the school, and the five of them entered the city, and it was already evening, so they put it into the store.Asked the shopkeeper to buy some chickens, fish, pig heads, etc., it was the first shift, Xue Gang kept three animals to worship the ancestors, and the rest made the next meal, the five people ate drunk and full, and paid back the food, and the five people secretly took the three animals out of the house, and went straight to the iron mound tomb.When they arrived at the tomb, it was already the third watch, the tomb guards were ready and asleep, the five people dug up the stone tablet, folded the door and entered, touched the grave, took out the fire, and lined up the three animals, Xue Gang fell down and bowed, shouting: "Father, mother, and child have come to worship with four righteous brothers today, and they have been three times."
Today, the child wants to go to the uncle of Suoyang to borrow a branch of people, protect the king of Luling, Zhongxing, and capture Erzhang and Wu's to avenge more than 380 people!
Today, I am here to worship and sweep, hoping that the beggar spirit will bless you and have a safe journey. ”After wishing over, the five of them cried loudly together.The guards outside heard the cry and shouted.The five of them each sent out short soldiers and moved together, and these guards, who were their opponents, fled one by one.Xue Gang set fire to the houses in the area and shouted, "Let's go!"
”Look straight at the Guangtai Gate.The sergeant guarding the gate saw the fire and ran to put out the fire together, and met five people.A random killing, kill the gate army, cut open the city gate, escape to the Shili Pavilion, there was already a small colonel waiting, together on the horse, actually to Tongguan.Nawu thought about retribution, ordered all the people and horses, and galloped to the Iron Mound Tomb.Halfway through, it was reported that Xue Gang and the five of them had fled from the door, and they thought twice about chasing after the city.At this time, Wu Chengsi also led the troops to come.Besides, Shang Yuanpei, the chief soldier of Tongguan, is the grandson of Shang Situ and the son of Qinhu, and he has to repay Xue Gang for the three sacrifices to the Tieqiu Tomb, and he was shocked and thought: "Xue Gang, Xue Gang, you don't want to take revenge, just come to sacrifice and sweep, you are not a hero!"
”Suddenly, he thought again: "The elders of the DPRK and the central government have all died, and the heroes of the ancestors have all gone out of the town, if I don't save you today, who will save you!"
”Split switch.Xue Gang and the five of them arrived at Tongguan, and when they saw that the gate was wide open, they did not hold back, and the five of them rode out of Tongguan.Xue Gang took Wu and Ma back to Jiuyan Mountain, and went to Xiliang Suoyang City from the south and north.Nawu Sansi chased to Tongguan, only to know that Shang Yuanpei had let Xue Gang and the five people out of the pass, and he knew that there was nowhere to get it, so he sent it back to Bing Chang'an to live.After Wu Chengsi heard about the martial arts, he said that Shang Yuanpei let go of Xue Gang's five people, which was a great disaster for the country, and the Empress Wu was furious when he heard this, cut off Shang Yuanpei's military power, and ordered the five armies to supervise Guan Ren to guard this Tong Pass, and press the table.Let's take a look at the next time.The sixty-third round of the four shrines of the two stars to collect the blame Luling Wang Cailou to recruit relatives The sixty-third round of the four shrines to collect the blame Luling Wang Cailou to recruit relatives and then talk about Ji Luanying in Heilong Village, Huguangfangzhou, since the separation of Xue Jiao and Xue Gang in Wolong Mountain, Xue Kui was born on the deserted road, and fled to live in the house of Ding Yishou, the maternal uncle of Heilong Village, and did not realize it for 13 years.That year, Xue Jiao grew into fifteen years old, born with a face like Fu powder, and his lips were painted with Zhu, and he was able to lift the mountain.This Xue Kui grew into thirteen years old, born with a face like the bottom of a pot, and meat like black paint, like Xue Gang, with the same appearance as Xue Gang, with a strong lifting of ten thousand pounds, and a sound like a giant thunder.The two brothers danced with guns and knives all day long, and Ji Luanying did not forbid him because he was the son of Jiangmen, so he told the three generations of the Xue family and the whole story of the murder one by one, and the two brothers were also sad and angry when they heard it.One day, Ding Yishou took out a few hundred pieces of silver and asked someone to buy a boy and a girl, and the two asked, "Uncle, what is the use of buying it?"
”Ding Yishou said: "You two don't know, there is a leopard mountain in the east of this village, and there is a shrine of four gods on the mountain, and there are four gods in it, a white dragon king, a big-headed king, a silver spirit general, and a Wuxian general, which is very effective."
On the thirteenth day of the month of the year, two boys and two virgins went to sacrifice to him, and if he eats, the village will be safe for a year, and the fields will be harvested; If you don't sacrifice him, your family will be sick, and Tianhe won't be harvested, so you will sacrifice him every year.A few days ago, the village paid all the money and asked someone to buy a boy or a girl, so that he could sacrifice him on the thirteenth. ”Xue Jiao said: "How can this be true!
If you are a righteous god, how can you eat people?
It's clearly four monsters, wait for me to catch him, in addition to this harm, so as not to hurt four lives every year. ”Xue Kui said: "It's really not a god.My uncle doesn't have to waste all this money, but I have an idea, and I will pretend to be a virgin, and on the thirteenth, I will carry the two of us to the Leopard Mountain to catch him, and tell my brother to catch two, and I will catch two, what's wrong!
”Ding Yishou said: "Nonsense!
How can Shinto ask for it!
”Divide the family and go and buy boys and girls as soon as possible.Xue Kui and Xue Jiao secretly discussed: "You and I will go up to the Leopard Mountain on the evening of the thirteenth, go to the shrine to hide, and wait for the monster to come out. ”Xue Jiao said: "It's reasonable, even my aunt has to hide it." ”The two of them decided to stop.On the thirteenth, Xue Jiao and Xue Kui quietly went out the back door and went to the Four Shrines of Leopard Mountain, where the two hid behind the statues.At the time of the first shift, Ding Yishou was the leader, and the people in the village carried boys and girls, pigs and sheep into the temple, offered them on the table, lit incense and candles, Ding Yishou and everyone worshipped, worshipped, and hurriedly went back out of the temple.Xue Jiao, Xue Kui turned down, and saw the wine and meat on the table, so the two of them ate it.Xue Kui said: "You and I are standing here, how dare the monsters come?"
It's better to hide behind God and act according to the situation. ”Xue Jiao said: "Exactly." ”Then they hid themselves again behind God.When there was a third watch, I suddenly heard a strange wind rising from the sky, blowing all over the mountain and trees to make a noise.The two looked outside the temple and saw four monsters, one with a pointed head and a thin body, one foot two feet high, one three feet long, with two heads, a big head like a bucket, one with a white face and hair, and one black as bituminous coal, and the four rushed into the temple together.The two brothers turned out from behind the gods, jumped down, and shouted, "Youkai, let's go!"
”When the four monsters saw the two of them, they recognized their masters, and they all appeared in their original forms and fell to the ground.Xue Jiao grabbed the White Dragon King with his left hand, pressed General Yinling with his right hand, Xue Kui held the big-headed king with his left hand, and pulled General Wuxian with his right hand.The two looked at each other, but the white dragon king caught by Xue Jiao in his left hand was a rolling silver spear, and the right hand was pressed by a silver hedgehog, but the big-headed king held by Xue Kui in his left hand was two black gold hammers, and the right hand was pulled by a black unicorn.The two were overjoyed, so they each untied their belts, tied their mounts, led out of the temple gate, tied them to the tree, put down their guns and hammers, rebuilt into the temple, and carried the four boys and girls out of the temple.The two entered the temple again, and after knocking down the idol, they pushed the temple pillar hard, only to hear a sound, and the temple immediately fell.Xue Kui said with a smile: "Yesterday it was the Four Gods Temple, and today it is the Temple of the Collapse of the Temple."
Let's go back. ”Xue Jiao hugged two virgins, Xue Kui hugged two virgins, brought guns and hammers, and rode down the mountain together.Let's say that Ji Luanying got up early in the morning, didn't see his two brothers, and was in a hurry, so he came to ask Ding Yishou, but Ding Yishou said that he didn't know.Suddenly, he saw his two brothers walk in the door, and they got off their horses together, put down the boy and the girl, and said, "Where did you two come from last night, and where did you come from this weapon mount?"
”Xue Kui raised his hammer and smiled: "Uncle, do you recognize him?"
This is the big-headed king, and the gun in his brother's hand is the white dragon king.General Yinling is his mount, General Wuxian's mount, and the four gods have been ambushed by the two of us. ”Ding Yishou said: "How are the four kings these four things?
You elaborate. ”Xue Jiao said: "I can't hide it,......
"I will explain in detail what happened last night."
Ding Yishou listened, and was surprised and delighted: "Niece, these two sons can subdue these four monsters, they are by no means idle people, and they will definitely be able to reorganize the Xue family in the future." ”Luan Ying was also overjoyed.After the two brothers were given weapons, they practiced martial arts all day long.One day, the two brothers heard the legend of the correspondents in the village, Princess Anyang, the eldest daughter of the King of Luling in Fangzhou, threw a ball and beckoned horses in the Cailou in the teaching field on the 25th of this month, Xue Kui said: "Brother, this is not far from Fangzhou, why don't we go and see?"
”Xue said: "I also have this intention, but I can go home and tell my aunt, and I will go tomorrow." ”The two returned home and saw Luan Ying and said: "Auntie, Princess Anyang, the eldest daughter of the King of Luling in Fangzhou, threw the ball in Cailou on the 25th of this month to recruit relatives, and I went to Fangzhou with my brother to have a look." ”Luan Ying said: "Do you want to be a colt?"
There are thousands of people, so how can the hydrangea hit you?
is to hit you, who doesn't know that your family made a big fuss that day, kicked to death the royal brother of the king of Luling, bluffed his father, created a big sin, and will never forgive, you two are the descendants of the Xue family, how can you be recruited as a concubine?
Take it and kill it, but it is stable. ”Xue Kui said: "If he hits, he will be his son-in-law, if he kills, will his daughter be widowed!"
Besides, there are as many people as Xue, how does he know that I am the descendant of the King of Liangliao?
”Xue Jiao said: "Auntie, we don't want to be horses, because it is not far from Fangzhou, such a grand event, go and see, even if we come back." ”Luan Ying said: "If you want to go, you must go and go back, don't be arrogant and break into trouble." ”The two promised again and again.The next day, the two brothers got up early and went to Fangzhou.I don't know how this goes, and listen to the next breakdown.In the sixty-fourth round, the two brothers had half of the colored balls, and the Luling Wang and the horses were double, and the sixty-fourth time, the two brothers were each half and half of the Luling kings, and the two brothers were close to Fangzhou, and they were a few miles away from the city, and the two of them were hungry in their stomachs, so they went into the noodle shop and sat down, and called for the noodles to eat.Xiao Er responded: "It's here." ”I saw two more people walking in, one with a mandarin duck face.One is a five-colored face, who are you, it is Wu Qi and Ma Zan, who were ordered to inform the king of Luling, and when they were hungry, they also came to eat noodles.When Xiao Er saw it, he was scared for three points, and the two of them sat down opposite Xue Jiao and Xue Kui, and shouted: "Xiao Er, quickly bring noodles to eat." ”Xiao Er responded and took two bowls of noodles and sent them to Wu Qi and Ma Zan first, Xue Jiao and the two were furious and shouted: "We came first, don't send noodles to eat, but send them to eat later, do you deceive us?"
”Xue Kui stretched out his hand and punched Xiao Er to the ground.Wu Qi and the others shouted: "You black-faced boy, don't you pay for your life when you kill someone?"
”Xue Kui was furious, walked over, picked up two bowls of hot noodles with both hands, splashed them on the faces of Wu Qi and the others, and splashed Wu Qi and Ma Zan with noodle soup.The two were furious and shouted, "Little bastard!
”Wu Qizhao Xue Kui was a punch in the face.Xue Kui opened Wu Qi with his right hand, and as soon as he entered with his left hand, he grabbed Wu Qi's belly, like lifting a chicken, pressed it on the ground, and hit it with a fist.Ma Zan's grabbed it, Xue Jiao flew up his left foot, hit Ma Zan's back shoulder, covered his body and fell, was stepped on by Xue Jiao, and hit with his fist, so that the two of them screamed like killing pigs.Xue Jiao said: "Such a thing that is not supposed to be beaten, spare him!"
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”Lifted Mazen's neck and threw him straight across the street from the store, falling into a daze.Xue Kui lifted Wu Qi to his chest, and threw it outside, and threw it across the street, falling half to death, and everyone watching was stunned.Wu Qi and Ma Zan's got up and ran away like chickens that couldn't be killed.Xue Jiao and the others sat down, and the shopkeeper accompanied Xiao to bring noodles.The two ate noodles, paid back the money, and went out of the store to Fangzhou City, looking for a store to stay.When I got up the next day, I saw that the people on the street gathered three or five, all of whom went to the church to see the princess throwing balls and recruiting horses, Xue Jiao and Xue Kui followed everyone and came to the church.As soon as I arrived at the teaching field, I saw a sea of people, crowded and couldn't open, Xue Kui was in front, and he pushed his arms forward to resist, and the people on both sides cracked together.Xue Jiao and Xue Kui squeezed to the bottom of the color building to take a look, and saw that the building was three feet high, and all four sides were tied with colored satin.Downstairs sat Wu Guogong Ma Deng and Doctor Lu Zhong, who paid for music and played three ways.Upstairs, Princess Anyang offered the big colored ball on the incense table, and Gong'e opened Zhengfu and burned incense.The princess bowed down and blessed the gods of heaven and earth: "The disciple is ordered by her father to recruit relatives here today, just to throw away the fate, in order to determine the major events of her life." ”After wishing over, he bowed up again, held the colored ball in both hands, stepped to the window, looked down, and saw many people, but I don't know who was fateful, and threw the ball up.Those people all looked up at the colored ball, the ball rolled to the east in the air, the people squeezed to the east, rolled over the west, and the people squeezed through the west and stretched out their hands together, all wanting to hold down the colored ball, but the ball "suddenly" hit Xue Jiao's head.Xue Jiao stretched out his hand to catch it, Xue Kui grabbed it, grabbed it twice, tore the colored ball in half, and each of them took half of it.At that moment, the two brothers were arguing, and Ma Deng and Lu Zhong had already stepped forward to persuade: "This is the princess's marriage event, hit the one, that is the one, how to rob it!"
”Xue Jiao said: "Obviously hit me, my brother snatched half of it." ”Xue Kui said: "You also reach out to catch the ball, I also reach out to catch the ball, catch it together, you pull half of it, and I have half of it here."
Although they are brothers and sisters, when it comes to this marriage event, how can I let you!
”Ma Deng and Lu Zhong said: "I can't do this either, you two go with me to see Chitose and listen to Chitose's judgment." ”After that, he took the two to the palace.Ma Deng and Lu Zhong entered first, and the two brothers each pulled half a colored ball, and the quarrel was not clear, and the king of Luling summoned the two to meet him.When the two heard the call, they immediately walked in.After the courtesy, Xue Jiao said: "Chitose is the master, and he is a judge." ”Xue Kui said: "Catch the colored balls together, he pulls half of it, I pull half of it, everyone has a point."
If Chitose is recruited as a son-in-law because of the Peugeot he was born, and I am ugly and not recruited as a concubine, this is not a volunt!
”King Luling said with a smile: "Now that your brothers are pulling half of the color balls, it is very difficult to decide.I think at this time, courage first, there is a lone iron bow, there is a weight, which of the two of you can open this bow, that is, recruit as a horse, if you can't open, there is no point. ”The inner servant then handed the iron tire bow to Xue Jiao, Xue Jiao took the bow, only one pull, gently pulled it full, and then put the bow down, his face did not change, and the king of Luling was overjoyed.Xue Kui took the bow and pulled it as hard as he could, and with a loud sound, he broke the iron tire bow into two sections, and King Luling was shocked.Xue Kui said: "Such a bow, what is the weight of ten thousand!"
Now he has opened, and I have opened, and it has been broken, but how can it be broken?
”King Luling said: "Who are the surnames of the two of you, and who are the names?"
It shows that there is a reason for being alone. ”Xue said: "The name of the family from Heilong Village in Benzhou, surnamed Xue Mingjiao, is fifteen years old.This is my brother, named Xue Kui, thirteen years old. ”Ma Deng said: "I remember that Xue Meng's son is named Xue Jiao, and it was blown away by the strong wind in the law field, could it be you?"
”Xue Kui said: "You also have too much heart!"
Since my brother is the son of Xue Meng, I should not be his brother. ”Madden smiled: "You say the same, this is a person with the same name and surname." ”King Luling said: "There are two princesses alone, named Anyang, fifteen years old, with Xue Jiao; The second name is Duanyang, thirteen years old, with Xue Kui.When the two of you grow up, even if you get married. ”The two were overjoyed, the mountain shouted thanksgiving, and the king of Luling shared the banquet and hospitality.I don't know what happened next, but let's listen to the next breakdown.In the sixty-fifth episode, Xue Gang played Zhang Wenzi's nephew brother replied to Ji Luanying, and in the sixty-fifth episode, Xue Gang played Zhang Wenzi's nephew brother replied to Ji Luanying, saying that the king of Luling was about to prepare a banquet to entertain the horses, and suddenly saw the teacher Qu Fulu entering the meeting and playing: "Today, Xue Gang sent Wu Qi and Ma Zan, and there is something to play, and he is waiting for the decree outside." ”When Xue Jiao and the others heard this, they were taken aback and shouted: "Father-in-law, what Xue Gang, but is it the Tongcheng Tiger who kicked the prince to death and killed the imperial court?"
”King Luling said: "Exactly."
Xue Jiao said: "He has committed a great sin and will never forgive, how can he not take him to correct the Fa for a thousand years, what did he call someone to play?"
”King Luling said: "You don't know ......" told Qu Fulu to meet Xue Gang in the ring, forgive his sins, and correct people in Huangcao Mountain to protect Zhongxing.The two were overjoyed, and hurriedly prostrated themselves and said: "Chitose is really the lord of benevolence, forgive my father and uncle, and be kind to heaven and earth!"
”King Luling was surprised: "The two horses, dare they be the sons of Xue Gang?"
”Xue Jiao said: "The minister is the son of Xue Meng, the eldest grandson of the two Liao kings, who was imprisoned in the prison when he was only two years old.Uncle Xue Gang, married his aunt Ji Luanying in Wolong Mountain, and the Marquis of Jianghuai passed by Wolong Mountain because he lived in Yangzhou, and handed over his ministers to his uncle.After Wu Sansi soldiers fought Wolong Mountain, the uncle and aunt of the minister scattered in the chaotic army, and the aunt hugged the minister to fight out of the siege, gave birth to Xue Kui in the deserted suburbs, fled to Heilong Mountain, and lived in Yiding's house, which has been thirteen years now.But I don't know the whereabouts of my uncle, so I know that Chitose is forgiven, and the uncle and nephew of Zhengchen will see the light of day again. ”When the king of Luling heard this, he announced that Wu Qi and Ma Zan were in the meeting.