Rong Wang said: "It was also your sister who first put it forward, and now the regulations in the hands of the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Household are also revised from the articles of association drawn up by your sister. ”After King Rong unraveled the Gu, he was as high-spirited as when he was young, and wanted to really do something for the people and the court.Murong Yu said: "Father, I want to take over the regulations for the construction of the military attache district. ”King Rong said: "It's not a trivial matter, you have to go to the Song Mansion to check on the spot, you must adapt measures to local conditions, spend the least money to build the best house, and truly do things for the court and seek benefits for the people." ”Murong Lu replied, "Yes."
Jiang Ruoning spoke energetically, and his stomach rumbled.Guo Chengyi quipped: "The princess hasn't had dinner yet." ”King Rong said: "Ruo'er will go back to Wutong Pavilion first." ”Jiang Ruoning resigned.Murong Lu followed her, "Sister, what other good ideas do you have" For this talented and thoughtful sister, he is difficult to ignore, just like you have a huge night pearl in front of you, how can you ignore her preciousness and ignore her light.He was raised by the Emperor and the Queen Mother, and he, like Murong Lin, likes talented women, such as the Queen Mother, and respects talented, independent and thoughtful women more.Jiang Ruoning said: "Since we want to build, we must build the best, and we must think of problems that others have not thought of."
These officials also have wives and children, and for men, only by solving the worries of the family can they do their best to run errands for the court.It is nothing more than the livelihood of the family, and then the problem of the child's upbringing, then the military attache district must build a school, but also have an official school, let the outstanding students go to Mr.
Ren, and then select a good guard to serve as a martial arts master, there is a school to consider how to divide classes, how to teach according to aptitude, gentlemen must enjoy the same treatment as military attachés in it, except for their different salaries.Children are the hope of a country, they are like little saplings, and adults have to take care of these little saplings, whether they are rotten wood that is only used for burning wood, or the pillars of his day, it all depends on how adults are raised" Murong Lu understood, this military attache district is not only a place for military attaches to gather and live, but also has a school.Jiang Ruoning said: "I'll eat first and talk about it later." ”Lan Ning saw Jiang Ruoning coming back, ordered the little girl to have a hot meal, and waited for Jiang Ruoning to use it.Murong Lu pondered while waiting for Jiang Ruoning to finish eating.After Jiang Ruoning finished eating, he continued: "Then there is the problem of female dependents, many of these little officials are from the cold family, don't underestimate the military attachés and civil ministers of the cold family, they are the most aware of the people's suffering."
Therefore, we solve the problem of the resettlement of female dependents, not only to give them a house, but also to give them a monthly allowance, but this monthly allowance must be exchanged for their own labor.Some shops can be designed and built in the military attache area, and where people live, there will be consumption, and the east family will lack rice and grain, and the west family will have little tea, so there will be shop business.You can also rent the shop on the street to the female relatives from the poor family, so that they can do some small business, even if they earn five or six taels of silver a month, for small families, it can also solve part of the family expenses.In this way, in order to reduce the greed of the petty officials for personal gain, the court has considered them in detail and thoroughly, so you can't be petty and petty.You can also encourage the wives of military attachés from beautiful backgrounds to let them take out their dowries to build women's workshops, or encourage the household department to build more women's workshops and shops, such as those who will be popular, and the shops will buy their female celebrities at the most reasonable price, and some of the work of the military department can also be arranged for them, which not only solves their source of livelihood, but also makes their lives fulfilling" "If people are sick, they should build a medical hall in the military attache district, so that they can be diagnosed nearby if they are sick.The children go to school, and the women can earn money to supplement the family, and with the money, they can buy food, use, and clothing" "Why did Xie and Song become huge greedy, the money they embezzled was equivalent to the income of the national treasury for 20 years, and during this period, it did not include the family property they transferred earlier, the Xie family transferred it to the Rongwang Mansion to the Xie family, and the jewelry and money were almost confiscated by the imperial court, worth nearly 50 million taels.What about the Song family, the Song family transferred out geometrically""The transfer is secondary, the first thing the court wants to think about is how to prevent more officials from being greedy and corrupt, becoming a national moth, endangering the court and harming the people, which needs to revise the law, make the law more perfect, and use the law to restrain their behavior, so that others can understand what they should do and what must not be done, whether it is high or thrifty to support the incorruptible, the family is already very thrifty, but that's it, they can't go on, so can they not be greedy Since this is the case, Let them live a life that although they cannot be rich and rich, at least they can have enough food and clothing, and the family will have no worries about food and clothing, in this case, there will be a few greedy and corrupt among them, so behind the corrupt officials, there must be a few women who are in trouble.Song Yue, on the surface, only his wife Chi Qian was alone, but he raised two outer rooms in Peach Blossom Town, and each of these two outer rooms gave birth to children in a grange.Xie Liduan, who seems to be a Confucian scholar, but he is very old, and there are nine concubines in the family, except for the two elderly, the other seven rooms are young women in their twenties" Murong Lu asked many questions, from the rule of the officials to how to build a military attache district.Murong Lu talked eloquently, he was full of poetry and books, and the descendants of the Emperor Taishang did not ask to read dead books, but encouraged them to go out and increase their knowledge, so whether it was him or Murong Lin, they had lived with children in the countryside, and they were raised like everyone's sons, and they had both the nobility of everyone's sons and the well-versed in the people's sufferings.Jiang Ruoning spoke to him with questions and answers.Murong Lu finally concluded: "What my sister means is that the military attache district should build a place that affects the lives of officials and children in a large area of lotus, so that they can accept the latest management, not only can the children in the military attache district go to the government-run school there to study and practice martial arts, but the people in that area can send their children to receive the best education" Jiang Ruoning added: "It is also to let the military attachés understand that the royal family and the imperial court have not forgotten them, even in peacetime, they will also be reused."
Even in peacetime, military generals, military attachés and soldiers can still make an effort to create a prosperous era and build a homeland.For example, the guards in various places, they go to the battlefield in wartime, and they do nothing there in peacetime, which is not right, and it is their duty to protect their families and defend the country in wartime, maintain the dignity of Dayan and protect the safety of the people.But in peacetime, they can also do a lot, repair the river embankment in time, they can contribute, the imperial court requisitions the people, why not let the army participate in the construction nearby, the big deal is to adopt the contract system, I build roads for the people at this price, and I also you are at this price, but the premise must be done well, so that the burden of the people can be reduced" In peacetime, the army participates in the construction of river embankments and official roads, which is the freshest saying Murong Yu has ever heard."
Any army, if it is too idle, will make them lose their sense of duty, whether it is in wartime or peacetime, we must let them understand their responsibilities, so that their minds will always be tense, and there will always be a belief: we are soldiers of the imperial court, we are not only to defend the country, but also to build our country better" Jiang Ruoning slowly said his modern concept.Those novel words, in the communication and argument between Murong Lu and her, Jiang Ruoning understood Murong Lu's thoughts, and Murong Lu also knew Jiang Ruoning's thoughts.The more the two of them talked, the more intense they became, and when they talked about it, they didn't know that they thought their sister and brother were quarreling, Murong Lu bluntly said that some of Jiang Ruoning's ideas were too bold, and Jiang Ruoning scolded him for being pedantic.It turned out that they were arguing about the formation of a cabinet, the election of a prime minister, and the royal government's relinquishment of the power to govern the country.Murong Yu felt that it shouldn't be like this, but Jiang Ruoning listed all the benefits of doing this, Lan Ning had been standing by the side to listen this night, listening to their sister and brother talking, listening to their arguments, and listening to them when they were angry, you ignored me, I ignored you, and watched the two of them fight with red faces.After being silent for a long time, Murong Lu got up and said, "My sister said that if you want to form a cabinet, don't mention it to your uncle and father. ”Jiang Ruoning said: "A long time ago, I told my father once, and he was silent for a long time, saying that the time had not come. ”Murong Lu heard this, and the emperor seemed to agree, how could this not be like this."
How did you tell him" "I said that being an emperor is the first drudgery in the world, although it is the first official, it is really too hard.The formation of a cabinet can reduce the responsibilities of the emperor, and there is a more important point: the emperor has time, he can have more energy to spend on cultivating the next generation, and can cultivate the best princes, which also reduces the possibility of the existence of faint and confused emperors.At the same time, once the cabinet becomes a system and is passed down from generation to generation, it will increase the probability of losing the country" Jiang Ruoning scratched his head, "This is a system of coexistence between the imperial system and the democratic system, the royal family will exist in the human world, so that the people look up, but will not let the people oppose it, if a cabinet is derelict in its duties, it will only lead to the imperial history and the world to be openly impeached, and at this time, the emperor will come forward to recall, elect the right person for the next election, and elect a prime minister who is more satisfactory to the people" Jiang Ruoning actually does not like politics, Many are just her simplest opinions, she has some feelings about solving the case, no, it is to know the appearance before her death, and the others are not special.Murong Lu was silent for a long time, this is to say that in order to inherit it longer, Dayan can elect a generation of royal caretakers, but for fear that this person will rebel, he has set an election every five years, and a prime minister can be elected for a maximum of two consecutive terms, that is, a prime minister can only serve for a maximum of ten years, and the age of the prime minister has set a rule, and no one under the age of fifty-five can hold the office.High-spirited, ambitious, mostly young and strong will have, if a sixty-year-old person is the prime minister, he just wants to do a big job to leave a name in history, how can he have the heart to be an emperor, because if he does not wait to plan well, he is afraid that he will be pulled off the horse, once he gets off the horse, he is doomed to a miserable end.Could this be the meaning of the emperor's approval?
Let the royal family become a high-ranking existence like a god race in the world, but in the event of a crisis, the emperor will come forward to turn the tide, not only to return the government to the people, but also to hold the government in hand.Lan Ning stored tea again.To be continued.4209051: