Organizing the people into a military organization of ten, Wang Shuo asked Liang Zhuang to send a team of ten people to climb the mountain beam, and must be able to see the Wei River and the path into this canyon, so as not to stand guard at the bottom of the mountain like last time, and only find out when the enemy approached."
Young and strong people are guarding the mountain beams, women and children are halfway up the mountain and down the mountain, when encountering a situation, don't panic, don't make loud noises, and pass the news down layer by layer."
Wang Shuo instructed.Seeing that Liang Zhuang had gone, he asked the names of the ten people who were going to ride horses, and wrote them down in his mind one by one.Then asked Wang Xiaoer if he could ride a horse, and Wang Xiaoer would ride a horse.He asked Wang Xiaoer to take the ten people to take off the clothes and leather armor on the corpses of the intruders, put them on, and find a place with more grass and trees to practice horseback riding.Try not to make a noise, don't make dust, you must learn to ride a horse before setting off at night, at least when the horse is running, you can't fall off the horse The three sets of clothes that Wang Xiaoer picked down earlier were left for himself, Ayiguli and Wang Xiaoer.He envisioned trying to make the combat team wear leather armor and break through the military horns, and all have weapons.When they are moving, if they encounter an intruder, they can pretend to be an intruder first, and maybe they can get past without fighting.I really can't get mixed up, so I have to fight to the death, and it is best to let these people, whether men or women, have a weapon to defend themselves, so that they can deal with more intruders.He looked around and saw a few willow trees and acacia trees growing in the depths of the canyon, so he asked the two teams to bring the waist knives of the invading army, and cut some wooden sticks that were easy to use, sharpen their heads for spears, and try to make each man a sharpened wooden stick for both men and women.Everyone did not dare to light a fire, for fear that the smoke would rise to a high altitude and be discovered by the intruding army, so they could only eat dry food or chew food and water when they ate, but they did not delay their work when they ate.After Wang Shuo finished everything, find a place with thick hay and let Ayiguli lie down and rest for a while.From the time she broke out of Fuqiang City to the present, she had hardly rested, and she was really tired that the humiliated girl had already changed her clothes.The indigenous savages are not so feudal, unlike the women of the city people, who seek death and life when they are insulted.In such a troubled world, it is already very good to have a life to live Ayiguli brought the sheepskin that the girl had replaced and used to wrap her body, spread it on the hay, and asked Wang Shuo to lie down and rest.didn't sleep all night, and sacrificed his life to fight, Wang Shuo was really tired, so he asked Ayiguli to lie on the sheepskin with him to rest.Guarding so many people, Ayiguli was embarrassed to lie down with Wang Shuo.Although she is not a Central Plains woman, she grew up in an official family like the Wang family, and her customs and habits are no different from those of Central Plains women.She remembered that many of the horses that broke into the army had this kind of sheepskin on them.She ran to the place where Wang Xiaoer taught the people to learn to ride horses, and got three sheepskins, spread one on the ground, and covered one piece for Wang Shuo, and one for herself.Wang Shuo didn't have any of Ayiguli's worries in his heart, and when he saw that she was far away from him and went to lay the sheepskin to sleep, he asked her to come over and spread the sheepskin on his side.In this way, in case of an unexpected situation, he can immediately find her and protect her.Since the master ordered, Ayiguli did not dare to disobey the order, spread the sheepskin beside Wang Shuo with a red face, and lay down with his back to Wang Shuo.The nervousness and excitement of killing the enemy just now made her unable to fall asleep for a while.Wang Shuo couldn't sleep either.Originally, three people fled for their lives, but now they have to flee with a hundred and ten people, and the burden on their bodies is heavy, and if they are not careful, they may bury the lives of these people.He just forced himself not to think about it, and his brain couldn't help but think of how to take everyone to escape