Wang Shuo was scolding his mother in his heart, but he said to Chongzhen: "Your Majesty, the minister is a stable thousand households in Longzhong, and Wang Shuo, the cloud rider."
Last year, Longzhong was attacked by thieves.His father, Wang Yan, the deputy commander of Longzhong, died in front of the enemy.The minister fought alone to recover Longzhong, and sent troops to Xiningwei to recover Gansu.Today, the minister has 400,000 troops, and he has been working all night to help His Majesty exterminate the thieves.Recently, I heard that the thieves had committed crimes against the Beijing Division, and the ministers were anxious and rushed to the capital as soon as possible, and it was too late to be loyal to His Majesty and the ministers to the Beijing Division.The thieves were numerous, and the city was besieged on all sides.The minister had no choice but to throw himself into the thief army as Bai Ding, in order to have a plan.Tian Xingchen was brave and fierce, and won the trust of the thief general Li Yan, and was appointed as a deputy envoy to see His Majesty. ”He explained in detail that he had entered the Shun army, and he was just afraid that one day these ministers here would surrender after the Shun army broke the city, which would affect Li Yan.Even if Li Zicheng knew about it one day, Li Yan was just employing people without investigation, not a conspiracy, and he would not be killed by Li Zicheng immediately.said that he had 400,000 troops, and he blew more than half, in order to raise his own value and make it easier for Chongzhen to rely on him.Chongzhen stared at him, a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes, and then dimmed, and said coldly: "Wang Shuo, I have already heard, the famous general of the Northwest, Jin Ma Chao." ”In Chongzhen's mind, the whole country is like a game of chess in front of him, and he is like watching the fire wherever there is any wind and grass.From this point of view, he is not industrious.It's a pity that his chess skills are too poor, he is a stinky chess basket, and he just knows how to watch, but he can't play.He asked Wang Shuo: "Qing said that it is Wang Shuo, but there is evidence" Wang Shuo replied calmly: "The Jingshi has fallen into the siege of the enemy, and there is no need for Li Zicheng to set a trap with His Majesty at this time."
It's not to save Your Majesty, so you don't have to risk coming here.The minister has no definite evidence to make His Majesty believe, and the minister only has a piece of loyalty to save His Majesty", this nonsense is made up, and it is estimated that Wang Shuo himself blushed.But Li Yan taught him to say this, and he memorized the words well, and he said them smoothly.Besides, he was already thick-skinned, and he was used to telling nonsense.Du Xunxin, who was kneeling on the side, said, this is the real end, Chongzhen can't please him here, and there is such a Wang Shuo, and Li Zicheng can't go back.Thinking that his life was in danger, a bubble of urine came out of his crotch and defiled a large area.Everyone in the hall paid attention to Wang Shuo, and no one paid attention to this Du Jian Jun peeing his pants.At this time, I only heard Wang Shuo continue: "Where is Hu Lianqi, who joined the army in Xiningwei, and the minister has a letter written by him to fight with Zhou Guo. ”With that, he took out the letter from his bosom and held it up with both hands.Zhou Kui came over and took the letter, opened the cowhide envelope, opened the letter and looked at it carefully.Chongzhen waited for Zhou Kui to read the letter and asked: "Who is Hu Lianqi" Zhou Kui replied: "This person is a relative of the old minister, and now it seems that he is a liuguan in Xining."
The old minister hasn't seen him for many years, but every year he will send someone to bring some northwest specialties to the old minister, so that the old minister knows that he is in Xiningwei. ”Chongzhen asked again: "The letter was written by your relative" Zhou Kui said: "It should be." ”Hu Lianqi has always been cautious, and when writing letters, he has taken into account that Zhou Kui can distinguish between authenticity and falsehood, and deliberately said something that only Zhou Kui and him know, so it is very easy to distinguish between authenticity and falsehood.He knew that Wang Shuo would encounter many difficulties when he entered Beijing this time, and it was difficult to explain the purpose of Wang Shuo's entry into Beijing, so he only said in general terms that Wang Shuo was trying to recover the lost territory of the Ming Dynasty, which was really a rare talent of the Ming Dynasty, and asked Zhou Kui for his favor.In fact, under the influence of Wang Shuo, Hu Lianqi has long had no great understanding in his heart.Chongzhen thought for a while and asked Wang Shuo: "How does Qing plan to save me" It seems that he still has a way to survive, which is easy to do.Wang Shuo replied: "If you lead the army to kill hard, the minister can do it by asking for it, but the casualties will be large, and the minister will not dare to guarantee that His Majesty is safe."
The minister devised a plan to ensure that His Majesty left Beijing safely. ”I will talk about the method discussed with Li Yan, but I will omit Li Yan, and I will not say much about the detailed plot, so as to prevent leakage.Chongzhen was speechless for a long time, and said for a long time: "This Jingshi has my Taimiao, there is a place for the first emperor to sleep, I escaped alone, how can I be worthy of my ancestors" Wang Shuo was about to talk, and a minister who was standing far away from Chongzhen spoke.Looking at the style of the official uniform, this person is not of high grade, at most he is a fifth-grade waiter.His voice was quite loud, and he said loudly: "Your Majesty, the country cannot be left without an owner for a day.Although thieves are rampant today, most of the rivers and mountains are still in Huaiyang and Jiangnan.As long as Your Majesty gets out of Beijing, sits in Nanjing, and gathers the whole country's divisions to conquer the rebellion, within half a year, you will be able to restore the capital of our country, and kill the thieves and thieves today, and the king cavalry will risk death to save him, and there is no other good way.Your Majesty can go away with him, I am equal to the loyalty of the Jingshi, turn into a ghost, and look forward to the day when Your Majesty returns."
Wei Zaode spoke again at this time, and scolded loudly: "Peng Changgeng, Your Majesty is here, how can you be so unreasonable, I still have more than 100,000 elite forbidden troops in Beijing, how can I have no other good way" Pointing at Wang Shuo, "This person is just a small thousand households, it is difficult to distinguish between good and evil, how can you entrust Your Majesty to him You are talking nonsense, you are really a bastard, confused" Peng Changgeng was furious, and no longer disregarded his grade and identity, he scolded: "Wei Zaode, I am usually humble and afraid of you, and today's state affairs have come to this, in order to protect Your Majesty, I will be a martyr and die, Don't be afraid of what your Wang Captain said just now, didn't you hear it At this time, if it is not for the country and Your Majesty, who will risk death to come to the end of the day Is it me who is confused or you bastard Since you were the first assistant, the thieves have been rampant and out of control, and the slaves of Jianzhou have repeatedly come to attack, you are a heavy minister, but you can come out with a plan The thieves are still in Xuanfu, Your Majesty inquired about you, and you didn't say a word if you moved the capital or sent the prince away.Now the thieves are besieging the city on all sides, the outer city has been lost, the inner city has been tired, and it can be broken overnight, and you still don't say a word.The king tried to rescue His Majesty, but you stood in your way.What are your intentions, where do you want to go to Your Majesty, do you want to cooperate with Your Majesty to join the thief and invite merit, you are a chaotic minister and thief, and you should be killed", Wei Zao's face turned red, and he called the guards loudly, but none of the guards came in.Here, Peng Changgeng had already come over and grabbed Wei Zaode and beat him.The official hat also fell off, the official robe was also torn, and Wei Zaode shouted for help.Wang Shuo slowly got up from the kneeling ground and shook his head.Oh, where is there still the appearance of the imperial court, but it is like the current Japanese Congress, if the text is not successful, he will play martial arts, it is really lively He used to separate the two people who were torn together, looked at Wei Zaode and said: "I said Lord Wei, what this Lord Peng said just now is reasonable, you are a minister above 10,000 people under one person, how can you not give your majesty an idea" He also wondered, what does Wei Zaode want to do, how can he watch Chongzhen surround the city step by step and don't care about idle things: