The township chief listened to Bu Mutai's distinction between the Manchus and the Hans, and said with a serious face: "Auntie, these Manchus, Han people, are all citizens of Great China, and they all have the right to live freely and equally, and have the right to vote and be elected. ”Bu Mutai smiled coldly and said: "Isn't the election just the county magistrate and above, isn't it still the officials appointed by the Han people to manage our Manchurians" The township chief said: "You don't understand this."
The generalissimo said that we have suddenly stepped from the old society to the new society, and many concepts and knowledge are lacking, and we need to take our time and gradually promote democracy before we can finally realize it.In addition, the highest decision-making organ in the selection of officials is regardless of nationality, and no matter what nationality an official is, as long as his performance score is sufficient, he will have the opportunity to be promoted.The mayor of our city is also a Jurchen.It's just that our Jurchens have been under the backward rule of the Manchu imperial court for a long time in the past, and the common people have lost the opportunity to learn, and it is difficult for them to have talents with high foresight and knowledge, so they are not qualified for higher positions, and this has nothing to do with the nation.Auntie, now it is a new society, all ethnic groups are equal, you can't hold national prejudices, this is a reactionary ideology, and it must be completely corrected.Just rush to this, you have to move out of the mountain and see for a long time. ”Hearing the village chief say this, Bumutai was silent.Besides, I'm afraid she's really about to reveal her identity.This Bumutai is the Manchu Empress Dowager Da Yu'er who accepted Fan Wencheng's plan and fled here to live before the fall of the Manchu Dynasty.Seeing that Bu Mutai was resolute, the township chief had to tell the truth: "Auntie, why do I come to persuade you to move again and again, first, life here is difficult, and it is really not suitable for everyone to live.Two, it's not safe here.I shouldn't have told you about this, for fear of causing panic among everyone.But you can't be moved, I'll tell you the truth.Do you know why the lake in this area does not freeze in winter, the climate is warmer than other places, there are ground fires underground, and earthquakes are frequent.Our geology experts have come to see it a few times, and there are several places where the ground fire pressure is so high that it is about to burn through the rocks that are pressed on it.Once the earth fire burns through the rocks and comes out of the ground, it will be a catastrophe, when the sky collapses and the earth cracks, people will be burned to death by the ground fire erupting from the ground, and the earth fire will be swallowed up for hundreds of miles, experts say that the earth fire will break out recently, but when it can come out of the ground one day, experts are not sure, anyway, it is close to when it will break out this year, three or five years away, and it will break out in seven or eight years.That's why I've come to persuade you to move again and again, and I'm doing it for your good. ”Da Yu'er couldn't help sneering when she heard this, and if she couldn't persuade me, she would use the earth fire to scare me and treat me as a child, but the township chief came over three times and twice, maybe Wang Shuo's people found something, and this place is probably not safe anymore.She pretended to be scared, pretended to worry for a long time, and promised the township chief to move to live under the mountain.The old lady who finally persuaded agreed to move, and the township chief was very happy and told Da Yu'er that the mountain had prepared a place for them, and the township had also allocated funds to build a new village for them.The whole of Greater China is in full swing in construction, but it is limited to the small population, which restricts economic development.The Northeast region is already vast and sparsely populated, and the population is even more lacking, and the population strength of these 3,000 people is the wealth of the township for the township chief.As long as they go down the mountain, give up their nomadic life, and are able to do what they can, the total value of production in the township will rise to a great level, and their political performance will be much higher.The township chief also wants to be a bigger official, the bigger the official, the higher the salary, the better his family's life will be.Sending the township chief away, Da Yu'er called Suo Etu, Ying Erdai, and Xuan Ye, who had grown up, over.The former Kangxi Emperor was sixteen years old, and he was really talented and smart, and now he is making decisions about many things in the village.Da Yu'er told the three of them about the township chief's coming up to the mountain several times and his concerns, and also told them his final decision, which was to cross the Daxing'an Mountains and go to the mountains on the western side of the grassland, and choose another base.Unexpectedly, the first to object was her grandson Xuan Ye.What has become of the country, you are still thinking about the restoration of the south, the construction of large oil fields, the laying of train tracks to Saltu.To the east, a new industrial city of Suiyuan is rising, with oil refineries, steel mills, car factories, and textile factories springing up like mushrooms after a rain, and high-rise buildings are rising from the ground.The people in the city are enthusiastic and devote all their energy to the construction of the city.In the villages, farming was tax-free, and the state purchased grain at a high price, and the peasants had never been so loved, and the portrait of the generalissimo was offered at home as a protector.In this situation, if you go to restore the Manchu Qing Dynasty, can the people agree In addition to you, these guards, who else will follow you, Da Yu'er is unmoved, its rise is also vigorous, and its death is also sudden.He's making a lot of fun now, let's not fight with him.Let's just save the fire of my Qing Dynasty, and the day he goes into decline, we will go out of the mountain and revive the Qing Dynasty Xuanye smiled, what are you doing, this Great China is not an imperial court, this country belongs to all citizens, it does not belong to one person and one surname, no matter when, citizens will strive for a better life.Only when the country is more prosperous and stronger, the life of its citizens will be better, which means that no matter the past few hundred or thousands of years, the country will get better and better, this is the law of economics, you don't understand.There is no possibility of restoring the backward monarchy, the wheel of history will not be reversed, and all the people will not agree to let history go back, let themselves suffer again, be a slave grandmother again, forget your Qing Dynasty, let's go down the mountain, devote ourselves to this history, and enjoy what we should enjoy.With the wisdom of your grandson, you can have a place in this new society and make your old age happy.Da Yu'er's face was pale, she glared at Suo Etu and Ying Erdai, and said in a trembling voice for a long time: "I asked you to teach my grandson well, this is where did you teach him where did these Han people come from" Suo Etu and Ying Erdai both knelt down, but they didn't know how to answer.The two are designated by Da Yu'er, Xuan Ye's master.Suo Etu was responsible for teaching cultural knowledge, and Yingerdai was responsible for teaching horseback riding, archery, and martial arts.But Xuan Ye is too smart, after the age of fourteen, Suo Etu has nothing to teach.Martial arts Xuanye is also used as a fitness and entertainment pastime.With the rapid development of society and the continuous expansion of human settlements, it is impossible to have a little contact with the outside world.There was nothing in the mountains that interested Xuan Ye, but there were countless new things outside the mountains that he had never heard of.He let the guards who went out of the mountain to exchange goods, and secretly bought him many books and newspapers from outside the mountain.Although he lives far away in the mountains, he can't stop his heart of inquiry.The world outside the mountain is not far away, through books and newspapers, Xuan Ye knows everything outside, and his thoughts are completely different from what his grandmother Da Yu'er expected.otot: