The beautiful morning sun rises from the east, the blue sky is cloudless, Yan'an, under the pagoda mountain, by the chestnut river, a few girls are washing clothes."
Sister Eh Lihua, according to the grapevine, the chief may want to send you back to Taihang Mountain to establish a base" Wang Lihua looked at the distance and said: "I have long wanted to go back, where is my home, there is my battlefield, I have dreamed of going back, I have been here for more than a year, Kang Dadu has graduated, and he is still nesting here, it is simply a crime" Ma Xiaofang said: "Who said that we can't do it, we can only be a nurse who occupies an area, and my brain is not bright, but Sister Lihua is different, you are a cultural person, and the head of the head almost that day praised you for learning fast and mastering the prison." , Use it properly, I really envy you Sister Lihua" Wang Lihua said: "Hi, it's not that you are stupid, but you have not received an orthodox education, and you will definitely learn well if you take your time" Aunt Chun suddenly said: "Sister, I don't know how Zhenyang and Captain Xu are doing, it's been more than a year, and I don't even have a letter" "Sister Hee Hee Chun, you want to have a child and his father, haven't been a cat for more than a year" Wang Xiaohua was naughty."
you, I just thought about it, the two haven't seen each other for more than a year, his father's life and death are uncertain, can I not be in a hurry" Wang Lihua nodded and said: "Yes, I guess they don't know where we are, the same anxious" Aunt Chun whispered: "Eh, eldest sister, I see that you don't just want to Zhenyang, do you miss you more" Wang Lihua patted her: "Where did I come from, don't talk nonsense" "Eh, look at you like that, blushing like a monkey's ass, and saying that you shouldn't want to, you should think, If you don't want to, you won't think about it" Wang Lihua sighed and said: "What use is it to think about it, you can't see it, you can't touch it, maybe everyone will become a family at this time" "It's impossible for Captain Xu to say, if you don't drive the little devil out of China, you vow not to become a family" Wang Lihua shook her head and said: "Who knows that people will change" "Comrade Wang Lihua Chungu, you two hurry up and buy it back, the chief is looking for you" "Even if you know, let's go back to Chungu, you wash it slowly" Wang Xiaohua smiled: "I came to find it just after I finished speaking, it's really timely Sister Lihua to hurry back" The two returned to the headquarters and came to Ye Jianying's office: "Report" "Ah, it's Lihua, come in" The two pushed the door in, Ye Jianying asked them to sit down and said: "Comrade Lihua, don't you really want to go back to your hometown After the study of the party department, considering that you are already an excellent party member, the organization decided to send you and Chungu back to your hometown to develop the Taihang Mountain revolutionary base area, it is best to get in touch with the special operations expert who came back from the Soviet Union as you said, Establish the Taihang Mountain Guerrilla Brigade with them and give you an official number, just call the Taihang Mountain Special Operations Guerrilla Brigade with Xu Hongying as the captain, and you will be the political commissar" Wang Lihua said: "I obey the organization's decision, but I don't know where Xu Hongying is" Ye Jianying smiled: "You don't have to worry about this problem, I just got the news, the Hebei underground party organization sent a telegram, and it was found in the Yangquan area that when the 135th Regiment of the National Army fought with the little devils, there was a guerrilla force of the Eighth Route Army that was particularly capable of fighting tough battles.
It is estimated that it is Xu Hongying and them, so you and Chun Gu must find them first, and then go back to Taihang Mountain to set up a guerrilla brigade"aa2705221: