The wind was blowing and the clouds were flying, and Wang Xian's elders were hunting and drifting in the wind. otbnkotgt Under the attention of the soldiers, he looked at the sword of the Son of Heaven and shouted with grief and indignation: "Chen Wang Xian, for the Lord, he has been a loyal dog for more than ten years, he has encountered national disasters in his life, sacrificed his life to take righteousness, and the Tartars are wreaking havoc, personally leading the soldiers, turning to fight thousands of miles, and annihilating the enemy 100,000 sighs, our army soldiers are loyal and brave, and their military achievements are impressive, and they are chasing Xu and Chang."
The soldiers looked up at Wang Xian and listened to his deafening inscriptions, all of which were full of blood and heavy breathing "However, the Lord does not read the micro merits of my soldiers, let it be, collude with foreign enemies, cut off my grain route, cut off 10,000 soldiers and civilians from my back road, and slaughter tens of thousands of troops, in a desperate situation, fortunately blessed by the heavens, and the reason of heaven is indestructible, our army has to survive in a desperate situation, turn defeat into victory, destroy the Tartars, Duofang has to get the class teacher, and I am shocked to hear that the bad news is coming, our soldiers and other soldiers, have become criminals, have been wiped out of their achievements, have no relatives and friends in the British name, and have been abused in prison, and there is no life."
Every word that Wang Xian shouted out was filled with incomparable grief and indignation, and he was questioning the faint monarch and traitorous ministers in the capital in the strongest way The soldiers burst into tears when they heard this, and they couldn't wait to immediately draw their swords and rise up, kill back to Beijing, and ask the court for justice "We soldiers, what crimes have birds to hide, impatient with our families, what crimes have been tragically strained, how innocent nearly 10,000 soldiers and civilians, what crimes have been betrayed, and have been wronged through the ages" Wang Xian roared at the sword: "We soldiers, don't ask for justice, how can we calm the depression in our hearts, we and our sons will not avenge this for their families, how can we repay the kindness of our parents and our boys, if we don't take revenge, what face will I see again under the spring."
Wang Xian said, raised the sword high, his eyes widened, glared at the soldiers, and roared word by word: "I, Wang Xian, swear here, that if I don't seek justice or revenge, I will have such a sword."
After speaking, he used all his strength to slash the sword of the Son of Heaven on the stone stake of the tethered horse at the gate of the camp When he landed, sparks splashed everywhere, and with a crisp sound, the sword of the Son of Heaven broke in two The wound that Wang Xian had just healed was also shaken open again by this blow, and the blood flowed down the hilt of the sword, flowing to the only remaining half of the sword, and dripping silently to the ground.
The soldiers forgot to breathe, stared at their commander with wide eyes, and after a moment, there was the roar of the mountain and the tsunami: "Revenge and revenge for justice" "Revenge and revenge for justice" "Revenge and revenge for justice" The roar shook the sky, as if it could be transmitted to the city of Beijing, thousands of miles away. 。
In Beijing, since the defeat of Wang Xian, the crown prince's imprisonment of the country, and the arrest of Wang party elements in Dongchang, the common people feel that they have returned to the last years of Yongle a few years ago, when Dongchang was rampant in the capital and arrested people at will.
The feeling of the common people is not wrong at all, because the East Factory is still the East Factory, and the fans are still those fans, but the factory supervisor has changed from Zhao Ying to Hu Hao.
Although the two tigers are surnamed Zhao and Hu, they both want to eat people Those Dongchang fans, in the four years of unemployment, life is very miserable.
This group of moths who are accustomed to being powerful and eating and drinking spicy food, how can they still put in the effort to earn food and drink, not to mention that even if they want to exert their strength, the common people hate Dongchang so much, and they will not use them if they know their identity.
As a result, one by one, they were idle, and after sitting and eating in the empty mountains, they began to be abducted and deceived, and I don't know how many beatings they received, how much hunger they suffered, how much they suffered from white eyes, and how much they suffered.
There is also the original enemy, who took the opportunity to seek revenge on them, and killed and maimed an unknown number of people Now, in order to rebuild the East Factory as soon as possible and gain a firm foothold, Hu Hao has used all these people.
These guys who are full of resentment, after becoming fans again, will naturally come back with intensified revenge, and the abuse of the people in the capital can be imagined Those who had given them white eyes, did not hire them, and offended them before, all of them were labeled as kings, arrested and imprisoned, abused, beaten, and killed in every possible way.
This is not a light matter, those who have beaten them and retaliated against them, the whole family was arrested and put in prison, tortured in all kinds of ways, and all of them were tortured to death.
There are also those rich businessmen and rich people who have never had anything to do with them, let alone Wang Xian, just because their families have money, they can't escape the big hat of the royal party.
The bankrupt who is not blackmailed is Sensei came up with.
Under such circumstances, how could the people of the capital not be in danger and silent, and no one would know, and who would know them tomorrow would be arrested as a king.
No one knows if the same tragic experience will fall on their heads Many rich families want to flee the capital and avoid the limelight for a while, but how can Dongchang Fanzi let these fat sheep leave them and send people to guard the main roads outside the city, as soon as those rich families leave the capital, they will be arrested and thrown into prison for extortion.
The reason why the fans are not guarding the city gate is not because they are afraid of bad influence, but because they are afraid that those rich people will turn around as soon as they see them, and they will not have the opportunity to extort these fat sheep 。
Dongchang did too much trouble, and in a month's time, Emperor Hongxi, the well-organized Beijing city that was easy to govern, made a miasma, and the people were not able to make a living.
At this time, even the sick emperor was also alarmed, and called Zhu Zhanji to the Qianqing Palace for questioning.
In the past month since the crown prince was in charge of the country, this was the first time that Emperor Hongxi had summoned him, and Zhu Gaochi had been recuperating with peace of mind before, but Zhu Zhanji had pierced the sky, and he ignored it.
"The sons respectfully ask their father, long live the emperor, long live the emperor."
Zhu Zhanji was in the palace, and soon rushed to the Qianqing Palace to face the saint.
"Excuse me, show the prince a seat."
Zhu Gaochi was crooked at the head of the bed, and after a month of recuperation, his complexion looked much better.
Of course, this is what Zhu Zhanji does not want to see.
"Father's complexion looks a lot better, it seems that the dragon's body is healing just around the corner," Zhang Cheng moved to Jindun, and after Zhu Zhanji thanked him, he sat down and said with a respectful expression: "This is really good, the burden of the son and the minister supervising the country is really too difficult to pick." ” "Why, you want to pick a child" Zhu Gaochi frowned slightly, as if he was dissatisfied.
But in fact, neither father nor son paid attention to it, because from the moment Zhu Zhanji came in, the confrontation between the lord and the prince had already begun.
Zhu Gaochi knew very well that when Zhu Zhanji came up to say this, it was nothing more than retreating as advance, blocking his mouth and not allowing himself to talk too much about him.
Everyone knows that at such a time, it is impossible for the emperor's illness to be cured.
Because, it's not time yet "How dare Erchen pick a son" Zhu Zhanji said with a panicked face: "It's just that Erchen is still too young, and many things are not handled well, and the current situation is so complicated, it is really a trembling and walking on thin ice."
The sons are afraid that they will make mistakes and cause an uncontrollable situation."
Zhu Zhanji's hand, the effect is still very good, Emperor Hongxi came to him, originally for the matter of Dongchang, but he could only put it aside first to appease his emotions.
Zhu Gaochi closed his eyes slightly, and said slowly: "This is still a bit decent.
You don't have too many worries, just let it go, isn't there still me?"
Although he knew that it was just a mouthpiece, Zhu Zhanji still felt a little more comfortable, who knew that the emperor's words changed, and he said leisurely: "But you are not young anymore, you have been learning governance with the first emperor for a long time during the Yongle period, and I believe that you can clean up the situation." ” "What my father taught me is that my sons must do their best."
Zhu Zhanji was sincerely frightened on his face, but he scolded in his heart: Old thing, you have an iron heart to give all the black pots to Lao Tzu's back, and wait for Lao Tzu to clean up the situation, and if you come out and pretend to be a good person, you will hit the board on Lao Tzu's ass if you don't make it good Indeed, as the emperor said, although Zhu Zhanji is less than thirty years old, he has experienced too much, what he has that he can't understand At the beginning, as soon as the emperor announced that he would enter the palace, Zhu Zhanji knew that the old thing wanted to let him do dirty work.
Chinese pay attention to the deceased, not to mention that no matter what, Wang Xian sacrificed his life for the country, and once he died, the imperial court wanted to dig up the grave and liquidate it, and kill it all, which is always a bit despicable.
What's more, the common people don't know that Wang Xian and the emperor have slept in the same bed, and they think that they are a family that loves each other and is like father and son.
The image of benevolence, which the emperor has painstakingly built for decades, will surely collapse This is something that no emperor wants to see, let alone an emperor like Zhu Gaochi who cherishes feathers, so he fell ill and handed over the rest to Zhu Zhanji.
Zhu Zhanji knows that this work will be infamous, but if he doesn't do it, there are still Zhu Zhanqi's brothers waiting to do it.
But Zhu Zhanji will not agree so happily, because he knows very well that when he kills the Wang Party and basically eliminates Wang Xian's influence on the Ming Dynasty, his father will be cured.
When the time comes, it is necessary to give an explanation to those officials who were accidentally injured, to calm the anger of the people, and to prove that he, the emperor, is still the boss of the country, and the father will definitely attack his son.
Of course, it would not be possible to kill him, but after announcing Zhu Zhanji's several mistakes and ordering him to go back and reflect behind closed doors again, he couldn't escape.
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Zhu Zhanji knew that he would inevitably have the fate of the night pot, but even if he was a night pot, he would have to be a pure gold night pot.
Therefore, it was not until the emperor named him the crown prince that he was willing to go to see the emperor.
At this point, the deal was reached, Zhu Gaochi gave Zhu Zhanji a certain future, and Zhu Zhanji infamy for Zhu Gaochi.
The father and son each take what they need, and Tong Su is not deceived.
This is also the first time that the father and son have finally stood on the same front after a long Cold War.
But now, seeing that Zhu Gaochi not only wants to carry the black cauldron, but also points fingers at his posture of carrying the black cauldron, Zhu Zhanji is naturally very unhappy