Early in the court, the emperor made a will, and ordered the nine princes to find out about the dragon robe within ten days, all the princes had their own thoughts in their hearts, but they all lowered their heads, no one dared to look at anyone, and the ministers were also extremely smart, and no one dared to raise objections at this time.Don't look at what the emperor's face has turned black, who dares to speak, isn't that looking for death, after the early dynasty dispersed, the prince received a summons from the emperor before he left the palace, and the prince walked back with a stomach full of questions, Wang Zhiyuan did not forget to tell the prince last night, remember not to be in a hurry, and wait for the emperor to speak first."
See the emperor.""
The emperor's voice was faint."
Erchen entered the palace to visit his father yesterday, and when he learned that his father had rested, he didn't bother, and his father is well today" The prince didn't mention Lao Jiu's matter, but only showed his concern for the emperor's body."
The prince has a heart, and there is no big problem today."
The emperor nodded.The emperor's tone was very flat, and the prince sighed in his heart, but don't have anything bad."
The father is unwell, and the son should be by his father's side to be filial piety, but the son is not filial."
As he spoke, the prince knelt down, very respectful."
The prince has this heart, and the father is already very happy, don't kneel, get up and talk."
The emperor didn't expect the prince's reaction to be so big."
Yesterday, the son did not see his father, after going back, his heart was very uncomfortable, the son thought that when he was a child, his son had a cold, and the father also guarded his son without undressing, even for a few days and nights, never fake the hands of others, and now the son is older when he should be filial to his father, but he can't stay by his side when his father is sick, and his son feels uncomfortable when he thinks about it."
The prince was so emotional for a while that he couldn't help crying."
As a father, can you not hope that the child is well, the ground is cold, get up quickly."
After hearing the prince's words, the emperor was also a little moved.At that time, in addition to dealing with the government affairs of the DPRK and China, the rest of the time was used to teach the prince, and the feelings invested were incomparable to all the other emperors combined, otherwise the emperor would not have connived at the prince again and again."
My son just felt uncomfortable."
The prince got up, the expression on his face was real, the emperor looked at it and couldn't be moved Seeing the prince like this, the emperor thought of the way he lay on the bed yesterday and couldn't move, and he was sad for a while, and his heart was mixed.The prince has a heart, and he is also filial to himself, as for Lao Jiu, since the prince can't tolerate it, even if the emperor has the intention to let Lao Jiu help the prince, but the prince has no intention, and it's useless to think about it, so let's do it, the prince is not the same The emperor took a deep look at the prince, the prince is his only child with her, and after a hundred years in the future, Dongqing will also be handed over to the prince, so he will naturally pave the way for the prince."
Your filial piety, my father knows, and my father is afraid that you will worry, so he didn't let you know."
People's hearts are made of meat, and the emperor is no exception, and he is especially merciful to the prince.The prince sniffed, and saw that the emperor's face not only eased down, but at this time he was afraid that his heart would also soften, and the prince was relieved, if he entered the palace yesterday, if the emperor was disgusted, and thus became suspicious, it would not be good, so this time, the prince acted in this play of filial piety.Sure enough, to the emperor, this trick is unpleasant oshow7t1706231537: