This chapter is written unlucky.,It's so unlucky.,The monitor was replaced.,A broken desktop monitor.,Replaced my LCD monitor.,The screen has changed from 21 inches.,It's now 18 inches.,It's really awkward to die.,I persisted for an hour.,In the end, she took the monitor away.。
The mutant Dark Dragon King disappeared, when Li Wei won the victory, the situation had another change, but Li Wei's eyes were not always looking at the Dark Dragon King in the sky, the Dark Dragon King disappeared for the first time, when Li Wei reacted and felt that something was wrong and looked up, only Moxidis was left in the sky, and Moxidis also chased after him at the first time, such a change Li Wei had nothing else to say, and directly summoned his mount Burning Flame Dragon Horse, after jumping on it, Chased in the direction in which Moxidis had disappeared from her eyes.From the disappearance of the Immortal Dragon King to Li Wei's summoning of the Burning Flame Dragon Horse to appear and chase him, such a time is only a few tens of seconds, not even a minute, but the Immortal Dragon King has disappeared in Li Wei's eyes, looking at the surrounding sky, Li Wei in the end just captured the remnant of the last Moxidis pursuit, and roughly knew which direction to chase, otherwise it was really helpless.Li Wei's speed is not fast, but the speed of the Burning Flame Dragon Horse is extremely fast, riding on the body of the Burning Flame Dragon Horse, Li Wei's face is not good-looking, and an extremely ugly face appears on his face, moving instantly, for the skill of the Immortal Dragon King's sudden disappearance, if Li Wei doesn't know what it is by now, then Li Wei can definitely go to commit suicide, judging from the blockade of the Burning Knight, even if the speed reaches the point of Burning the Burning Dragon Horse, it is very difficult to rush out.Not to mention that there was no battle at all, there is only one proof of such a result, that is, teleportation, the Hades Dragon King used teleportation and teleported out in an instant, so that he successfully avoided the battle with the blockade of the Burning Knight, so that the Burning Knight who laid the net of heaven and earth returned in vain, this is like a joke for Li Wei, right is a joke, the net laid by Li Wei is foolproof, and it is useless at all in the end.The Dark Dragon King used his own actions to slap Li Wei hard, and also wiped out the arrogance that Li Wei had just emerged, the blockade of the Heaven and Earth Net of the Burning Knight was very powerful, but it also made Li Wei see its flaws, that is, the lack of means to block the space, if you can't block the space, when you encounter someone like the Dark Dragon King who can directly use teleportation, it's basically like a joke, this is the shortcoming.However, such a thought disappeared in Li Wei's mind, and the knight did not have special blocking skills at all, and it was easy to make up for it.In the pursuit of the Dark Dragon King, countless thoughts flashed in Li Wei's mind, a black shadow appeared in Li Wei's eyes, Li Wei directly took out the telescope and looked at this figure, the black shadow directly became clear in Li Wei's field of vision, this is Moxidis, seeing the appearance of Moxidis, Li Wei's heart breathed a sigh of relief, as long as he can distinguish the right direction, do not lose Li Wei has confidence in his speed of the Burning Dragon Pony.Sooner or later, he will be able to catch up with the other party, Li Wei put down the telescope in his hand, and patted the burning dragon horse, so that the burning dragon horse continued to speed up, a trace of obstacle appeared in Li Wei's heart, Li Wei frowned, for the current burning of the Yan Dragon Horse loyalty is insufficient, not reaching 100 points, can not really reach the point of heart to heart with Li Wei, which makes Li Wei have some helplessness, you must know that for Li Wei, the loyalty of the burning Yan Dragon Ju is 100 points, the two have the same mind, and the current speed of the burning Yan Dragon Ju, To be able to be faster, this is to have 100 points of loyalty with the mount, and to be able to achieve heart-to-heart communication, you can play for a long time.Li Wei can easily do it in front of him, but for Li Wei now, the loyalty of the Burning Flame Dragon Horse is only more than 90 points, and it is impossible to do it.However, although it was impossible to make the Burning Flame Dragon Horse play for a long time, the speed of the Burning Flame Dragon Horse was also extremely fast, and he had already caught up with Moxidis soon, Li Wei didn't talk nonsense, and directly dragged Moxidis onto the Burning Flame Dragon Horse, sitting behind Li Wei, Moxidis appeared behind Li Wei, and pointed directly in a direction, Li Wei didn't talk nonsense, and started chasing directly in the direction pointed by Moxidis.Hades Dragon King, that is where Li Wei is determined to win, now that he has escaped, Li Wei must chase the Hades Dragon King back, take out the binoculars, Li Wei began to scan according to the direction that Moxidis pointed, a trace of suspicion appeared in Li Wei's eyes, the direction that Moxidis was pointing to, there was no shadow of the Hades Dragon King at all, changing directions, and began to scan around, here.The Hades Dragon King is not stupid, he is very smart, he actually changed the direction of escape, if Li Wei didn't have a telescope, he really let the Hades Dragon King escape, the Hades Dragon King didn't know if he was used to such an escape, in short, the experience of the Hades Dragon King was extremely rich, and he changed the direction of escape twice, using the blind spot of the field of vision, after escaping the distance that the field of vision could reach, directly changed the direction, which Li Wei admired the other party very much, and got rid of his own and others for the first time, The second time, he used his speed to get rid of Moxidis, and he directly changed his direction, if it wasn't for Li Wei catching up at this time, he directly used the telescope.Up to now, Li Wei had already lost the Dark Dragon King, and the Dark Dragon King had a clear understanding of the limits of each person's vision.Fortunately, he has a telescope, otherwise he really let this Hades Dragon King escape, with the existence of the telescope, as long as the location of the Hades Dragon King is locked, then the Hades Dragon King wants to escape, and the root is to dream in the white.Changing the direction of the Burning Flame Dragon Horse, Li Wei chased towards the Immortal Dragon King Shuozi, Li Wei's pursuit, soon had been discovered by the Immortal Dragon King, the Immortal Dragon King let out a loud dragon groan, and a shocked look flashed in the huge dragon's eyes, so fast, the Immortal Dragon King knew that Li Wei's speed was very fast at the beginning, but now it was so fast that he easily caught up with himself."
Can't escape," the Hades Dragon King's heart tightened, but he didn't give up, at this time the Hades Dragon King was going to fight, and the teleportation broke out again on the Hades Dragon King, the Hades Dragon King has his own pride, he would rather die than be captured, the previous battle Li Wei's approach was all in the eyes of the Hades Dragon King, for what Li Wei did, the Hades Dragon King thought a little, and he had already figured out what was going on.Knowing that Li Wei didn't plan to kill himself, he wanted to subdue himself, so as to subdue the entire Dark Dragon Clan, but such a thing was unacceptable to the Dark Dragon King.Resist, flee, can't escape, die.This is the method of the Hades Dragon King, teleportation broke out, this is the second time the Hades Dragon King uses teleportation, a burst of light flashed, the figure of the Hades Dragon King disappeared directly in Li Wei's eyes, the telescope was in Li Wei's hands, constantly changing direction, Li Wei's whole person's eyes began to scan with the help of the telescope, and found that the figure of the Hades Dragon King, which was originally clear, directly turned into a black dot.In the next second, the black dot disappeared from view again, and it moved instantaneously twice.Li Wei calculated, there is such a situation now, it is the Hades Dragon King who has used teleportation twice in a row, the first time Li Wei's confidence in his Burning Yan Dragon Pony, but it is not as blind as before, the speed of the Burning Yan Dragon Pony is fast, but there is no metamorphosis of the people in front of him who constantly use teleportation, and they have been using teleportation for an infinite number of times, so even if the Burning Yan Dragon Pony is fast, it can't catch up.Li Wei has already discovered that the teleportation of the Dragon King, the range of movement is not small, from his field of vision, once it becomes a black spot, and it disappears directly twice, teleportation is really a good skill, Li Wei made up his mind, and in the future, he will also get himself a strategic treasure that can be teleported, as for the skill, Li Wei is not in fantasy, Li Wei's skills are still mainly attack skills, and now there is a lack of attack skills, which is a big shortcoming of Li Wei, resulting in Li Wei's strength not being able to play 100% now, There is only one level 4 skill four-stage slash to fill the table, Li Wei is still here urging the burning flame dragon horse to speed up to catch up with the Dark Dragon King, but he doesn't know that the Dark Dragon King has reached an extremely critical moment at this moment, you must know that two teleportations are already the limit that the Dark Dragon King can reach, the third teleportation The mysterious power disappeared, and the Dark Dragon King completely relied on his body to resist, but the tearing power of space, the body of the Dark Dragon King was directly torn up by the power of space, The unique scales of the Hades Dragon King, at the beginning were distorted by the power of space, and the flesh and blood were blurred, and there were no complete scales on the body of the Hades Dragon King, and there were no complete scales on the body of the Hades Dragon King.But at this time, the scales on the body of the Hades Dragon King were all damaged in an instant, and blood overflowed from the damaged scales, and the Hades Dragon had now turned into a green dragon, and the green blood made the Hades Dragon King change his appearance.t1706231537: