Double monthly pass began.,The undead also asked for a monthly pass.,Yesterday classmates came.,Drink high.,Just got up.,The undead hurried to code the word.,After writing this chapter.,The undead went to eat.,Come back to continue the code word.,Today to four more.。
In the woods, Li Wei sat quietly, in front of Li Wei, there was a corpse, carefully observed, you can find that the corpse flashed a faint fluctuation, proving that the corpse in front of him, even if he is dead, can not deny his strong strength in life, looking at the corpse, Li Wei's eyes are extremely focused, as if he is looking at himself.Gathering his own spirit and spirit, reaching the peak, so as to use the enslavement technique, Li Wei's level began to soar wildly, and a bad consequence began to be experienced, that is, the enslavement technique, the upgrade of the enslavement technique requires Li Wei to constantly use the enslavement technique again and again to successfully use the enslavement technique to exercise his proficiency and finally improve the level of the enslavement technique.In the past, Li Wei only had more than 50 levels, and he could just look for a level 6 soldier, as long as the enslavement technique was successful, then he would increase his proficiency, but now that Li Wei's level has reached more than 90 levels, the objects that can be used by Li Wei to use the enslavement technique have become scarce at the beginning, and after comprehensive calculations, only the 9-level purple name of the troops, or the 10-level troops, will be echoed.The corpse in front of him is the strength of the 9th level purple name, and there are a few troops that echo Li Wei's request, but as Li Wei's level continues to improve, sooner or later, Li Wei will face an embarrassing scene, that is, he can't find the corpse of a class higher than his own level, so that he can provide himself with the use of servitude.Therefore, Li Wei has no hope of raising the slavery technique to level 5, and the level 3 slavery technique is the limit that Li Wei can reach, after several years, from the Noxus continent to this exotic continent, Li Wei's level 2 slavery technique is finally facing the critical moment of being promoted to the level 3 slavery technique.This time, as long as Li Wei succeeds in using the enslavement technique, the enslavement technique can be upgraded from level 2 to level 3, from the original enslavement technique once every two days, to once a day, and if this continues, there will be more than a hundred more opportunities to use the enslavement technique in a year.The level 5 slavery technique can be used several times a day, so Li Wei doesn't have the slightest hope at all, and his slavery proficiency is marked with the number 99.This is something that Li Wei spent several years to do, the more focused Li Wei's gaze was, the more gentle Li Wei himself looked, and finally when Li Wei's own spirit reached its peak, he did not hesitate to directly face the corpse in front of him, using the enslavement technique, and the power of the enslavement technique began to emanate from Li Wei's hands, directly sweeping the whole body of the corpse, watching the corpse begin to change, the sound of whirring came out, and Li Wei himself was gasping violently.The action just now doesn't seem to be worth mentioning, but the real situation is only known to Li Wei himself, it is a consumption of his own spirit, not only that, but even his physical strength has to bear a lot of pressure, Li Wei, who was still bright and energetic just now, with the use of enslavement, a tired look appeared on his face, at this time Li Wei, although he wanted to rest, but he also held back, staring closely at the corpse that was used by himself.Li Wei has obtained the slavery technique for so many years, after so many years of research, he also has experience in the use of slavery, how to increase the success rate of slavery, and how to do the best, which is all in Li Wei's heart.Although the success rate of the enslavement technique is high, there is a feeling that the loss outweighs the loss due to the consumption of oneself, especially at the critical moment of the war, but as Li Wei's level increases, the corpses that can be used by Li Wei become more and more rare, and Li Wei must adopt such a method, otherwise it is not to say that it is a level 5 slavery technique, maybe Li Wei is just dreaming of even raising the slavery technique to level 3.It's done, a faint joy appeared on Li Wei's face, looking at the troops in front of him, the appearance of the changes on the corpse, Li Wei, who is experienced in using the enslavement technique, knows that the use of the enslavement technique has been successful at this moment, and according to the appearance of the corpse, Li Wei can observe that the success of the enslavement technique this time is the worst one.It's not that mutation, it's not that it maintains its original level, it's level 1, but no matter which of these three it is, it symbolizes that the slavery technique has been successful, and what Li Wei has to do now is to start quietly waiting, waiting for the corpse in front of him to completely complete the transformation, and Li Wei's slavery technique will be upgraded from level 2 to level 3.Waiting for people, that's the most painful thing, such a thing to use an analogy, that is, when reading a novel, when the time for the author to update is up, you swipe the web page again and again, waiting for the latest chapter to come out, that feeling, is to make you extremely anxious.Now for Li Wei, this is the feeling, if the enslavement technique fails, Li Wei really has no expectations at all, the key is that he succeeded, he didn't care in the past, it felt like time passed in an instant, and the corpse completed the transformation, but this time Li Wei felt that it was so long.Time began to pass slowly, and finally Li Wei greeted the complete transformation of the corpse, a burly soldier appeared in front of Li Wei, looking at his hideous face, the slavery technique on the surname list changed from level 2 to level 3, although there was no sound prompt, but in Li Wei's heart, he still consciously heard a dingdong, accompanied by the sound, Li Wei looked at the hideous face of the class but felt extremely cute, cute and cute, but the other party was directly included in the Tibetan military order by Li Wei for the first time, A level 8 soldier, even if it is cute, is not worth Li Wei's personal observation of his surname.The change of the caste, whether it is strong or not, naturally has to be compared, Li Wei recalled in his mind the previous second-level servitude of the caste.Level 2 Servitude has the following surnames: Servitude: Can enslave any dead non-undead class, with a 40% chance of the class disappearing, a 35% chance of the class level -1, a 25 chance that the class level remains unchanged, and a 5 chance that the class mutates into an unknown class.Note: With the art of servitude, you can directly enslave the enemy's soul into your faithful slave.Level 3 Servitude has the following surnames: Servitude: Can enslave any dead non-undead class, with a 30% chance of the class disappearing, a 40% chance of the class level -1, a 30 chance that the class level remains unchanged, and a 10 chance that the class mutates into an unknown class.Note: With the art of servitude, you can directly enslave the enemy's soul into your faithful slave.The change of the caste of the slavery technique, from level 1 to level 2, and then to the current level 3, can allow Li Wei to summarize some things, that is, the percentage calculation of the slavery technique, is the first three castes, and the probability of mutation in the back, without referring to the 100%, the first caste will be reduced every 1 level, and then the next two castes will be added, if the slavery technique can really be upgraded to level 5, Li Wei believes that the probability of that class disappearing will be extremely low, and it can be reduced to 10%, as for less than 10%, It's impossible to play there, after all, slavery can't make you 100% successful, there is always a chance of failure.This time, the enslavement technique has been upgraded to level 3, and the biggest change is that the chance of mutation of that class has been increased to 10%, which means that it is possible to succeed once from 20 times before, to 10 times to have one success.This is exciting news, as long as there are a large number of level 10 troops for Li Wei to test, sooner or later the probability of mutation will be triggered, Li Wei's eyes carefully looked at the list of surnames, the surnames of the slavery technique, the list of surnames, only he can see it, like a wall of light and shadow that appeared on the void, in front of Li Wei, it was completely occupied by the list of surnames, but the strange thing is that the text on the list of surnames is not very clear, because through the list of surnames, Li Wei could clearly see the scenery behind the list of surnames.But this unclear text, after Li Wei glanced at it, suddenly began to take root in Li Wei's heart, take root, no matter how complicated the content, as long as Li Wei watched it once, he could easily remember it, and he would never forget, this is the list of surnames.This time, after the slavery technique was upgraded to level 3, there was a direct change on the list of slavery techniques, that is, the method of upgrading the 3rd level slavery technique to the 4th level slavery technique, there was no such thing as the previous two promotions, and Li Wei was specifically required to trigger it himself, this time with the successful upgrade of the slavery technique, there was an independent upgrade requirement, 10000 times, you are absolutely not mistaken, that is, 10000 times, Li Wei needs to use the slavery technique 10000 times for the troops with a higher level than himself, Only then can the slavery technique be raised from level 3 to level 4, it is not like the previous tenfold growth, this time it directly appeared 100 times, from 100 times to 10,000 times, looking at the above requirements, if before, Li Wei still had a trace of fantasy, then at this moment Li Wei completely extinguished the idea of improving the level of slavery, from beginning to end, Li Wei raised the slavery technique to level 3, it took several years, but the number of successes did not reach 200 times, this is 10,000 times, It's definitely not something that can be done by manpower.t1706231537: