Originally, it was going to break out in four chapters.,But just when I wrote the second chapter more than half.,The small phone suddenly rang.,Apologize.,Today is these two chapters.,The rest of tomorrow will begin to break out and make up.,Tomorrow's undead want 20,000 words.,At least seven chapters broke out.,Fight.,Fight for the New Year.,The undead begged for a subscription.,Ask for a reward.,Ask for this autumn high air.,The fierce day that exudes dazzling sunshine is suspended in the sky.,There's no heat in the past.。
In a camp, the camp tent in the center is towering, covering an area twice as much as other tents.In the tent, the fox orcs pointed to the map and said in a deep voice, but the fox orcs' eyes were scanning the people who were doing it.Everyone walked out of the camp tent one after another, each mounted on his mount, and rushed directly to the place indicated on the map, the place pointed by the fox orc, not very far from this camp, riding a mount, if Li Wei was in a hurry, with the speed of burning the Yan Dragon Pony, Li Wei could arrive in an hour, but in the case of Li Wei, Li Wei wanted to follow everyone to reduce the speed of the burning dragon horse, and there was more than two hours of time, which can also be felt.The mounts of the fox orcs and Han Bing and others are not slow, which is compared to Li Wei's supreme mount, otherwise the word slow will not appear at all.Galloping all the way, Li Wei's mind was thinking about what method this orc emperor used to transfer the Temple Venerable from the front of the army.When Li Wei and the others arrived at the destination, Li Wei didn't figure it out, just when Li Wei wanted to ask the fox orcs, the distant sky was noticed by Li Wei, and several black shadows appeared in the sky, which directly changed Li Wei's mind, glanced at the fox orcs, Li Wei's eyes looked towards the distant sky, this time in Li Wei's opinion, it was to entangle the temple venerable for three days, it is better to besiege the temple venerable here.Is it said that the siege is afraid of frightening himself, so it has changed to a containment.At this moment, Li Wei's location, here Li Wei is also more familiar, because Li Wei has been here at the beginning, and it can even be said that he has been here more than once, Li Wei also stayed here for a day, set up a tent here and rested for a night, here is the only way to go to the Temple of the Dead, that is, one of the places depicted on the treasure map of the Tongtian Empire.This place is already located at the edge of the boundless forest, this place, Li Wei's eyes scanned, Li Wei also has some sense of security in his heart, if things are not good here, Li Wei can also run towards the temple as soon as possible, that temple of the dead, if you want to find it, you must have the right path, that is to say, according to the road drawn by the treasure map of the Heavenly Empire, there can be no mistake in that direction, as long as there is a mistake, then you will definitely not be able to find the temple of the dead.This is impossible in the real world, but in the game world, everything is possible.At this moment, Li Wei thought slanderously in his heart, the scimitar was held by Li Wei in his hand, and the fox orc took out a dagger from his arms at this moment, the dagger was only half the size of a palm, Li Wei recognized this dagger at a glance, it was the dagger of shadows, and after the dagger of shadows was taken out by the fox orcs, it was directly delivered to the hands of the wolf-headed orc, and took the dagger of shadows The wolf-headed orc was in front of him, and with a slight stroke, a gray breath emanated from the top of the dagger of shadows, and then swept everything around, But it directly wrapped Li Wei and several people, all of them, invisible, and at this moment, Li Wei and the others all entered the shadows.Li Wei squinted his eyes and watched as the black dots gradually began to approach, as the distance got closer and closer, who was the person who came was already clearly reflected in Li Wei's eyes, that familiar figure, Li Wei would never admit his mistake, Temple Venerable.In just a few seconds, the figure of this temple venerable appeared in the eyes of Li Wei and the others, Li Wei's group is still in the lineup of entering the secret realm, eight people, among them, except for the fox orc, who is playing soy sauce, the other 7 people, but they are all elites, and they can be ranked in the entire exotic continent.The golden-eyed blue whale beast, the mount of the temple venerable, sure enough, is the golden-eyed blue whale beast, at this distance, Li Wei can clearly see the mount of the temple venerable, this water supreme mount, in the end, fell into the hands of the temple venerable, Li Wei felt worthless to that Isco, worked hard to obtain the supreme mount, and in the end he actually made wedding dresses for others.But soon Li Wei found a trace of wrong, the speed of this golden-eyed blue whale beast is not as good as the burning dragon horse, Li Wei can notice that this golden-eyed blue whale beast has done its best, not intentionally controlling the speed, this is worse than the burning dragon horse, this appearance made Li Wei smile, the original attack did not seem to be without effect, Li Wei sighed in his heart.Crippled, this supreme mount of the water system, the golden-eyed blue whale beast, was crippled by Li Wei's original blow."
Come out, the stealth of the Shadow Dagger can't hide from me," sitting on the golden-eyed blue whale beast, the corners of the temple venerable's mouth were raised, and he said with a sneer, his sharp eyes scanning the location of Li Wei and the others."
It's worthy of the Temple Venerable, this can't be hidden from you," Li Wei said directly with praise, although what he said was praise, but Li Wei's changed tone, no matter how you look at it, it was sarcasm, Li Wei took the lead in taking action, and touched the effect of the dagger of shadows, since it was discovered, Li Wei had no need to continue to hide, Li Wei's figure was distorted, like water ripples, flashing the waves of the Dao, a few seconds later, when the water ripples disappeared, Li Wei's figure clearly appeared in the eyes of the Temple Venerable.Looking at Li Wei's figure, the eyes of the Temple Venerable flashed with murderous aura, and he looked at Li Wei and said hatefully; "It's you, the damn undead, you dared to appear in front of me last time I spared your life" "Spare my life, it's really a big joke," Li Wei sneered disdainfully, staring at the golden-eyed blue whale beast under the temple venerable before continuing to speak; "It's a shame that you're still a Temple Venerable, and you even need a second-class crippled Supreme Mount," t1706231537: