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5. Storms and their consequences

It had been nearly three weeks since they landed, and the Dawn Tread was towed out of its moorings in Narrow Harbor.There was a solemn farewell ceremony, and a large crowd gathered in the harbor to watch it leave.When Caspian gave his final speech to the people of the Lonely Isles, and said goodbye to the Duke and his family, they laughed and wept.But the ship itself, with its purple sails still drifting carelessly, was getting farther and farther from the shore, and the sound of Casper's horn, which sounded from the stern, came down the water, and the sound became fainter and weaker.At this time, everyone was silent.Then, the Dawn Tread entered the wind belt, the sails inflated, the tugboat unmoored, and rowed back.The first real wave rises under the bow of the Dawn Tread, and it is once again a vibrant ship.The crew who were not on duty had gone down to rest, and Drinin, who was on the first shift in the stern, turned the bow and headed east around the southern part of Afra.The next few days were a great time for everyone.Lucy thinks she's the luckiest girl in the world.When she woke up every morning, she could see the reflection of the sun on the sea dancing on the ceiling of her cabin, and look around at the beautiful new goodies she had found in the Lonely Islands, waterproof boots, half-height boots, cloaks, blouses, and scarves.Then she would step up to the deck and watch the turquoise waters get brighter every morning, breathing in the fresh air that is getting warmer every day.After doing this, she would go to breakfast, and only those who travel at sea would have such a good appetite.She spends much of her time sitting on the small bench in the stern of the boat playing chess with Reppechip.It was too big for it, and if it wanted to move a piece to the middle of the board, it would have to stand on tiptoe and hold it with two paws, which was really funny.However, it plays chess well, and when it remembers that it is playing, it often wins.But occasionally Lucy would win the game, because the mouse would make a few very ridiculous moves, such as sending the horse to the dangerous queen escorted by the chariot, and something like this would happen, because it would always forget that it was a game of chess, and would treat it as if it were a real battle, and act as the knight did, placing it where it should be.Usually at this time, its mind is full of hopelessness, death, or the glory of the charge, and the last position.But the good times were short-lived, and one evening, while Lucy was staring carelessly at the stern of the ship as it crossed the long gully in the sea behind them, a large cloud was rapidly accumulating high in the western sky at an alarming speed.Next, a gap opened in the middle of the clouds, through which the orange-yellow sunset sun poured out, and all the waves behind them seemed to take on strange shapes, and the sea took on an earthy brown and pale yellow, like a dirty canvas.The air starts to get colder.The hull of the ship was also turbulent, as if aware of the danger behind it.The sails became limp and floppy, and then swelled violently.She had been watching for the changes, and the wind had become very loud, and Lucy was deeply disturbed by the sinister changes.Drinin hurriedly shouted: "All crew assemble on deck" The moment everyone was frantically busy, the hatch cover was secured with slats, the fire in the galley was extinguished, and the crew climbed high to retract the sails.Before they were done, a storm came upon them.To Lucy, it seemed as if a large canyon in the middle of the sea opened at the bow of their boat, and they rushed into it and fell far deeper than she expected.The waves, like a huge gray slope, much higher than the mast, rushed towards them.It seemed almost certain death, but they were thrown on the crest of the wave, and then the ship seemed to be spinning.The stern and deck are like two isolated islands, separated by a rough sea.The sailors leaned against the boom on the mast and tried desperately to hold the sails, and a broken cable protruded diagonally from the side in the wind, straight and stiff like a fire club."

Your Majesty, go down here," Drinin shouted.Lucy understood that at this time, the people on land, whether men or women, were a nuisance to the entire crew, so she immediately obeyed the order.This was not an easy task, though, as the Dawn Tread leaned heavily to starboard, and the deck was sloping like the roof of a house.She climbed around to the top of the ladder and grabbed the crossbar.At this time, two crew members climbed up, and she quickly stepped aside, and then climbed down the ladder as fast as she could.By the time the next wave roared across the deck and hit her shoulder, she had firmly grasped the foot of the ladder.Lucy had already been soaked by the waves and the storm, but the waves were colder, and then she rushed towards the hatch door, and quickly entered it, quickly closing out the terrible sight of the waves rushing into the darkness.But it still couldn't stop the terrible cacophony of crunching, crackling, crackling, roaring, and rumbling, which sounded more terrifying than in the stern.The storm continued for the next few days, and by the end of the day, no one remembered how long it had been since it began.There must be three crew members at the helm at the same time, so that they can maintain the correct course in all circumstances.At the same time, someone has to be constantly pumping, which leads to almost everyone not getting a good rest.There's nothing to cook or anything to bake.In addition, there was a crew member who accidentally fell from the ship and disappeared.For many days in a row, you couldn't even see the shadow of the sun.When the storm was over, Eustace wrote them down in his diary.On September 3rd, I was finally able to write after a long time.We rode the hurricane for thirteen days and nights.I can remember the time so clearly because it was carefully calculated, even though everyone else says it was only twelve days.It was a pleasure to venture sailing with a group of people who didn't even know how to count, and I had a terrible time, bouncing up and down in the ferocious waves for hours and getting wet all the time, and I couldn't even get a good meal.Not to mention that there is no wireless telegraphy there, not even a rocket, so there is no chance to send a distress signal to someone else at all.All this confirms what I keep telling them, and what a stupid and crazy way to go out to sea in such a battered boat.Even if you go to sea with a decent and decent person and not with a devil in human form, that's bad enough.Caspian and Edmund were very brutal and unreasonable to me.On the night when our mast broke, there was now only one stake left, and in spite of my general discomfort, they forced me to come to the deck and work like a slave.Lucy added that Repechip was eager to help, but it was too small.I don't think she could see that the little brute had a purpose or reason for doing anything.And at her age, she should have a certain ability to discern.Today, the abominable ship has finally settled down, the sun has come out, and we have been nagging about what to do.We have plenty of food, but most of it is something that is so unpalatable that we can eat it for sixteen days.The fowl were washed out into the sea.Even if they hadn't been swept away, the storm would have scared them so hard that they wouldn't be able to lay any more eggs.The real trouble is the problem of drinking water.The two buckets seemed to have been knocked out of a crack, and the buckets were empty.It's the work of the Narnians again.Rations were reduced to half a pint a day, and even then we would only have enough water to drink for twelve days at most.There was still plenty of rum and wine on board, but even they knew it was going to make us thirstier and thirstier.If possible, of course, the wisest thing to do is to immediately turn around and sail westward, and sail to the Lonely Isles.But it had taken us eighteen days to get here, and the wind was blowing behind us, and the ship was sailing like madness.Even if we were to encounter an east wind, it would take longer to go back, in fact, there is not the slightest wind at all.As for paddling back, it would have taken longer, and Caspian said that sailors could not paddle at all with only half a pint of water a day.I'm sure that's not true.I tried to explain to him that sweating really lowers a person's body temperature, so when the sailor is working, less water is needed.He ignored these words, and when he couldn't find a suitable answer, he always responded in this way.Everyone else was unanimously in favor of moving on, hopeful in the search for land.I felt it was my duty to point out that we didn't know if there was land ahead, and I tried to make them aware of the dangers of wishful thinking.However, instead of producing a better plan, they cheekily asked me what I thought.So I explained very calmly and calmly that I had been kidnapped, that I had taken me on this ship for a foolish voyage without my consent, and that it would be very difficult for me to help them out of their predicament now.There was still no wind on 4 September.The ration for lunch was very small, and I got less than anyone else.Caspian was so shrewd in the distribution of food that I thought I couldn't see that Lucy was going to give me her share for some reason, but the nosy fellow Edmund wouldn't let her do that.The sun was really hot.I was so thirsty all night.On 5 September, it was still calm and very hot.Felt weak all day, and I definitely had an elevated temperature.Of course, they couldn't have realized that they had to have a thermometer on board.September 6 was a terrible day.When I woke up in the night, I knew I had a fever and had to drink water.That's what every doctor would say.God knows, I'm the person who wouldn't take advantage of anyone else, but I never dreamed that the water rationing rules would apply to sick people as well.In fact, I could wake people up and ask them for water, but I think it's too selfish to wake them up.So I got up, took my cup, and tiptoed out of the black hole where we slept, taking extra care not to disturb Caspian and Edmund, who had not slept well since the heat and lack of water.It doesn't matter if others are good or bad for me, I try to be considerate of others.I walked out without a hitch and into the big room, which is, if you can call it a room, where the paddling stool and luggage were kept.The water you're looking for is right here.Everything went as smoothly as I wanted, but I was caught before I could fill my glass.Of course, there was no one else but that little spy Ray Pechip.I tried to explain that I wanted to get out on deck for some fresh air and water had nothing to do with it, but it still didn't hesitate to ask why I was carrying a cup.It made such a big noise that it woke up the whole ship.They slandered me to the fullest.I asked, as I thought anyone would want to ask, why Repechip had quietly appeared near the bucket in the middle of the night.It said that it was because it was too small to help on the deck, so it watched the water every night and kept watch, so that one more person could go to sleep.The great injustice came again: they all believed in it.I have to apologize for this, or the dangerous little brute will have to point his sword at me again.Immediately afterwards, Caspian revealed his true colors, like a cruel tyrant, and spoke loudly to everyone, so that everyone knew that if he was found to have "stolen" water, he would be "fined two dozen" in the future.I didn't know what he meant until Edmund explained it to me.These are the kind of books that the children of the Pevensey family read.After such a bluff threat, Caspian changed his tone and began to call himself a benefactor, saying that he was deeply sorry for me, that everyone was having a fever as much as I did, that we must do our best, and so on.What a disgusting, pretentious, pretentious guy.I've been in bed all day today.On September 7th, there was a little wind today, but it was still blowing from the west.The ship sailed a few miles east on part of the sail that Drinin called an "emergency mast".The so-called "emergency mast" is the bow mast erected and tied to the stump on the real mast.I'm still thirsty.On September 8, it still sailed east.Now I slept in my bunk all day, and could not see anyone but Lucy, until the two devils came back to sleep.Lucy gave me some of her ration.She said girls don't get thirsty as easily as boys.I think about this a lot, but it should be more widely known to seafarers.On the ninth of September, he saw land.It is a very high mountain, and you have to sail a long way to the southeast.September 10 Mountains are getting bigger and clearer, but there is still a long way to go.I saw the seagull again today, and I don't know how long it has been since I first saw it.On September 11, some fish were caught and eaten at lunchtime.At about seven o'clock in the afternoon, the ship dropped anchor in the deep water of Sanyingxun, located in a bay of the island.The fool Caspian wouldn't let us ashore because it was starting to get dark, and he was afraid of encountering wild men and beasts.The drinking water ration has been increased tonight.The fate of Eustace awaiting them on this island is of little concern to the others, but it cannot be told in his own words, for he has forgotten to keep a diary for a long time since the eleventh of September.When morning came, the sky was grey and gloomy, but it was very hot.Adventurers find themselves in a bay surrounded by cliffs, like a Norwegian fjord.In front of them, in front of the beach, there was some flat land, densely overgrown with trees, which looked like cedars, and a rapids flowed out of the trees.Beyond there is a steep uphill slope with a ridge of unevenness, behind which are vast and dark peaks, towering high in the dark yellow clouds, so that the summit cannot be seen.On each side of the bay there were a few cliffs that everyone knew were waterfalls, and although they were separated by a distance, there was no movement or sound.In fact, the whole place is very quiet, and the water surface of the bay is smooth and calm like a mirror.It reflects all the cliffs in great detail.If this scene were in a painting, it would be pleasing to the eye, but in real life it really seems quite heavy and oppressive.This is not a place to welcome visitors.The whole boat companions went ashore in two small boats, and everyone drank enough water and bathed comfortably in the river, and then had a meal and a short rest.Caspen sent four men back to look after the ship, and the daily work began.All things were to be done safely, the buckets had to be brought ashore, the damaged parts were to be repaired as much as possible, and then all were filled with water; A tree is needed, preferably to find a pine tree, which must be cut down and made into a new mast; The sails had to be repaired; Organize a hunting party to hunt, and shoot whatever prey is produced on the island; Clothes must be washed and mended; The countless breakdowns on the ship had to be repaired.As for the Dawn Treading itself, it was even more obvious when they looked at it from a distance, and it was almost impossible to recognize it as the same as the magnificent ship that had left the narrow harbor.At the moment, it looks like a lame, faded hulk ship, and probably everyone will think of it as a pile of wreckage.Its officers and crew were not in good shape, all of them were emaciated, pale, sleep-deprived, red-eyed, and ragged.Eustace was lying under a tree.Hearing everyone discussing the whole plan, his heart couldn't help but sink.In that case, doesn't that mean they can't rest, and it looks as if they were going to work hard all day as if they were at sea on their first day on the land they wanted?

At this time, a happy thought came to him.No one paid attention to him, and everyone was chattering about the condition of their ship, as if they liked that damn thing.Why didn't he take the opportunity to slip away, he could go inland and find a shady and ventilated place in the mountains, get a good night's sleep, and join them until the end of the day's work.He felt that it would be very beneficial to him.However, he should be extra careful to keep the bay and the ship within his sight, only then can he be sure of what his return journey will take.He didn't want to be left behind in the wilderness.He immediately put the plan into action.He got up quietly from where he had been, and walked away among the bushes, walking slowly and cautiously, with an aimless appearance, so that whoever saw it would think that he was just stretching his body and stretching his legs.He was surprised to find that the conversation behind him quickly faded away, and the woods began to become quiet, warm, and green.Soon, he felt that he could take a faster and firmer step.A moment later, he walked out of the woods.The ground in front of him began to rise sharply.The grass was dry and slippery, and he had to use both his hands and feet to control his balance more easily, and although he was panting and trying to wipe the sweat from his forehead, he kept his head down and climbed steadily.By the way, this is a sign that, despite his slight skepticism, his new life has had some good effects on him; In the past, Eustace was a treasure in the hands of his parents, and he would give up after ten minutes of climbing at most.Slowly, after a few rests, we reached the ridge.He had expected to be able to see the center of the island from here, but now the clouds were getting lower and lower, and a sea of fog was rolling in on him.He sat down and looked back.Now that he was sitting so high, the bay below looked so small that he could see the sea for miles.Then, a mist from the mountains enveloped him.The fog was thick, but it wasn't cold, so he lay down and tossed and turned, trying to find the most comfortable position to enjoy.But he didn't enjoy it, or he didn't enjoy it for long, and he began to feel a little lonely.It was almost the first time in his life that he felt lonely.In the beginning, this feeling was gradually developed.Next, he began to worry about time.Everything around him was silent, and suddenly, a thought crossed his mind, he might have been lying there for hours.Maybe the others had already left, maybe they deliberately let him wander away, with the aim of just leaving him there, and thinking of this, he jumped up in panic and began to descend the mountain.At first, he was in a hurry, slipping down a steep grassy slope and sliding a long way.Then, he felt that the slip had tilted his position too far to the left, because as he climbed up, he had seen a cliff on that side.So he climbed up again, as close as he could to where he thought he had come, and then began to go down the hill again, leaning against his right.After all this tossing, everything seems to have gone much smoother.He crawled very cautiously, for he could not see anything more than a yard ahead.There was still silence around him.If you have a voice deep inside you that says "Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up" all the time, and you have to be careful, that's very unpleasant.Because the terrible thought of abandonment grows stronger every minute.If he had known Caspian and Pervinsey siblings, of course, they would never have the slightest thought of doing such a thing.But he had convinced himself that they were all demons in human skin."

It's finally here," Eustace slid down a pile of rubble and landed on the ground."

Well, where the trees have gone, there is something dark in front of them.Ah, I believe the fog is lifting. ”Sure enough, the light grew brighter and brighter, so bright that he blinked.The fog lifted.He landed in an unknown valley where the sea could not be seen at all.t1706231537: