There was a man in the country of Lu who had been tortured with only one foot, and his name was Wang Xiao.
He had as many students as Confucius.
A student named Chang Ji from Confucius's sect asked Confucius: "Teacher Wang Xiao is a person who has been tortured and only has one foot, why are there so many students who study with him in Lu State, and the number of students in Lu is almost the same as the number of students of the teacher."
When he heard that something was going on, he always stood there and never said anything to teach or guide.
When he sat there, he never talked about anything.
When the disciples asked him, he gave a simple answer, and he finished in a few words.
The disciples all came to admire it, and in the end, they all returned satisfied, and they all learned what they wanted.
Could it be that there is really an unspoken teaching in this world, without words and body language education, it can make people have that kind of feeling, what kind of person is this, there are really such superior people in this world?"
Confucius replied: "Alas, you said that he was a saint, and my knowledge and virtue were inferior to him, and I did not have time to consult him."
I am going to learn from him as a teacher.
What's more, those who are not as knowledgeable and moral as my Kongqiu, I will lead all the people of the world to learn from him. ” Chang Ji asked puzzledly: "He is a person who has only one foot after being tortured, and his knowledge and morality are even better than those of the teacher."
Compared with ordinary people, the difference is even greater.
What is the difference between the mind of a man like him and the others, and what is the difference?"
Confucius replied, "He was a Taoist, and he believed that people and all things come from the Tao, and that after death they return to the Tao."
People and all things are just a concrete thing that has changed, and after returning to the Tao, what will change into it is natural Death or life is a major event in life, but for him, death or life is only the end of this life and the beginning of another life.
I am still me, I am the Tao.
Even if the world is turned upside down, he will not be lost or destroyed because of it.
I am still me, I am the Tao.
He was a man of enlightenment and understood how things change.
Therefore, no matter how life and death change, this thing dies and the other thing lives, and what he will become, he will not care, and he will be at peace with what he encounters.
Whatever changes become, they only come from changes in the Tao, and he holds on to this: He is the Tao.
Everything is changed by the Tao. ” Chang Ji asked: "I didn't understand the teachers and students" Confucius said, "I think that I am a person who is different from others, and I am an independent person."
Such people see things differently.
Therefore, even though the liver and gallbladder are two adjacent organs in the human body, they believe that the liver is the liver and the gallbladder is the gallbladder.
It was obviously two adjacent organs, but as a result, it became as distant as the Chu State and the Yue State.
People who think that they are not just themselves, but also part of a whole, see things differently.
In their view, man, like all things, is only a part of heaven and earth.
People and all things are like the liver and gall bladder, and the liver and gallbladder are only a part of the human body.
And man and all things are only a part of the heavens and the earth.
People like him don't care what they hear with their ears or what they see with their eyes, no matter what sounds or colors.
Even the most pleasing music, the words of compliment.
Either the most beautiful scenery or a touching scene.
What we care about is: whether it is in line with morality, in line with the changes of the Tao, and in line with the dictates of things.
His way of looking at things is like this, looking at it holistically.
Man, like everything in heaven and earth, is just a thing materialized from the Tao.
So he only sees people, and doesn't care if a person is beautiful or ugly or crippled.
So he didn't care that the loss of a foot was like a piece of dirt falling down a hillside.
He is still him, he is still a human, he is still Wang Xiao. ” Chang Ji asked: "He learned these things for himself, and then worked hard to learn the Tao."
As you can imagine, when he lost that leg, it must have been as painful as we imagined.
He thought his life was over, but he understood life.
Then he compares his heart to his heart and understands the hearts of others.
But that's just what people think in their hearts, so how can he know what other things think and what they think?"
Confucius replied: "Learning to be a human being and learning from others is like imprinting oneself on the surface of the water, not on the flowing water, but on the still water."
Therefore, learn to be a person and learn from others, not to learn from the surface of others, but to learn behind the surface phenomena.
The superficial phenomena are generally contrived, and behind the surface is the reality.
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To learn to be a person and learn from others, we must look at other people's lives, not at other people's moments.
Only one person who is the same on the outside and has been like this all his life is worthy of our learning.
And Wang Xiao is this person who is worthy of our learning.
Don't think he's at fault because he was tortured and had his foot cut off, but whether he's at fault in his life.
There are all kinds of plants growing on the earth, but only pine and cypress trees are evergreen in spring, summer, autumn and winter.
There are countless characters in the world who have survived, but Shun's moral character is the most upright.
It is precisely because he was able to correct his own character and set an example for the world that others followed his example, and thus corrected the character of the world.
It is precisely because he has always maintained this character that he is not afraid of suspicion from others.
A warrior alone dares to dominate thousands of troops, and that's it.
Those who are bent on chasing fame and fortune and seeking themselves can probably do the same.
And those who have attained enlightenment, are they really like this, are they like this in pursuit of fame and fortune?
No, they know the origin of heaven and earth and all things, and they regard their bodies as dwellings, and their ears and eyes as appearances.
If you know the origin of heaven and earth and all things, you can still not know what life is Their hearts seem to be dead, but when they are really dead, they understand that human beings, like all things, are just one thing, just one thing materialized by the Tao.
Therefore, people's life and death have no meaning for them.
This thing dies and the other is born, and the cycle repeats, and the Tao is eternal.
They see through life and death, and regard themselves as things and Tao.
So they are able to "teach without words."
People who have a great understanding of life are generally too lazy to talk nonsense.
When the day comes, they will definitely face it calmly.
Man, like all things, is to die and cannot be avoided, so obey itFor ordinary people in the world, where do they want to do this?
We cannot look at life from the perspective that man and all things come from the perspective of heaven and earth. ” End of chapter: