When I fell asleep last night, some other things happened, my grandmother asked Liangzi to find the wife and son who remarried the fish seller, and the wife he remarried was still good, saying that he had to buy a thin coffin for the fish seller, and the owner of the coffin shop saw that she was so affectionate and righteous, and also made a favor, half sold and half sent a coffin, and called four coffin bearers to come over.
In terms of rules, dead people's things can not be sent, it is unlucky for people's own families, so it can only be half sold and half given away is also the best way.
The boy's family and the fish seller's family were ready, and the grandmother beckoned everyone to move as little as possible, and a group of people hurriedly walked towards the back mountain, in the countryside, people who died normally or died can be buried in their own fields.
However, the boy and the fish seller died unexpectedly, so they could only find a place in the open space in the back mountain, and they could not be buried in a big way.
When a group of people came to the back mountain, the sky was already bright, and the weather was still very good today, and the sound of crying sounded in the crowd, it was the boy's mother and the fish seller's wife crying in a low voice, and everyone felt very uncomfortable when they heard it.
Several coffin bearers quickly dug two deep rectangular pits on the ground, and the grandmother did not do too much so-called rituals, after all, the grandmother is not a Taoist priest, and the night was safe last night, which is enough to show that the soul of the boy and the fish seller does not want to hurt other people, and also hopes that his body can be buried in the ground, but after many years of wandering, whether it is a person or a ghost, they all hope to have a place to live.
Things went as smoothly as we hoped, and after the burial was done, the grandmother asked the boy's family, as well as the fish seller's son, to add a handful of soil to his head, press a few pieces of paper money, and go to the grave and put on three pillars of incense.
Everyone began to mourn in silence, the incense burned very quickly, the boy mother and the son of the fish seller squatting next to him, burned paper money for the deceased on the side, a gust of wind blew, the paper money was blown around, the old man said, this is the deceased already knew that the family sent money, a gust of wind is to tell the family, they have taken the money.
Things are done very smoothly, everyone is very relieved in their grief, people who have not seen the body for many years can finally be buried in the earth, and the living people no longer wash their faces with tears every day for regret, and the deceased has also been given a peaceful pure land to sleep.
After everything is done, my grandmother explained to everyone that you can go home, and in the future, the Qingming Ghost Festival will come to hint at worship, don't let the deceased be buried here alone, people are watching the sky, and the deceased also feels the concern of their relatives.
Finally can go home, everyone is tired, the fish seller's wife and son who remarried are not good to stay, thank the grandmother and leave in a hurry, the boy's family has to pull the uncle and grandmother to the house for dinner, in fact, just want to talk about how to thank the grandmother and find their son's body.
After all, when we decided to help the village solve the problem of the river, we never thought of asking others to thank us, or give money or things or anything, everything was kind. aa2705221: