He glanced at the clothes on her that didn't fit very well.,Didn't say anything more.,Eyes were cold and retracted.,Back to work.。
His factory has always been required by neatness and cleanliness, when is the dust so big that a person can wash his clothes and hair Ye Ning squinted slightly, but he didn't know what the person opposite was thinking at the moment, and after seeing that he didn't ask anymore, he breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, and hurriedly returned to his position and started to work.This kind of thing is not a glorious thing, and she doesn't want him to know.Fortunately, after she returned to her position, he didn't look at her anymore, but concentrated on the work in hand, and didn't even lift his eyelids again.So at this moment, in the office that was completely quiet, it was like going to an isolated corner, except for the sound of the two of them tapping on the keyboard, only the whirring sound of the air conditioner exhaust fan, and the whole room was quiet and could be heard even dropping a pin on the ground.Ye Ning was a little uncomfortable at first, but after working for a long time, she slowly forgot about the surrounding environment, forgot the nervousness that would arise when she faced this person, and began to concentrate on work.It wasn't until two hours later, in this office, that a phone suddenly rang "Hey" "Sanshao, the original jade of the Huo family has arrived, do you want to come and have a look" The original jade He thought of the advertisement he asked the advertising department to make yesterday, and his eyes picked up: "Is there a problem" The man hurriedly shook his head on the phone: "No, it's a new product, I want to be cautious" The new product said the same, it should be cautious.So he glanced at the little head on the small table opposite and didn't know what was written, and hung up the phone."
An Ning" "Hmm" "You go to the factory, the big shipment of that jade sample arrived this morning, you go over and take a look." ”He looked at her lightly, with no emotion on his face.Ye Ning was stunned for a while, and then nodded blankly.By the way, she forgot that there was still this matter, yesterday on the front line, she heard with her own ears that the woman was going to do something about the supply, if it wasn't for Lin Yebai to stop her, she still wanted to add fuel to the fire.It seems that she is going to take a look right away to see if there is a problem, so after agreeing, she really went out immediately.As soon as she left, the office was even quieter, Ou Dushen saw it, so he picked up the water cup on the table and took a sip, and dialed the phone outside: "What happened today" It was Secretary Gao who answered the phone outside, and when he heard this, his brain immediately began to run at high speed: "Sanshao, it's not a big deal, it just seems that Miss Bai is back." ”When Miss Bai heard this, her eyebrows frowned slightly: "When did you come back?"
"It seems to be noon, by the way, I heard that Ou Yuze personally drove to the airport to pick him up." ”As soon as Ou Yuze heard this name, the man's face really became even more ugly.Of course the eldest lady of the Bai family knew that it was a little girl who was spoiled by his father to be lawless, she relied on her identity as his granddaughter, and in the Blue Mountain Manor, she was really arrogant and arrogant, a little devil.That is, he never took her in his eyes, otherwise, this Ou family might be her world.oshow7