In fact, he made it up.,The yard.,Since their mother and son moved in.,In order to prevent them from leaving.,Not only did someone guard it outside.,Even the TV and Internet inside.,It's also turned off.。
Therefore, the things about this uncle were all observed by him when he followed Uncle Jin from time to time with Uncle Lin.O'Twilight was stunned and cried as he said that his mother had cried something when she saw the news about him, like a jump in his chest, frozen and cold, the thick and hard layer that he had erected not long ago, and suddenly, it moved again."
Has your mother been bad since she went back" Ye Xiaobao shook his head: "It's not good, she hasn't gone downstairs for a week, and she doesn't eat well, and when she sleeps, she often sits on the windowsill and looks outside in a daze, uncle, are you going to see your mother" Ye Xiaobao is really worried about his mother, otherwise, he wouldn't have taken such a risk to find this uncle.Ou Du looked at him deeply, in his well-defined facial features, he couldn't see any emotion, he couldn't see joy and anger, the whole person's expression seemed to be covered with a layer of fog, no one could see what he was thinking, he was going to see her No, he didn't want to at all.At the very least, before he came, he had just vetoed Secretary Gao's offer to continue the search for the mother and son.That woman, this time really provoked him, and it was his bottom line, but when he saw the child's hopeful eyes, as well as the high redness and swelling on his small forehead, his eyes finally softened: "Where do you live now" Ye Xiaobao's eyes suddenly lit up: "We live in" No, no, no, he can't tell him where they live, otherwise it will be troublesome if Uncle Lin finds out.The four-year-old child, with a roll of his eyes, changed his mind: "Uncle, my mother will go to Grandma Qiao's birthday party the day after tomorrow." ”"Who is Grandma Qiao?"
and "It's Aunt Qiao's mother." ”"Who is Aunt Qiao" "Aunt Qiao" Ye Xiaobao scratched his little head: "Aunt Qiao is my mother's good friend, my uncle has seen it, the one who took me to find my mother last time in that square." ”Oh, it turned out that the girl Ou Dushen understood, so he put his little hat on him: "Okay, I know, uncle will let someone send you back first." ”When Ye Xiaobao heard this, his big black eyes suddenly lit up, "That uncle, did you agree" Ou Dushen didn't speak, just touched his little head, picked up the phone on the bedside and dialed out: "Hey, Chengzhi, come here." ”Two minutes later, Dean Ji came.After coming, I pushed open the door of the ward and saw the small bun inside, and his eyes almost didn't fall out, I relied on this bun from where it came out, didn't it say that it had disappeared, and I couldn't find it for a long time, why did it suddenly appear here He looked around: "Who brought him here" Ou Dui glanced at him lightly, and hugged the bun on the bed: "Go and help him treat the wound on his forehead, and send him back." ”Ji Chengzhi: "" After being stunned for a long time, his eyes glared at the little bun: "Bun, where did you come from" Baozi was quite happy at first when he saw this dean uncle, but when he heard where he came from, he began to twist his eyebrows: "Jumping out of the stone" oshow7