Ji Chengzhi didn't react a little.,Just wanted to say let him eat something and then leave.,He came over from work.,Didn't eat anything.,Just drank a glass of wine.,The stomach can't stand it later.。
However, in the blink of an eye, and after this man left such a sentence, he opened the door and left.It's really getting more and more confusing, what does he want to do, knowing that the woman is already inseparable from him, why did that woman go to his apartment, could it be that something happened Ji Chengzhi was a little worried, and in the platinum apartment here, Ye Ning finally wrapped the wontons with Xiao Baozi after cleaning the room."
Baby, how many do you want to eat" When he got out of the pot, Ye Ning couldn't help but be a little amused when he saw the little meat dumpling standing there drooling and looking at a small stool next to him.Ou Xiaobao didn't even take his eyes off for a moment, especially after he smelled the fragrance of the soup in the pot, he was even more angry: "I want a lot, Mom, you can put it in quickly, baby is hungry." ”"It's good to be hungry, mom will cook it for you right away" Ye Ning looked at him like that, her heart was about to melt, and she took the wrapped wontons from the plate, she counted them, and threw about twenty into them.Eight are children, and a dozen or so are hers.However, after Xiaobao saw that she had lost so little, she quit: "What about Dad, where is Dad's, why don't you put more of it" Ye Ning's head was so big, he had to explain: "Your father hasn't come back yet, it's cooked now, it's not paste, it's not too late to cook it when he comes back, let's cook ours first." ”"Really" "Really" "Okay, I'll call my dad and ask him when he's back" As soon as he slipped away, the little kid immediately got off the stool and ran to the living room to make a phone call.When Ye Ning saw it, he jumped wildly in his heart, and he almost didn't catch this little bastard back.She didn't want to see him on the phone, she wished that the mother and son would eat, and he would come back after she left.However, how fast was the little bastard, running out of the kitchen, it was less than two minutes, and in the living room, his milky voice sounded: "Dad, when will you come back, Mom has already cooked the chaos at home" Ye Ning: "It's really a minute of green muscles and jumping, I want to throw the spatula away immediately, what should I do if I want to turn into a wind and disappear here Ye Ning, I felt the embarrassment that I had never felt before, that day, I told him in person, The person she no longer has anything to do with him is her, and she said that in the future he will take his sunny path, and the person who crosses her single-plank bridge is also her.But now, in less than half a month, she slapped her face, not only did she come to his place again, but she also cooked in his place.What is the difference between relying on this and being a thief and being caught, Ye Ning's cold sweat broke out, and at this time, the little bastard's crisp voice came from the living room: "Mom, Dad said, it's already downstairs, come up right away" Ye Ning "bang" immediately came up, finally, the spatula really fell to the ground Xiaobao heard it in the living room, and came over: "Mom, are you okay?"