おcco Yun Yueyao didn't accept it.,Let her keep it for herself.,This kind of spiritual grass she has in her space.,If she wants.,Ten thousand years can be grown in batches.,For what people are desperately getting.,She doesn't want to take it for herself.。
Seeing that the other party didn't want it, Mo Wanrou was even more restrained, although she was born in a big family, she was not arrogant, maybe it was with her mother, maybe it was the name she gave her with the grace of a woman in the water town of Jiangnan.Yun Yueyao looked at her at a little overwhelmed and said, "A gentleman doesn't take away people's favors, I'm not a gentleman, but I don't want to take away what you have worked so hard for."
Let's go" said that, and left with everyone, Mo Wanrou hurriedly followed the killer bees overhead and the group of demon beasts not far away, which made her very jealous and speechless all the way, Lu Han and the other seven people were like loyal little followers, and followed Yun Yueyao quietly all the way.Mo Wanrou carefully observed, and found that there was no trace of dissatisfaction on the faces of several people, she suddenly remembered that a few people came from the direction of the depths of the Ghost Sorrow Mountain Range, and the expression on her face was subtle, Could it be that these people successfully entered the Ghost Sorrow Mountain Range, it really didn't look down on her eight-hundred-year-old elixir, it is said that there are thousands of years of spiritual plants everywhere in it, and there are countless demon beasts guarding it, seeing these people neatly dressed and uninjured, Maybe the harvest is not very ideal, but a few thousand-year-old elixirs must also be obtained, otherwise they won't look down on the eight-hundred-year-old only to think more and more about Mo Wanrou, she has the heart to exchange things for a thousand-year-old elixir, but she was rescued by others, and now she is worried about other people's elixirs, and she really can't open her mouth.Yun Yueyao's consciousness was released all the way, naturally she saw Mo Wanrou's abnormality, but she didn't pay attention to it, she was a good person who had done it to the end and brought her out, there was no need to be so considerate and then take care of other people's homes What else to worry about She thought that she was not kind enough to be that kind of good thing, and when she continued to go towards the periphery, she saw two pools of black blood on the way, and scattered clothes and Danding, you didn't need to look closely to know that it was the disciple of the Danding Sect Mo Wanrou's eyes were vapor again, and she silently put away the Qiankun bag and Danding of the two fellow disciples, I plan to hand it in to the sect when I leave the secret realm.The people of the Wuji Sword Sect didn't say anything when they saw this scene, they just waited for her, and Ye Qinghan didn't glance at each other at all, his eyes were always on his Yaoyao, Yun Yueyao directly saluted, and parted ways with Mo Wanrou.Mo Wanrou also thought about the rest of the same door in her heart, so she didn't entangle, she dispelled the idea of wanting to exchange for other people's elixir, and left directly to the outsiders, and then there were eight people from the Wuji Sword Sect and Ye Qinghan, originally, the seven people of the Wuji Sword Sect, except for Mo Yuan, were very wary of Ye Qinghan and didn't know his details, and saw that he actually took advantage of his little ancestor everywhere, which made them very unhappy Later, they were still surprised by Ye Qinghan's sentence: "Daughter-in-law, don't you introduce these people to your husband?"
It was not a light blow, especially Yang Shaohua, who smiled softly all the year round, and collapsed because of such a sentence, originally fantasized about what was close to the water, what was close to the water, what was close to each other, all of them collapsed, it turned out that the family already had a master, no, Yang Shaohua suddenly woke up, Yun Yueyao was only 12 years old, and he was not yet able to reach him, and he was almost shown by the maturity and stability that he showed to ignore such an important thing, that is to say, the male cultivator was talking nonsense, and he still had a chance, 46xx4911131