How happy and excited is the heart of the night Qinghan at this time.,It's the two people who can't understand back to back.,After destroying all the ice beasts that attacked from all directions.,The ice beasts that were shattered into ice slag on the ground melted into the ice and snow under their feet.,Become a new wave of ice needlesIce thorns hit a larger ice spike and were flattened by the two.,Ice needles can't break the defense of the two at all.,At most, it plays a role in obstructing the line of sight.,Well,It's especially effective for people with dense phobia, but it's a pity that the two people present don't have this expensive problem., From the beginning to the end, his face did not change and he coped with this wave of attacks, and the surroundings suddenly fell silent again.The two of them were careless, spread out their divine senses and carefully swept around, and found that there was really no movement, so they continued to move forward and walked less than a hundred feet, and the two ushered in a new wave of attacks again.Although it seems to be the same, however, the intensity of this wave of attacks is obviously more violent than that of the previous section, and so on, until the cap has just come to the top, and the ban on the air disappears Yun Yueyao has already concluded that this mountain peak should be the peak at the foot of the Ice Spirit Bead, and the familiar buzzing sound of "boom" came again, and then the pieces of ice under the feet of the two pierced Yun Yueyao and Ye Qinghan once again controlled the flying magic weapon and flew into the air, and the huge vibration was accompanied by an avalanche, but, This time, the snow was not rolling down the mountain, but going backwards towards the peak, which made Yun Yueyao more sure, this level should be the ice spirit bead When all the snow gathered upward, Yun Yueyao tried to stop it, she cast a trick to fire the plain, and there was a huge fireball rain, but it had no effect at all, and those fireballs fell into a large wave of ice and snow, and even a wave could not be turned up, but relying on the number, it melted a part of the ice and snow, But that part of the melted snow water quickly condensed into ice in the next second, but it made the huge cloud of ice beasts, and it was not clear what the phantom of the ice beast was, and it solidified more quickly Ye Qinghan also tried to split it with thunder a few times, even if it was split at that time, it didn't have any effect, and the huge ice beast was still in the combination of condensation, and the two found that they couldn't interrupt it at all, so it was not in vain.Yun Yueyao threw a bunch of top-grade elixirs into the fire jade space, Lei Wanshan immediately went back to his own space to help Ye Qinghan's eyes moved, and he heard Yaoyao's divine thoughts clearly, and he had a bottom in his heart, and he didn't worry about the problem of excessive spiritual power consumption After waiting for less than a quarter of an hour, the huge ice beast finally showed its true face and saw the appearance of the ice beast clearly, this time Yun Yueyao was much calmer, but Ye Qinghan's handsome face twitched a lot, quite speechless, no wonder when he climbed up the mountain just now, it was either an ice pick, or an ice thorn, Ice needles, okay, it turns out that this product is a huge ice jade cactus around its body, there are countless ice thorns without dead ends, and there is a circle of ice needles around an ice spike, which is completely consistent with the ice thorns and ice needles on the way just now, so the question is, where will the ice pick shoot out of Ye Qinghan, when thinking about this question, Yun Yueyao already knew the answer, because this product looks too much like the cactus in Plants vs.
Zombies, then, the ice pick must have been spit out from the mouth, but that one will only spit out thorns, the one in front of him, It seems that the ice needles and ice spikes all over the body should be able to shoot out xx4911131