おcco and Yun Yueyao didn't breathe a sigh of relief like them.,She can deal with such a one.,Or because she found the other party's weakness.,And in the case that the other party doesn't take her seriously at all.,It's lucky to get it If she opens the enchantment,If it starts,,She really can't take it However,She can also guess why it makes her open the enchantment easily.,Because all the enchantment must be soundproof.,It can isolate the breath It wants to swallow the nine of them alone and doesn't want to share it with other accomplices.,So when she arranges the enchantment, The Demon Flame Rat not only did not stop it, but there was a flash of joy in its eyes, and looked at her as if it was mentally retarded, when it was hit, even if it was blown up so hard by the peach miasma pill, it was a pure scream, and it did not send out a sonic attack It was worried that its sonic attack was too strong, shattering the weak enchantment, attracting companions, it was injured, and the food in front of it was nothing.
It doesn't even need skills, and it is precisely its series of actions to underestimate the enemy that caused Yun Yueyao to subdue it so easily, and attribute it to herself, since the Qiankun Reincarnation Disk can restrain other creatures in the Taiyi Secret Territory, it can naturally also restrain the Demon Flame Rat in front of him, the Demon Flame Rat was subdued, and the crisis in front of him was solved, Yun Yueyao took back the poisonous miasma and sent it directly to the nest of the phantom mouse Xiao Phantom.It also frightened the little phantom who was gnawing on the poisonous plant, but seeing that it was a fresh poisonous miasma, it continued to eat with peace of mind, knowing that it was the little master who was doing it again, and ignored it.Yun Yueyao put away the poisonous miasma, and directly interrogated the Demon Flame Rat, such a big hall, a Demon Flame Rat is so huge, and her cultivation is so terrifying, she doesn't dare to go on a rampage, and the Demon Flame Rat is controlled by the Qiankun Reincarnation Disk, it is very honest, it is an eighth-order peak Demon Beast, and its previous performance can see that its spiritual intelligence is very high, at this time, being asked a bunch of questions, the Demon Flame Rat did not hide his secrets, and respectfully confided what he knew and saw.Yun Yueyao also got a lot of useful information from it, for example, this hall was not built by the Heavenly Demon, but a very ancient ruins: When Yun Yueyao heard this name, her first reaction was the Hall of Hades, don't ask her why, she had just seen the Prison Immortal Hall comparable to the eighteenth layer of hell, and was teleported into the huge cage, and at this moment, she actually came to the Yama Palace, what kind of place is this, and the Demon Flame Rat also told her, There are more than 20,000 Demon Flame Rats here, and there are many Demon Beasts living in this Yan Palace.For example, the Demon Wolf King Spider, the Thousand-legged Centipede, the Blood Demon Dung Beetle, the Grimace Cockroach, etc., of course, these are not the most terrible, the most terrible thing in this Yan Hall is an unknown magical beast that is locked up, they are very afraid of it, they dare not approach that place, only occasionally they can hear such a sound like a bell, they will be scared and tremble, scatter and flee when the Heavenly Demon came here to occupy the Yan Palace, they did not dare to approach that area, they were very afraid of there, and they did not even dare to get close to it, and there are indeed countless treasures in this Yan Palace, but it is not so good, After all, whether it is a good baby Heavenly Demon or a Warcraft, they are all very rare, so the real good things are either put away by the Heavenly Demons of the year, or they are in these Warcraft Nests xx4911131