The romantic heart is clear.,Although the head is full of ghost ideas.,There's a lot of cleverness.,But she's definitely not a city deep.,A girl with bad thoughts.。
The works she paints are naturally clean, sunny and full of vitality.When people live in the world, they will always be dyed into various colors by the surrounding environment, the people and things around them, and they are no longer the original blank paper.What the mind is like, the picture that is painted, is what it is.It's like a prisoner who destroys a romantic work, bent on destroying the good, and what will end up is something terrible.The teacher couldn't help but carefully appreciate the romantic painting again, and the more he looked at it, the more he liked it.She said seriously to Romance: "Dear Romance, you are the most creative and talented high school student I have ever met.At the end of this semester, in the classes I teach, I have actually paid attention to you, you must have studied painting systematically before, and every type of painting involves contact.You were also the only student in the whole grade who chose to paint for the final project, but unfortunately your copy was destroyed.But as the saying goes, Seon doesn't know if he's a blessed, I didn't expect you to spend just over 20 minutes, "The teacher chattered a lot, because she was really surprised."
Although the basic skills of romance are still lacking, they cannot be compared with professional art students, and the brushstrokes are also a little rusty, so I should not have picked up the brush in the past two years.However, as far as this painting is concerned, it is this sense of youthfulness that creates a different feeling in the miserable, gives the soul, and makes the work very vivid and lively.Hearing that the teacher spoke highly of this painting, the romantic heart finally let go.It turned out that the teacher still secretly paid attention to her, and sure enough, she was hot in the past three minutes, and she learned everything all over again, and she still gained something.In fact, she didn't know what she was graffiti just now, but she just followed her heart and let go of drawing.Thinking about it, it's all ruined anyway, falling into the bottom of the valley, no matter how you go, it's up, no worse, so it's only going to get better, and it's with this optimistic and positive attitude, maybe there is also the momentum of breaking the boat, and the romance completes this painting that satisfies the teacher.The teacher asked Romance to sign her own logo and name on the painting, and then took it away after class.The students in the class all understand that in the subject of art, romance is the first place, and the estimated score is close to a full score.There are also a lot of good works praised by the teacher, and there are several who have received high scores, but the teacher only took away the romantic painting, of course, some people are happy and some are sad.If the class still fails to complete the painting, the teacher can only give a relative score according to the condition of the semi-finished product.Romance is not particularly happy, but I feel too lucky.Being able to save the painting on time is one, and being able to successfully turn the painting into treasure and get the teacher's love is naturally two.After class, Charlotte couldn't help but come over and said happily: "Romantic baby, you are such a genius I really didn't expect that the painting that was destroyed like that, after your modification, would become so good-looking, it's amazing, to be honest, I admire you very much" Romantic was praised so much that his face was slightly red, scratching his watermelon head wig, "There's nothing to worship, I can't help it, I can't let the final grades of art hang a red light." ”