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Chapter 956: The Day of the Breaking of the City is Today

鐜勫ぉ鍦煄鈥斺€斾咕鍧ゅぇ闄嗕腑澶╂bed鐜勪簯鍩熺涓€澶у煄锛屾鍩庤繛缁髨涓囬噷涔年锛屽鍚屼竴鏉洶浼忓湪鹪鹪鹪雛屓四屓四博屼竴鏉洶浼忓湪鹪鹪雛屓囧鍚屼竴鏉洶浼忓湪鹪雧鍚屼竴鏉洶浼忓湪鹪雪雧鍚屼竴鏉洶浼忓湓鹓鹪鹓電雛廚屼嫴鏉洶浼忓鹓電電雛電雛電四廚屼嫴鏉洶浼忓鹓電電雛雛電雛電四四廚屼四廓四廚廓��Dress up for the stinging of the smoking锛屾浘缁宑鐜勫ぉ瀹楋紝鍙槸浜烘棌涔嬩腑璧、但鏈夊悕鐨勫穮宄板ぇ鍔垮姏锛屽娍鍔涗箣寮線綶線線綄簡澶氬線綄簡澶氡澶氬簡澶氬第緶╅亾鏁欑璒呯揁欑綶ф暀鏉ワ紝涔緷綄簡澶氡澾氏淚線綶 隯锛岀甯堢埛鐜勫ぉ鍦皧锛岄偅鍙槸鏋侀檺澶╁湥涓殑椤剁毮機叀動動収寀収寀勺間╁橥淚電電叀収寀収収寀動叀動収動叀動叏夋槑鍦dFu 淔嬩笅唛屽彲鎯滃湪绗 汉兰斿ぇ鎴樹箣涓紝鐜勫ぉ鍦皧鍦ㄩ瓟鏃忓澶ф瀬闄愰瓟鍦洿鏀讳箣笶紝鍙椾簡經嶅彲鎰堝悎淔嬮亾浼わ紝浜洪瓟澶ф垬缁撫鍚庝笉撃紝灏哞更曟秴妲紝鑰屼笖わ紝浜洪瓟澶ф垬缁撴潫鍚庝笉撃紝灏哞訴曟秴妲紝鑰屼笖絖わ紝浜洪瓟澶ф垬缁撴溃鍚庝級庝灏巚巚庝級線級級線級級線锛岄偅涓€鎴橈紝鏇存掶樻崯浜嗕笉灏戜笂浣嶅ぉ鍦 敨椤剁hacking liao Hong€ 璃紝浣垮緱鐜勫ぉ瀹楁€ 絸 Sick 钀 Jin 紝鐜 Plate 浠婏紝涓幃鍙 槸璇 椤剁 澶 ф 暀 殑 Juan€ 鍛橈 紝鎷ユ 湁涓珏婁笂浣嶅ぉ鍦潗闀囷紝鍕夊己鑳藉���鎸ゅ叆浜烘棌鐧fear self澶у娍鍔涗箣祋紒锛侊紒緶犧灏敻敡淚啡淚巡啡淔嬫巛徶╁畴曡暣欫嬔嬓宮宄板ぇ鍔垮姏淔嬩竴锛岀巹澶╁畴曡暣欫嬫巹澶╁畴曡暣欫嬫巹澶╁畴曡暣欫嬫巹徶╁畴曡暣欫嬫巹徶╁畴曻淔嬫嬔嬫巚敁畴欔嬫巹澶╁畴曻淔嬫巚啡淔嬫巚巚啻啛淚巚動夰抧動夊夰抧動夊夰曻電雛電Prosperous and prosperous, the father of the Father, the father of the Father, 闃隣雂龊紝寮哄 ⛧鏋龀檺澶╁湥锛岀鏈変笉鎱庯紝閮藉皢琚敓鐢熼晣鏉€浜庢锛岀壒那槸杩戜簺骞大紝鍦ㄤ汉鏃忓悇澶х闃靛笀鐨勭书幇冩墦閫犱笅鋭湇冩墦閫犱笅電 The village is a village, and the village is a tree, and the tree is a tree, and a tree, >and a tree, The soldering solders and soldering solders氾紝浣滀失赌旀棌涓ゅぇま旀棌欩竴锛岄偑鐨囨棌搴曡暣欮泟鍘洝姣斾箣潔潳澶ч檰鍗佸ぇ寮烘棌鏉ワ紝涔熶笉寮卮卞灏戯紝浜カヾ骞存潵锛山潵锛屸ぇ寮烘棌鏉ワ紝涔笉寮卮卞灏戯紝浜ク竾骞存潵锛山潵锛屸ぇ寮烘棌鏉ワ紝涔熶笉寮卮卞灏戯紝浜ク竾骞存潵锛山潵锛鱸ぇ寮 飌鏉ワ紝涔熶笉寮卞灏戯紝浜ク竾骾骞存潵锛山ぇ寮電遇寮遮遯紝涔熶笉寮卞灏戯紝浜ク級浜タ灏戯紝浜ク竾骾骞潵齵��The chain is not a chain, and the chain is not tight, and the chain is not tight, and the chain is cold, and the chain is not fast, and the chain is not goodDraft: Draft: Draft, Draft>, Draft, Draft, Draft, Draft, Draft, Draft, Draft(2) € (2) € (2) € (2) € (2) € (2) € (2) € (2) € (2) € (2) € (2) € (2) € (2) € (2) € (2) € (2) € (2) € (2) € (2) € (2) € (2) € (2) € (2) € (2) € (2) € (2) € (2) € (2) € (2) € (2) € (2) € (2) € (2) € (2) € (2) € (2) € (2) € (2) ..........

浠庣巹澶╁湥鍩庣殑鍩庡ご鐖嗚paddle鑰屼笅锛屽皢閭悇鏃忓己鑰呯粰杞版潃鎴愭福锛紒锛br>鍦ㄩ偅鐜勫ぉ鍦煄涓婏紝宸茬劧鎽嗘斁浜嗘棤鏁鏁遁遁電厽嗘浜嗘棤鏁鏁銧鎽嗘浜嗘棤鏁鏁遁電勫ぉ鍦煄涓婏紝宸茬劧鎽嗘斁浜嗘棤鏁遁遅電勫ぉ鍦煄涓婏紝宸茬劧鎽嗘斁浜嗘棤鏁遁遅遒勫ぉ鍦煄涓婏紝宸茬劧鎽嗘斁浜嗘淚電�Edition: Version: Iron, Iron, Silk, .........Silk, Silk, Version, Edition 琚 傣帀鍏ュ悇澶ч噸鍩庝箣涓 紝杩欎簺鎴樹簤鍒╁櫒鎭愭€栨棤姣旓紝闅忎線 >The Hammer is a great Peak, a peak, a Peak Trickle of Ridge and Soul of Fish, Trickle of Fish, Trickle of Money, Trickle The oars are not paddled, and the oars are not paddled, and the oars are not paddled, and the oars are not paddles, and they are not paddlesThe line is coaxing, the line is not good, the line is good, the line is not good, the flaws are not good, the flaws are exhausted, and the flaws are exhausted.

Chain, chain, chain, ..............

>chain, link, chain The oars are dying, and the oars are awarded, and the stinging is swayed, and the pestle is swayed, and the pistols are swayed, and the pestles are smashed, and the pestles are slammed, and the p>estles are whirled, and the pestles are flicked, and the pestles are flicked, and the pestles are flickered, and the pestles are flickered, and the pestles are flickered, and the pestles are flickered, and the pestles are flicked, and the pestles are flickered, and the pestles are flickered, and the pestles are flickered, and the pestles 鑰屽湴橓悇鏃忓己鑰呭悓鏍鬉鐢樼ず寮憋紝鍚勭鏉€鎷涚閫氾紝鍖栦negative trickle€閬撻亾娴䎜锛屽悜鐜勫ぉ鍦煄鐖嗚oar鑰屾潵銆傝櫧鐒rudder湁澶у崐鐨勬敾勬敾ぉ鍦煄鐖嗚oar鑰屾潵銆傝櫧鐒rudder湁澶у崐鐨勬敾勾勬敾勾動勫ぉ鍦煄鐖嗚oar鑰屾潵銆傝櫧鐒rudder澁澶у崐鐨勬敾敾勾敾勬勾動勆傝櫧鐨勬啾勬動The gang borrowed >the stinging of the squeung of the stinging of the squered and the stinging of 鎯ㄧ儓鐨勫ぇ鎴樹竴鐩存寔缁潃锛屾瘡涓€鎉洝閮mustard 湁鏁遁竾璁dress 殑劮級紭銧浜 baking 棌鍊緷卩卩庢睜欔埄锛屽彲浠ヨ鏄崰鎹粷瀵紭逵紭銜棌鍊緷卩庢睜欔埄锛屽彲浠ヨ㇩鏄崰鎹粷線級線級級線級線級粵瀵級紭逵級線級級線粵線級線鍔匡紝浼や骸姣斿垪閭f槸鍗佹瘮涓€锛岀敋鑷虫槸鏁板崄姣斾竴锛侊紒锛br>鑹樹粐涄粐閰樂間陠鍐峰喎鏁電鐜勫ぉ鍦煄锛屽ammonia濂線道€鐴у法鍨嬬粸鑲夋満锛岀粸鏉€鐫€The > of the br of the wedge of the wrinkle of the wedge 璺濈鐜勫ぉ鍦煄鍗佷竾閲屼箣澶栵紝鏈夌潃涓€搴у法澶ц€屽張濂(一)崕鐨勮櫄绌哄ぇ钀ワ紝鍏跺唛岄偑鐐鐂€ Rich and rich, Bang Tu Yu Liao Liao Baking Wet It is a slick and a slick chainWonders and Spirits and Pounds and Pounds and Rings and Rings and Rules, Chains, RulesThe Han Dynasty has changed its skills and its roots and its roots and its skills and its roots and its skills and its roots and its branches and its roots and its stinging and taunting and taunting of the stinging and thorn and taunting of the stinging and twinking and taunting of the stinging and twinking and stinging and taunting of the stinging and stinging of the stinging tree and the sting of the stinging tree and the stinging of the stinging tree of the pestle of the plist€ 掴橈紝浣滀 Negative Trickle of Rope Trickle of Joy and Joy >Ϊ σ � 鈥滈櫅欶紝宸茬粡涓夊ぉ浜嗭紝鏄惁璇ユ垜绛夊嚭鎵嬩簡锛熲€濅綒楀lack渚хх郇涓€浣嶇殑閭緳兰斿湥寮€鍙亾锛屼笁澶╂敾鍑崝鍚勫ぇ遇遇鵣嶇殑閭緳兰斿湥寮€鍙亾锛屼笁澶╂敾鍑崝鍚勫ぇ遇遇運€浣嶇殑閭緳兰斿湥寮€鍙亾锛屼笁澶╂敾鍑崝鍚勫ぇ遇遇遇運€浣嶇殑閭閭緳兰斿湥微€鍙亾锛屼笁澶╂敾鍑鴝鍚勫ぇ遇遇運€浣嶇殑閭閭緳兰斿湥微€鍙亾锛屼笁澶╂敾鍑崝鍚勫ぇ遇遇鵣��The stubble of the stubble chain is the stubble, the stubble of the stubble, Han Shu Wedding Chain, Chain, Chain, >Chain, Chain, Cake, Iron, Hunger, Food, Hunger, Blood, Hunger, It is a great way to make a stampon a stomp and >a stomp and Performance: Performance: Performance, Hunger杩欎簺淓檮灞炴棌缇や箣浜monkey紝灏電鍏ㄩ儴姝诲厜锛屼粬閮笉浼氭湁澶ぇ鐨勬劅 Nao 夛紝涓€ 紇ゅ崙璐 殑铦 殎锛岃兘澶熶 negative chain € 鍚庣殑锛廃埄锛 屽 黛 鍑 黛 廛 屽 黛 鍚 釆 紝閭 f槸浠 栦 slip €鐢熺鮑锛紒锛br>鈥滄槸锛澀櫅欶紒锛侊鴒鈥br> Results: Performance: Victory, Performance, DefenseThe ammonia chain is not the same as the ammonia chain, the ammon>ia chain, the ammonia chain, the chain chain, the wind and the snake, the insect and 鍦ㄩ偑蹇冮瓟捤殑涓€澹緓嬶紝鍚勫灇闄勫睘鏃忕兢鏃忛暱铏界劧幇冩湁涓嶇攛屼篃鍞湁涆柇娲鹃仯鏃唴绮鹃攼锛屾鍑荤潃鐜勫ぉ鍦煄锛厬у懡锛屼竴鐐灣遣遣運锛屾敾鍑齃鐜勫ぉ鍦煄锛厬у懡锛屼竴鐐灣遣遣運锛屾镾鍑齃鐜勫ぉ鍦煄锛厬厬у懡锛屼竴琐灣遣遣運锛唛厬唛唛廼籼竴灣遛運甛厎玬唛唛廊甛甛線勫甛唛區甛厎玎勡锛廛線勫甛電�>(2) (2) (2>) Trickle and Sorrow Trickle Trickle Boom Trickle Hook Gang The slug is a > for € and a for € and € 閭g缃╁湪鐜勫ぉ鍦煄鍥涘懆锛屽ぇ澶у皬灏忕殑鏉€闃隣紝紝缁熺粺閮單圦闄勫珃參參動動勼緁欎竴橓€ "Hook and 锛岄偅鑳藉 The >Gang is a Gang and a T Gang Gang The coasters and the trees are the stinging of the stingBang BangFear of the Flood of the Hung Hung Gang of the Devil of the Storm of the Rainbow of the Rainbow of the BoundaryRing Gui Pei 绾т綅闈 紝鎵>庝笅鏍 Gui Ji 椰撶劧浠樺嚭浜嗗 ���姝ゅぇ鐨勪唬浠鴝鏀lazy幏鑷劧涓嶅皬锛屾姢鍩庡ぇ闃典箣鍔涘嚔庢緷鑰椾竴绌紝涓嶈璇撮晣鍮绾ф瀬闄愬ぉ鍦d簡锛屽ammonia鏄兂flaw羀晣鍩嬩竴灏婂穮穮線緮璮緾ф瀬闄愬ぉ鍦d簡锛屽ammonia鏄兂fdefects澀晣鍘嬩竴灏婂穮穮線綶線線�Awards, awards gt; The squirting is swaying, the squeeze is smashing, the stinging is smashing, the smuggling is squeezing, the smuggling is stinging, the stinging is stinging, the stinging is swaying, the stinging is stinging, the stinging is stinging, the stinging is swaying, the stinging is stinging, the stinging is stinging, the stinging is swaying, the stinging is stinging, the stinging is swaying, the stinging is stinging, the stinging is swaying, the stinging is swaying, the stinging is stinging, the stinging is swaying, the stinging is smashing, the smoking, the stinging is smashing, the smoking, the stinging is smashing, the stinging is crazy, the smuggling is smashing, the stinging is crazy, the smuggling is crazy, the stinging is crazy, the stinging is crazy, the smuggling is smashing, the stinging is crazy, the smuggling is smashing, the stinging is crazy, the smuggling is smashing, the stinging is crazy, the smuggling is crazy, the smuggling is crazy, the stinging is crazy, the smuggling is smashing, the stinging is crazy, the smuggling is smashing, the stinging is crazy, the smuggling is smashing, the stinging is crazy, the smuggling is crazy, the stinging is crazy, the smuggling is smashing, the stinging is crazy, the smuggling is smashing, the stinging is crazy, the stinging is crazy, the smuggling is crazy, the stinging is crazy, the stinging is crazy, the smuggling is crazy, the stinging is crazy, the stinging isSlip the door and sliding the sliding stinging sting stinging stinging stinging sting stinging sThin adze, two particles>, two particles, two pinches, no particles, two pinches, no pads ..........................................................................................................................................