Wang Xinqiao said: "Kaiyuan's father had an accident and was injured, and he came back to look for it, and they wanted to see it."
Wang Shuzhen was surprised: "How did Uncle Qu get injured?"
Wang Xinqiao glanced at her more and whispered: "Like you, I also suffered an arrow wound, which is said to be in the stomach, and it is quite serious, I don't know what the result is." ” Wang Shuzhen was even more stunned, and said in astonishment: "It's also an arrow injury, why did he go out, didn't he go out with Kailai, could it be that he also went to the mountains, and he could still be injured by arrows." ” Wang Xinqiao shook his head and said: "It's not going to the mountains, I just heard that they went to Fengyuan, and his father was injured in the city." ” The more she talked, the more weak her heart became, and she felt that it must be Guo Yue.
She didn't want to continue, but Wang Shuzhen asked: "In the city, is Uncle Qu offended someone by deliberately shooting?"
Wang Xinqiao still shook his head: "I don't know, they never tell me about it, I don't know what's going on, okay Shuzhen, don't think so much, my father-in-law will definitely be fine, let's go to sleep, your injuries are not healed, and you still care about others." ” "Hmm."
Wang Shuzhen glanced at Qu Kaiyuan and Qu Kailai left again, Wang Xinqiao could see that she still liked Qu Kai very much, but her current liking was different from what she liked before, she used to like it warmly, but now she is buried in her heart, if she can get a response from Qu Kailai, it will still burst out, just like before, but if she can't wait for Qu Kailai's sincerity, then it will be silent like this.
Qu Kaiyuan left, Wang Xinqiao didn't let Wang Shuzhen go back to her house, the two went to Wang Xinqiao's house, and after talking a few words, they turned off the lights and lay down.
Wang Shuzhen didn't fall asleep Wang Xinqiao didn't know, anyway, she was lying there, her eyes were wide open and she couldn't sleep, thinking about her thoughts.
She is really worried, if Guo Yue did it, Qu Lide has three long and two short, then how will she face Qu Kaiyuan in the future, even if he doesn't know that it has something to do with him, he feels sorry for him, in front of him, shouldn't he be ashamed for the rest of his life.
Qu Lide and Qu Yanchun are different, no matter how he deals with Qu Yanchun, after all, he is not his sister-in-law, and she is fighting Qu Kaiyuan's idea, but Qu Lide is Qu Kaiyuan's biological father, and he is really good to Qu Kaiyuan, better than those two sons, no matter how much he hates himself, just his own business with him, Qu Kaiyuan will not feel anything, and now he can protect himself for his feelings, it is really that time Wang Xinqiao didn't dare to think about it more and more, feeling that his happiness was going to be ruined by Guo Yue, and he was so angry that he scolded in his heart, Guo Yue, this bastard, he was deliberate, deliberately wanted to destroy his family, thinking that if he left the canal, he would be with him, this bastard is simply a dream, no matter what the situation, he will not fulfill his wish.
She spent the night in a daze, but she slept too late and overslept again, and the next morning she was awakened by happiness. happily got up to pee and crawled over her, Wang Xinqiao opened her eyes and saw that Wang Shuzhen's quilt was empty, and the sky was bright.
She hurriedly got up, went to the outhouse and dragged back the happy deer, first dressed him, and then put on her own.
At this time, Wang Shuzhen had finished freshening up, came from her house, and saw that Wang Xinqiao and Happy were up, she said: "Sister Qiao'er, you two are awake, I'm still afraid of making a noise to you, what to eat this morning, I'll make it." ”: