Wang Xinqiao parked the carriage in front of the door, got out of the carriage and entered the small courtyard of the nunnery. \ The size is also a temple, Wang Xinqiao didn't dare to make a loud noise, walked to the door lightly and knocked on the door, and heard an old female voice inside: "Come in."
Wang Xinqiao pushed the door in, and saw Hou's master sitting in front of the Buddha statue chanting scriptures, and she asked, "Master, where is Lamei?"
Lao Ni said: "You are talking about clean dust, she went to collect firewood, she should be back soon."
I don't know how long her "come back" was, Wang Xinqiao didn't want to wait in the nunnery, and asked, "Where did she go, I'll look for her."
"Thank you, Mrs.
After Wang Xinqiao finished speaking, he withdrew from the nunnery, did not catch the carriage, and walked to the south.
This path, when you come out of the nunnery, you go directly to the hill over there, and it is estimated that the two masters and apprentices of Lamei stepped out.
Wang Xinqiao walked along the path, and as soon as he reached the side of the mountain, he saw Hou returning with a large bundle of firewood.
Wang Xinqiao shouted: "Lamei" tgt As she spoke, she ran over to pick up the firewood on her back.
Hou didn't expect her to come again, and asked, "Sister-in-law, why are you here again, you can't take this firewood, or I'll carry it."
Wang Xinqiao said: "You underestimate me too much, you can carry it alone, I can't lift it with you, come on, I'll help you."
Hou put down the firewood at this time, but he didn't immediately lift up and walk with Wang Xinqiao, and asked: "Sister-in-law, you don't have to come all the time, I'm doing well here, you don't have to worry."
Wang Xinqiao said: "How can you not worry, you see your small temple, the wind is leaking on all sides, this cold day, don't freeze to death, I just went in to see, it seems that the house can freeze."
"It's okay, that's because I came out and Master didn't burn it, just wait for me to go back and burn it."
Wang Xinqiao saw that she was relieved, and lifted Chai He with her, and the two walked back.
Wang Xinqiao said: "Lamei, in fact, I came to see you, not only my own meaning, Cuixia also asked me to bring you a message."
Hou's eyes widened vigilantly, and he said, "Did she let you bring me anything to laugh at me?"
Wang Xinqiao said: "No, Lamei, she didn't laugh at you, I didn't tell anyone about your renunciation."
"If you haven't told anyone, she'll know, how far away the two villages are, and people move around a lot, and someone will definitely tell them about me.
"Just say it, even if she knows, she won't laugh at you, now she's probably a little laughing at herself, I think she's on fire these days, she came to me yesterday and told me that she regretted marrying Kaikai, she didn't feel at ease with being widowed before, she regretted and wanted to go back to the Gao family, but she couldn't just go like this, so, so" tgt "So you're asked if I want to go back" tgt Wang Xinqiao knew that it was not good to say this, so she nodded and said, "That's the case, she said that she regretted marrying Kaikai, and she didn't like waiting for a big family
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