Qu Kaiyuan hurriedly said: "The emperor doesn't know, Wang Xinqiao and I used to be husband and wife, but when we built the Wang Family Army, we have been separated for a long time, it was I who begged her, and she was willing to pay for the establishment of the Wang Family Army, but her character is stubborn, not weaker than men, her thoughts are not at all controlled by the general, and the last general will be her subordinate, and she will obey her."
The emperor sneered: "Oh, if you say so, then Wang Xinqiao let you rebel, and you will also rebel" Qu Kaiyuan said in horror: "Why did the emperor say this, this is something that will not happen at all, if Wang Xinqiao is a man, the emperor may be able to have this concern, but she is a woman, and she is a woman who has no ambition at all, she will never have this kind of thought, her original plan was to just wait for the Xian Di people to retreat, she will disband the Wang family, and then be an ordinary person, continue to live an ordinary life, if it is not for the emperor to summon this time, the Wang family army will not come to the capital, at this time, I am afraid that they have been disarmed and returned to the field, and they all go home." \ "Of course it's easy to go home and go home, but the army is an army after all, tens of thousands of men and horses, all of them are elite divisions with a top ten, as long as you call it, you can re-operate the sword and gun, attack the city and break the wall, easy to turn around."
"No, the emperor, Wang Xinqiao doesn't have that kind of wilderness, and the brothers of the Wang family army will not rebel against the court, everyone has parents and young people, who doesn't want to live a peaceful life, who will risk the danger of the nine clans to raise troops with others If the emperor is not at ease, disbanding the Wang family army now, I don't want the emperor to give any reward, just want to return to my hometown safely."
Wang Xinqiao listened to the conversation in the palace, didn't he say that he came to the capital to receive the reward, why did the emperor speak with a gun and a stick, and he was aggressive She turned her head to look at Mrs.
Yu, and saw that her face was also very unsightly, her brows were tightly locked, her chest rose and fell slightly, and she seemed to be angry, or the feelings that had accumulated for many years were a little uncontrollable.
At this time, the emperor in the hall spoke again, and laughed and said: "Haha, General Qu is serious, I am just joking, I have no intention of disbanding the Wang family's army, such as some invincible divisions, if it is disbanded, wouldn't it be a pity, you will assist the imperial court to exterminate Xiandi, Yao is a great achievement, I will be greatly rewarded, and I have asked the Ministry of Rites to draw up a list of rewards, as long as it is the person you reported to the meritorious soldiers, everyone has a share, and the whole army will be paid for three months, and the local officials will reward each person with ten acres of fertile land." ” Qu Kaiyuan said: "The last general will thank the emperor for his brother in the army."
"Don't be in a hurry to thank you, I haven't finished sealing yet, and several of your generals, I also have rewards, you will all be in the court in the future, you will come from the township, you must understand civil engineering, just go to the general as a supervisor, General Qu is a young eunuch, and the others are also under your hands."
Qu Kaiyuan was stunned, he was not like Wang Xinqiao, he didn't understand anything, he was taught by Nie Fengming since he was a child, the first thing is to understand the functions of various institutions of the imperial court, of course he knows the role of the eunuch, to put it bluntly, he is a mason.
He and the other generals of the Wang family army were all generals who went into battle to kill the enemy, and when they returned to the court, they were actually given the title of general as a prisoner, what does this mean He stood in the court in a daze, looking at the emperor in front of him, his real father, the indescribable feeling in his heart, no wonder his mother was wronged and abolished, and his grandfather's family died in vain, it turned out that his father was such a person, the rewards and punishments were unknown, mediocre and cowardly, he must be too famous to continue to engage in martial arts, and he couldn't control it, so he would desperately suppress and arrange such a position for himself.
When he was stunned, Cai Jincheng snickered on the side, he already knew what Qu Kaiyuan and others would encounter when they arrived in the capital, and even what position he was sealed, he knew it yesterday, and he only waited until now to see Qu Kaiyuan's jokes.
"General Qu is stunned, what are you doing, but thank you quickly" The upper hall is not only Qu Kaiyuan himself, but also Qu Kai Kai and Qu Kailai, and Zhang Laixi are also here.
Qu Kaiyuan was dissatisfied with the emperor and didn't speak, but Qu Kaili couldn't hold back the fire a little, and said to the emperor: "Your Majesty, forgive the last general, the emperor's reward will not be accepted, and the last general will not want to go to what will be a prison, if there is no military position in the court for the last general, then the last general will go home to farm, and will be the position of a prisoner, and the emperor will keep it for others."
His voice fell, and Cai Jincheng shouted next to him: "How can you talk to the emperor boldly, the emperor will reward you, and there is no reason not to want it, I don't know how thick the sky is."
He thought that Qu Kaili was stunned, and Qu Kaiyuan would definitely not dare to speak up, and he had to endure it if he was unwilling, and his mason was decided.
But after he finished calling, Qu Kaiyuan also spoke: "The second brother is right, the emperor, I will wait for the bloody battle, nine deaths and a lifetime, I dare not say how much credit it has to destroy Xiandi, but I don't want to change an insignificant official position in the imperial court, if the emperor does not have a suitable position, then we will return to our hometown, and we will not bother the emperor more." ” Not only was his tone tough, but even his expression was full of anger.
Emperor Helian Qingxi looked at his scarred face with displeasure, and said in a cold voice: "General Qu, do you know what you are talking about, do you know that my reward is a holy decree, and if you don't pretend to receive the reward, you will resist the decree, and you know how to convict the protest decree?"
Qu Kaiyuan chuckled: "I know, it's just a matter of resisting the decree and killing the head, the emperor has killed a lot of people, not a few of us, if you think that I don't wait to receive the reward and be beheaded, the emperor will kill it."
Helian Qingxi was really angry, in his eyes, Qu Kaiyuan and these people were just buns from the countryside, they didn't understand anything, and they should be grateful if they could give him an official position, but they were still picky, they didn't want to receive this reward, and they were so obviously dissatisfied with themselves, and they spoke against each other.
No wonder the ministers persuaded themselves that they should never entrust these people with important tasks, it seems that they are really a group of ambitious buns.
His old face tensed, looked at Qu Kaiyuan and said: "Qu Kaiyuan, don't toast and don't eat and drink, think that you will gather some villagers, pull a team at will, and mix in the army for a few days, even if it is meritorious, if it is not for the kindness of the imperial court, you are allowed to go out with the team, you are still a rebel army in a private group, and you are not subject to the jurisdiction of the imperial court, I can send a large army to exterminate you at any time, I am magnanimous and give you the opportunity to make up for your merits, but you don't know what to do, bargain with me, will I really tolerate you?"
Others also followed the pressure, Yan Dongsheng stood not far away from Qu Kai, and persuaded in a low voice: "General Qu, the one who knows the times is Junjie, the emperor has given you a reward is already very good, and the young eunuch will be a prisoner from the fourth grade, the position is really high, you should still receive the title." ” Qu Kaiyuan knew that he was gloating, and sneered: "Since Yan County Commander values this official position, it is better for you to do a good job."
"The peasant girl who controls the beast: the farmer spoils his daughter-in-law :