Soon the servant brought the pen and paper, went into the house, and laid it on the table, and at the signal of Nagil, the man polished the black and laid it there to wait for the king to write the letter.
Wang Xinqiao came over to pick up the pen, pondering how he would write this letter to Qu Kaiyuan, and really told him that he and his daughter were arrested by the Xiandi people, and asked him to exchange two million hectares of land for his character, he might really agree, but in doing so, how can he explain to the people of Ningguo and bear such consequences She hesitated to pick up the pen, and Nagil next to her couldn't wait, urging: "Don't delay, it's useless, you have to write this letter" Wang Xinqiao took the pen and looked at the paper on the table, and then looked at the little rain that was still crying in him, gradually calmed down, shook his head slightly, and said: "No, I can't write this letter, even if you want the lives of our mother and daughter, I can't write it, I can't afford such a consequence, if you really don't write a letter to Xiaoyu, I can't help it, I can't blame anything else, I can only blame her for not having long eyes, reincarnated in a stupid mother like me, and won't protect her." ” Nagil's face was gloomy again: "Do you regret that you don't even want your daughter's life?"
Wang Xinqiao looked at her daughter's soft little face, she was distressed to death, but she also hardened, shook her head and said: "Yes, I regret it, whether it is her life or my life, it is not as important as the lives of the people of Ningguo, as long as I write this letter today, then the people who will die tragically in the future will definitely not only be our mother and daughter, plus so many green plums, so I can't write this letter."
Nagil didn't expect her to suddenly change her mind, biting her lip with hatred, but she also understood her character, as long as Wang Xinqiao decided about it, basically no one could make her change, and after thinking for a long time, he said: "Okay, if you don't write, you won't write, but you and your daughter were arrested by me, you should always tell him, otherwise if he thinks that you and your daughter are dead here, he will definitely go around, bring troops to arrest us, etc., and also pass through the Ran country, if it is not good to cause misunderstanding between the two countries again, the matter will not be small." ” Wang Xinqiao frowned, knowing that he must have other ideas, but he should report to Qu Kaiyuan that he was safe, and even what Nagil wanted to do, he couldn't stop it at all, even if he didn't use birds to send the letter, he still had other ways to send the letter to Qu Kaiyuan.
After thinking about it for a long time, she picked up the pen and wrote on the paper in front of her: "Xiaoyu'er and I are in the country of Ran, and we met Najir, safe, uncertain return, and gossip." ” After writing it, he put it there and waited for the ink to dry, and asked, "How is it, do you ask someone to send a letter, or am I looking for a bird?"
Nagil looked at her letter, pouted and shook his head: "Gossip Mo Li, what is gossip, do you think that if you add such a sentence, Qu Kaiyuan will ignore the lives of your mother and son and ignore our threats" When he spoke, Xiaoyu was still crying, stretched out his hand in his arms, thinking of Wang Xinqiao's arms, the child was too young to understand what had just happened, why didn't his mother hug herself and let herself fall into the arms of a fierce stranger.
Wang Xinqiao stiffened her face, deliberately did not listen to her daughter's cry, avoided her gaze, and said: "Then I won't look for birds to deliver letters, and I can't help you bring letters threatening him." ” "Then your letter of peace will not be delivered either, Qu Kaiyuan can't know your situation in time, anything can happen, if the letter is a few days late, there is a major change in Ningguo, and the responsibility also needs to be borne by you."
Wang Xinqiao bit his lip, knowing that this kind of thing could indeed happen, Qu Kaiyuan had only recently ascended the throne, and there were still many chaos that had not been sorted out, and he and his daughter had an accident at this time, and he was in a hurry, which would definitely affect his decision.
After thinking for a long time, she said: "Then you have also written, I will let the birds send it over, as for the result, it is up to fate." ” Saying that, she was still thinking, hoping that Qu Kaiyuan could believe her words to report safety, knowing that she was caught by Nagil, thinking that Nagil could remember the old love and not hurt herself, otherwise if it was just them writing letters, Qu Kaiyuan simply thought that he and Xiaoyudi had fallen into the hands of the enemy country, and he was worried that his mother and daughter would be guilty, and he might really do something.
Seeing that Nagil was about to write a letter, she raised her hand to pick up Xiaoyu, wanting her daughter to return to her arms.
But Nagil was very vigilant, flashed to the side, and said with a cold face: "No, you can't hug her, from today until Qu Kaiyuan returns the land to us, she will be with me, you can't take her by yourself" Wang Xinqiao was stunned again and asked: "Why is she my daughter, of course she has to be with me, how can you take her well, and she is still breastfeeding" Nagil said: "Whoever says it is your daughter, you must be with you, I don't want to kill her with her, who can't have milk, I specially found a nurse for her, will she starve to death?"
"But I'm here, what are she doing with other people's milk?"
Saying that, she suddenly thought that she didn't know if she had passed out for a few days, and if she was still there, she had already done it back But it's too much to tell a young man that the child is breastfeeding, and you can't touch it in front of him "What can't you eat, the royal child, since he was a child, he has been eating the milk of the nurse, and the mother has never fed it."
"That's another royal family, my children are all raised by my own milk" She said that Lumei also followed and said: "Yes, King Xiandi, my little princess is indeed brought by the queen herself, these days the little princess is not used to eating the milk of the nurse, often crying in her arms, the nurse can't help it." ” Wang Xinqiao also said: "Ji'er, if you want to go to the land in Chao Kaiyuan, be kind to Xiaoyu, if Kaiyuan knows that we are not doing well here, he will not give you land."
Nagil hugged Xiaoyu, touched her pink little face, and said: "Of course I treat her well, how can I treat her badly, such a young child, I will definitely take care of her, but if you have thoughts that you shouldn't have, then it may not be." ” Wang Xinqiao gritted his teeth with hatred, wanted to stack a few cruel words for him, but was afraid that he would take Xiaoyu away, so he didn't let himself see it at all, endured it for a long time, swallowed the anger, and said: "Okay, you can take it with you if you want to, but you still have to bring it to me when you are breastfeeding, and let her finish eating before leaving, otherwise in this strange place, she will definitely get angry if she can't see me, and it will be difficult to get sick and cured." ” Nagil thought for a long time before saying, "Okay, just let you feed her every day." ” Wang Xinqiao finally won a little right, and then said: "Okay, then it's decided, you must take good care of her, write a letter now, I'll go outside to find a bird to deliver a letter."
"The peasant girl who controls the beast: the farmer spoils his daughter-in-law :