As soon as dinner was ready, Tang Tian and Wang Yufeng and the village chief came over, and the village chief and Wang Yufeng were also interested, but they handed over the money they had recovered and the bills for the sold and remaining clothes to Li Tangshi and Tang Tian and left.Tomorrow on the twenty-ninth day of the New Year, the last day of the sale, the village chief Wang Chengjun will first pay the wages calculated by Tang Tian for the past few days to those people one by one.So that the women and girls can get the money and have a good year.Tang Tian looked at the five cold dishes on the table, not to mention, and the steamer in the kitchen was full of about ten dishes, so he couldn't help but ask curiously: "Sister Tang Shi, do any guests come to eat at home tonight?"
”The village chief and Wang Yufeng had already left just now, and it was already more than seven o'clock in the evening at this point in time.Usually, in the countryside in this kind of winter, dinner is basically started at half past five to six o'clock in the evening.Like Li Tangshi and Tang Tian, they have been selling clothes and coming back late these days, so they eat late, but if there are guests, shouldn't it be the village chief?
Now that everyone is gone, Li Tangshi has also made so many delicious dishes, it is obvious that he is not just entertaining Tang Tian alone.The portion of that dish was made for at least seven or eight people."
Well, my brother Jie will come over later, but I don't know when it will be.I thought I would do it anyway, so I might as well make more of it together, put it in the steamer, and eat it hot when I came, not afraid of the cold.Tang Tian, if you're hungry, eat first, I'll make a lot of portions tonight. ”Li Tangshi didn't want Tang Tian to wait with her, after all, Tang Tian had been busy for a day today, so he thought that he could go home early and eat a meal made by Li Tangshi."
What's your boyfriend coming over?
But Sister Tang Shi, didn't you say that he has been busy with the task of graduation?
Why did you suddenly come to see you, couldn't it be that your father came to pick you up at noon, is this the reason?
”Li Tangshi was taken home by Li Daming, and after Tang Tian came to Changying Village, he sorted out the relationship between Li Tangshi and the Li family, and naturally knew that people like Li Daming knew that when Li Tangshi had something, he would take him home for dinner, and there would be problems when he heard it.Li Daming came to find Li Tangshi, and Tang Tian felt that it should not be the reason why the male protagonist Qin Yujie came to Changying Village.No matter how you talk about the male protagonist Qin Yujie is now an executive student, the graduation task must not be simple, and it is unlikely that they will be given annual leave; Therefore, Tang Tian guessed that Li Daming took Li Tangshi home for dinner, and it was likely that he was the sister, Li Tangjiao, the villain in the book, who was back.Li Tangjiao is one of Lu Tiantian's female protagonist's dog-legged followers in the book, and after Lu Tiantian's female protagonist and male protagonist live a happy life, Li Tangjiao and Li Tangxin's dog-legged followers have lived a very good life.But before the two sisters followed behind the heroine Lu Tiantian, they hated Li Tangshi to the core, why did they hate?
is simply jealous that Li Tangshi has been beautiful since he was a child, smart and has good academic performance, and he is a child of other people's families that adults like and often mention.Li Tangjiao and Li Tangxin both felt that they were sisters with Li Tangshi, but the most outstanding in any aspect was Li Tangshi, who was not liked by all the Li family, and they slowly turned from unwillingness and jealousy to resentment, and they both felt that as long as Li Tangshi was not happy, they would be happy.Therefore, Li Daming's abnormal behavior, Tang Tian guessed that Li Tangjiao's return home.