The first time I opened a single chapter to say that it was updated.,Because I'm going to go to school at Lu Xun Academy of Literature tomorrow.,For a month.,Hearing this sentence.,Everyone thinks it's going to be less than ever.,Yes,Classes all day.,There are activities.,Only less more.,I try my best to do three more a day.,Sometimes two more, please understand.。
Recently, I had a physical examination, and because I have been sitting for a long time, I have a lot of problems on my body......
I've never asked for leave, I haven't stopped changing it once, it's all year round, so it's not a bitter card, I write slowly, and my writing is not like other industries, mental work, sometimes inspiration is exhausted or out of state, and I can't write a word for half a day......
Write from morning to night every day, almost no socializing, occasionally go out to socialize, don't dare to drink, come back to continue writing, go out to participate in activities, to update a few days in advance, I know that many people work harder, but at least you have two days off, no two days off and a month off.
I don't have a holiday, I write when I travel, I write on the way to the high-speed train (I was watched by a group of people), and I started writing on the third day after my father died......
I don't have time to watch movies, I don't have time to read novels, I don't have time to play basketball.
I also like to play games, I like to play kings, and there are indeed times when the update is delayed because of playing games, I review, but who doesn't want to play and relax occasionally?
Someone said, who told you to write a book?
Yes, since I choose to write a book, these pressures are fine, and I am also responsible for everyone, so I have always tried my best to write, and rarely use the things in my life as an excuse, I want to give everyone a neat reading experience, separate from my personal life.
Besides, compared to these pressures, I have gained more happiness, with your support, accompanying me all the way down, very, very happy, Shaoyang is preaching, why am I also preaching?
I can understand all the urgings, scolding me, basically I don't get angry, every time I owe more, I feel guilty, try to make up for it later......
It's true that there are a few chapters that haven't been filled, and I'm sorry everyone.
I promise that I will never break the update, and at least two chapters a day, and try to have three chapters.
Thank you for reading this paragraph, you can continue to urge you to update, I try my best to write more.
Writing books is my practice.
I will never maliciously owe more, and I will never take advantage of everyone's feelings.
To borrow a sentence from Shaoyang: How can I be worthy of everyone's love?
Grateful, fearful.
In human terms: I have always been happy and nervous to be loved by everyone.
Whether the writing is good or not is a matter of level, and the attitude towards readers is a matter of character.
Don't forget your original intention, and preach through calamities.
Encourage everyone.