In the city of Xianyang, the wind and the sun are beautiful, the people live and work in peace and contentment, Hu Hai has been the emperor for eight years, there are two or five years old, there is a paradise in the west of the city, it is the place where the four kings of Zhao, Wei, Qi and Han live together, it can be regarded as enjoying their old age, as for their sons are arranged to be officials in the court, but the rank is only Jiuqing.
The civil officials are all below the Lang Zhong Order, and the military attaches are all below the Guannei Hou, that is, they are not allowed to be the Hou.
Hu Hai held a banquet in Xianyang Palace, but at this time, Yang Duanhe, Li Si, Wang Xuan, and Feng Zheng all died, and the rest were some backbones of the court.
The banquet is divided into eight columns on the left and right, the civil official on the right, the military attache on the left, and Hu Hai sat opposite the four kings of Zhao Wei, Qi and Han, and their families were also outside the eight columns, and there were three columns each.
The civil officials on the right are led by Fusu, Jiang Lu, and Gao Gongzi, followed by Meng Yi, Chen Ping, Xiao He, Li Zuoche, Wang Ling, Kuai Che, Luan Bu, Shusun Tong, Ji Bu, Cao Shen, Lu Juan, Shen Shiqi, and others, as well as other Zhang Zifang, Li Sheng, and Confucian scholars from all over the country.
The military attache on the left was headed by Meng Tian, followed by Han Xin, Yingbu, Peng Yue, Zang Di, Li You, Zhang Han, Wang Li, Zhang Ping, Li Mai, Shejian, Su Jiao, Sima Fang, Feng Zheng, Meng Wen, Zang Yan, Xiahou Ying, Zhou Bo, Fan Xu, Zhong Liyi, Xiang Bo and others.
Hu Hai sat in the middle, next to Zhang Yun'er and her young son, Hu Hai first picked up a glass of sake, drank it slowly, and said: "In the prosperous world, I am willing to enjoy Taiping with all the princes!"
” The ministers immediately raised their glasses and celebrated: "Your Majesty is ordered by the heavens, and you will live forever!"
Hooray, hooray, hooray!
” At this time, Hu Hai was not worried that these courtiers would rebel, because the world is still a county system, if the prince returns to the fiefdom, the whole family must be in Xianyang, the meaning is obvious, that is, the emperor's relatives, the nobles must live in Xianyang, and the town guard fief can only send one person in the family to go, so as not to have suspicions, if you don't want to go over, then the county magistrate will govern the place, and the elders will be appointed.
After the monarch and ministers finished the ceremony, the song and dance were leveled, Hu Hai was very interested, and then said loudly: "Qin has established the country for hundreds of years, and it is the most peaceful today. ” Fusu was the first to speak: "The first emperor started a business and flourished, the four seas cultivated the fields and were self-sufficient, and the immortals asked for the way to be destroyed, and the chaotic countries rose up!"
” Jiang Lu continued: "With the establishment of a new emperor to eliminate evil, the old capital Xianyang is not difficult, the old minister bows his head and is desolate, and opens up the country's fortune in this life!"
” Gongzi Gao said: "Chen Sheng and Wu Guangxi are in chaos, Zhou Ping is helping to raise the soup, Hangu Guan Xiaoxi is sending the head, and the courtiers are sticking to the trouble!"
” Meng Yi continued: "Han Zhao, Wei and Jin are sores, their eyes are full of smoke and dust, Wuhou is out of the customs and calms the chaos, and he is left alone to guard the frontier!"
” Chen Ping continued: "The monarch is determined to be majestic, Xingyang is in a hurry to fight first, and he goes straight into the mountains to meet his luck, and the major general is looking for Xi at the beginning!"
” Xiao He continued: "Friendship with confidants is done, and the king of Qing is against this and the soldiers, and when the country is conquered and the city is prosperous, the world has gradually prospered!"
” Li Zuodao: "Stir up the chaos of the military camp and the generals, break the Han defeat Wei Xi's clever strategy, and divide the two counties equally!"
” Wang Ling continued: "Strategize for thousands of miles, dispatch troops and generals, live in peace and happiness in Xianyang, and slowly try to forbear in the city!"
” Kui Che continued: "The chasm will be allied to slow down the army, the ancestors will be sophistry, the overlord's woman will help Qin, and the whole country will be in danger!"
” Luan Bu continued: "Since then, the tyrannical Qin has been tyrannical, even if there are injustices and no soldiers, the world is waiting for it, but the north is in chaos!"
” Uncle and grandson channel: "Zhao Chao and the three people are in the country, Yan Jun is reckless, Qi has loyal ministers and no truth, and the three families are reunited!"
” Ji Bu continued: "Wuhou Yongwu is in the south, the gods and ghosts are unaware of the city, Hengshan is incompetent, and Jiujiang is peaceful to Hexi!"
” Cao Shen continued: "Shouchun is virtuous, Chenxian is loyal, Wenxin is scheming and cutting off the river, and Chu will be castrated!"
” Lu Juan continued: "Pengcheng hurriedly returned to Wu, the generals were powerless, rose up and sighed desperately, and the overlord won a big victory!"
” Judging the food: "The five lakes and the four seas celebrate, the three years of war and chaos are peaceful, the high-ranking friends are full of drinking, and the song and dance are peaceful!"
” Hu Hai was in the first place, and when he heard this, he was very emotional, and immediately said with relief: "What the princes said is very true, when you share the peace, enjoy the new chapter, and drink, and have fun!"
” At this time, Shusun Tong slowly got up and said: "King Qiyu, the new Qin is at the beginning of the year, there should be a country name, there should be a honorable position, the country name is Qin, I don't know how much respect is geometry?"
” "Well, Aiqing is reasonable, Brother Jinzifang and Li Sheng are still here, can you give me some advice?"
Hu Hai asked politely.
Zhang Liang was not easy to refuse, so he had to bow down and salute: "Your Majesty, the country name is Qin, and the Qin people are martial, so they respect martial arts, and then govern the country by virtue, and ask Your Majesty to respect the Emperor Dewu, change the year to the first year of Dewu, and the queen will be respected as Empress Dewu, I don't know what Your Majesty thinks?"
” "Okay, okay, I don't know what Li Sheng thinks?"
Na Lisheng is old and long, he is more than eighty years old, and when he heard this, he slowly got up and said: "Your Majesty, it is very good to respect virtue and martial arts, but the queen cannot be respected, today filial piety is important, benevolence and righteousness are the first, and you can be respected as the queen of virtue and martial piety." ” "Very good, choose a day for the ceremony!
Ladies and gentlemen, drink!
Hu Hai was overjoyed!
Since then, the Huhai Dune Coup has been eight years old, and it has been called Dewu Zhongxing, and Taiping has been more than 300 years!