Well, I was taken away by Xiao Xingxing before.,I've always felt that I had to make a fried chicken nugget that can surpass Mozu Bird House.,Now that I think about it.,Just make a delicious snack that's easy to sell in places like the commercial street.
In Yang Ming's view, it is really unimaginable that Dongying's street food has remained at the point of taiyaki, crepes, and oden for so many years, and Taiwan's night markets have evolved dozens of versions, okay?
However, Kohei Soma still seems to have doubts, "Competing with them with more delicious fried chicken nuggets will bring back customers better, and it will be difficult to regain popularity with different dishes."
I have to say that Xingping Chuang's consideration is indeed becoming more and more mature, indeed, if there is a more beautiful fried chicken nugget in the commercial street now, it is almost a spire built on the huge reputation of the other party, and choosing fried chicken nuggets is choosing to stand on the shoulders of giants.
"Chicken nuggets that taste better than the Mozu House."
This can be used as a slogan in itself.
"How about A5 beef," Mito said.
"A5 grade beef" Kohei Soma's eyes lit up, he has tasted Mito's glamorous beef dishes, the kind of beef that melts in the mouth, and when it appears here, it is also very topical It's just that "That's expensive, isn't it?"
asked Kohei Soma.
"For the sake of our classmates, I can ask the Mito Group to wholesale the best ingredients to you at cost price," Mito Yu Mei glanced at Yang Ming proudly, he could finally help.
"How much is it?"
Kohei Soma began to think in his heart, according to the amount of one serving, ordinary beef is about 100 grams of 1,000 yen, then, A5 grade beef, it is probably acceptable to set the price of snacks a little higher than 100 grams and 1,800 yen Dongying's beef is not expensive, they can buy a lot of Australian and American beef, and the average price is only 30 yuan a catty when converted into RMB, which is about the same as in China.
Of course, Dongying's local beef is more expensive, about 50 yuan a catty.
As for the world's top beef, Kobe beef, Songpo beef, and Yonezawa beef are all high-consumption beef, and ordinary people can't afford to consume them at all.
"Think about it, 100 grams is even if you have 3,000 and a half."
"It's so cheap" Yang Ming on the side was stunned, A5 grade beef is only three thousand five, what kind of price is this, can she buy a few catties back "Yes" Mito Yumei smiled embarrassedly, in fact, this is a little lower than the cost price, if Kohei Chuangzhen really needs it, she can lose her own money to make up the difference, after all, she is happy to buy a thousand dollars.
As everyone knows, the conversation between the two of them deeply hit Kohei Chuangzhen, "It's still not necessary" "Ha, don't be polite to me because the price is too cheap" "I really don't need it haha, I'll find another way."
Kohei Chuangzhen laughed and said, what should he say, it would be too embarrassing to say that he couldn't afford it.
"Yang Ming, do you have any ideas" Xingping Chuangzhen asked when he saw that Yang Ming wanted to open his mouth just now.
"Why don't we take advantage of the characteristics of the commercial street," Yang Ming said after some thought.
"Characteristics of the shopping street" Hearing this term, Kohei Sojina, who was originally puzzled, seemed to have a mist waiting to be blown through in front of his eyes.
"What's the best way to eat fried chicken nuggets" Yang Ming tilted his head sideways and looked at Kohei Chuangzhen.
"Of course, it's freshly fried and eaten" Kohei Sojin suddenly came to his senses, "That's right, we can make a fuss about this."
"What do you mean" Mito Yumei couldn't help but ask, from just now, she didn't understand the dumb riddle between the two people.
Kohei Sojin felt that there was a solution to the problem, and he was in a good mood, and explained with a smile: "Mozu House is located in the station, although it occupies an advantageous location, but it also has a disadvantage that cannot be ignored, that is, their fried chicken, which cannot be fried and eaten. ” "You can't fry and eat it" "In order to make it easier for people to go home by train, they put the fried chicken nuggets in a sealed box that won't leak the flavor," Kohei Soma pointed to the box with cherry blossom petals fluttering, "There is no way for customers to eat fried chicken nuggets in a neat store."
"Their fried chicken nuggets are not designed to be bought and eaten at home," Kohei Soma's eyes lit up, "We can find a breakthrough here" "What they can't do, we do, that's the key to solving the problem" "Not only that, there are many schools in the shopping street, from elementary school to university, and in the evening, these students walking home will always want to buy something to eat," Yang Ming said with great interest, "We have to make the most of our location."
"That's it, the key word is fried chicken nuggets that we eat while walking, so we have a chance of winning in a short time."
Kohei Chuang's really lively mood drove the other two together.
"Then let's get moving" "Since the customers are mainly students, let's try to use a recipe that is slightly more suitable for their taste."
Mozu House's chicken nugget recipe contains years of chefs with a passion for fried chicken, and the final perfect ratio of marinade that has accumulated through countless experiments is not something they can imitate casually.
That's why they have to take a compromise approach to avoid this.
That's what they're doing right now.
Kohei Sojin's second attempt to revive the shopping street began without further ado "Fruit puree and onions make the fried chicken rich and varied, but for the students, it might not be as effective as seasoning it with curry powder, well, just do it."
The flavor of the chicken is one of the most important aspects of the process of frying the chicken nuggets, and Kohei Soma also thought about this step for a long time, and he sprinkled some cheese powder on the previously cut chicken pieces to let the cheese powder melt on the surface of the chicken nuggets.
"How does it taste" After the fried chicken was fried, the golden fried chicken nuggets looked extremely attractive, and Kohei Soma resisted his desire to eat a piece first, and brought the plate to the two girls.
"It's delicious," Mito Yumei said, but Kohei Sojin could clearly hear the insincerity in his words.
Yang Ming said very directly, "You are far from the fried chicken nuggets in the Mozu Bird House, which makes people feel completely unsatisfied." ” Xingping Chuangzhen didn't feel anything, this was just his handiwork, but according to Yang Ming's words, there should be a lot of room for adjustment